Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer

Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer (Arabic: غازي ابراهيم ابو ميزر) was a militant bomb-maker.[1][2][3] Senator Burns said the 9/11 Commission said Mezer "planned to bomb the Atlantic Avenue subway in Brooklyn, New York in 1997, was arrested on his third illegal entry into the United States along the northwest border with Canada." After Canada refused to take back Abu Mezer he was paroled into the United States in June 1996 because of a lack of detention space along the northern border. One expert noted that by releasing him into the country, "the INS effectively made the northern border meaningless. That is, being captured on the border produced exactly the same result as if he had successfully slipped across the border undetected."[4]

Mezer and another man, Lafi Khalil, were said to be captured with several home-made bombs in July 1997.[3][5][6][7] A room-mate was reported to have tipped off police, while acting as an informant.[8] When the police arrived, both men were shot.[9] Canadian journalist Stewart Bell later claimed that the pair had detonated their suicide vests,[9] although news stories did not seem to indicate that was the case.[8]

The men were reported to be linked to Palestinian group Hamas .


  1. "TERRORIST PLOT TO BOMB NEW YORK SUBWAY SYSTEM". Archived from the original on 2008-05-27. Retrieved 21 August 2008. mirror
  2. Conrad Burns (20 December 2005). "Response from Senator Conrad Burns". Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Canada) Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved 21 August 2008. mirror
  3. 1 2 "Profile: Gazi Ibrahim Abu Mezer". History Commons. 31 July 1997. Retrieved 21 August 2008. mirror
  4. Steven Camarota, The Open Door: How Militant Islamic Terrorists Entered and Remained in the United States, 1993-2001, Center for Immigration Studies, May 2002. Available at:
  5. "Suspects in NYC subways attack linked to Hamas". South Coast Today. 2 August 1997. Retrieved 21 August 2008. mirror
  6. "Motive sought in New York subway bomb plot". CNN. Retrieved 21 August 2008. mirror
  7. "DEADLY IMITATION". PBS Newshour. 1 August 1997. Retrieved 21 August 2008. mirror
  8. 1 2 Goldman, John J. Los Angeles Times, "5 Bombs Seized in N.Y.; Subway Called Target", 1 August 1997
  9. 1 2 Stewart Bell. "Cold Terror", 2005
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