
Temporal range: Middle Silurian
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Mollusca
Class: Cephalopoda
Subclass: Nautiloidea
Order: Orthocerida
Superfamily: Orthocerataceae
Family: Paraphragmitidae
Genus: Gaspocyrtoceras
Foerste 1936

Gaspocyrtoceras is an orthocerid genus included in the Paraphragmitidae. Its fossils are limited to North America and have been found in Wisconsin and Quebec.

The shell of Gaspocyrtoceras is a coarsely annularted exogastric cyrtocone. Curvature is upward, the ventral side convex in profile. Annulations slope dorso-ventally to the rear as they do in Calocyrtoceras. Striations on the surface, fine goove-like features, are longitudinal in contrast to the transvere striations of Cyrtocycloceras.


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