Gatot Mangkoepradja
Gatot Mangkoepradja (born in Sumedang, West Java, 25 December 1898 - died in Bandung, West Java, 4 October 1968 at the age of 69 years). Father was dr. Mangkoepradja Saleh, the first doctor of Sumedang origin.
Organizations and political career
Gatot Mangkoepradja involvement in the national movement begins when it merged with Rally Indonesia (PI). When Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) stood at Bandung on 4 July 1927, Gatot immediately Mangkoepradja merging with organizations led by Ir. Soekarno s. Due to uphold the concept of Indonesian revolution, then on 24 December 1929 Government Dutch East Indies issue arrest warrants against Gatot Mangkoepradja and other PNI leaders. Gatot arrest on possible new Mangkoepradja on 29 December 1929 in Yogyakarta. Gatot arrested along with Ir. Soekarno. They were then taken to Bandung and dijebloskan to Prison Banceuy.
On 18 August 1930, Gatot charged Mangkoepradja from Bandung Landraad along with Ir. Soekarno, Maskoen Soemadiredja and Soepriadinata. They snared with Article 169 charges and 153 bus bus Wetboek van Strafrecht (Penal Code its colonial). They are judged by Chief Judge: Mr. Siegenbeek van Heukelom with prosecutors: R. Soemadisoerja. This event is known by the name of Indonesia sue.
On 25 April 1931, due to PNI split into Partindo and PNI-New, then Gatot Partindo Mangkoepradja join this party because he felt similarities ideology with PNI. But not for long, finally it is out of Partindo disappointed because the Soekarno and joined the New PNI-led Hatta.
In the days of Japanese, Gatot Mangkoepradja which has been improved by Japanese authorized to carry out a movement that is Nippon Protector 3 Asia, Nippon Light of Asia, Nippon Asian leaders. But this attempt failed because the Japanese do not want to Gatot Mangkoepradja cooperative. Because of this rejection then it stopped by Kempeitei.
Once out of custody, he filed a motion to Japan to form an army of Homeland Defenders (MAP). Finally on 3 October 1943 officially dibentuklah Homeland Defenders Volunteer Force (MAP) by Osamu Seirei No. 44 Year 1943.
After independence back Mangkoepradja Gatot joined PNI in 1948. A year later he served as the General Secretary PNI replace Sabillal Rasjad drawn to BP Knip. It left PNI in 1955 because PNI disappointed that members can not participate in the regional organization.
After the events of Gestapu coup in 1965, Gatot Mangkoepradja express himself in to Party IPKI because this party fought to save Pancasila from the threat communism.
Gatot Mangkoepradja died on 4 October 1968 and was buried in the general cemetery Sirnaraga, Bandung.