General Government administration


General Government administration (in German Generalgouvernement für die besetzten polnischen Gebiete) - government and administration of General Government created on part of area of the Second Republic of Poland under Nazi German rule during the duration of World War II between 1939 and early 1945.
"No government protectorate is anticipated for Poland, but a complete German administration. (...) Leadership layer of the population in Poland should be as far as possible, disposed of. The other lower layers of the population will receive no special schools, but are to be oppressed in some form". - The excerpts of the minute of the first conference of Heads of the main police officers and commanders of operational groups led by Heydrich`s deputy, SS-Brigadefuhrer Dr. Werner Best, Berlin 7 September 1939.[1]
After Invasion of Poland the first German administration on occupied Polish areas was set by German military Wehrmacht. Subordinated to them was improvised civilian "Chiefs of Civil Administration" (Chefs der Zivilverwaltung, CdZ) led by Hans Frank.[2] After ending of military actions between October and November 1939 Germans created administered by a General-Governor (German: Generalgouverneur) aided by the Office of the General-Governor (Amt des Generalgouverneurs), changed on December 9, 1940 to the Government of the General Government (Regierung des Generalgouvernements). His chief was General-Governor (Dr. Hans Frank) and the Office (later, the Government) was headed by Chief of the Government (Regierung, title translated also as the State Secretary or Deputy Governor) Josef Bühler. Several other individuals had powers to issue legislative decrees in addition to the General Governor, most notably the Higher SS and Police Leader of General Government (Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger, later Wilhelm Koppe). All members of the first office:[3]
- 1. Hans Frank - Generalgouverneur
- 2. Josef Bühler - Chief of the Government,[4]
- 3. Friedrich Wilhelm Krüger - Chief of the Police,
- 4. Otto von Wächter - Gouverneur of the Kraków District,
- 5. Friedrich Schmidt - Gouverneur of the Lublin District,
- 6. Karl Lasch - Gouverneur of the Radom District,
- 7. Ludwig Fischer - Gouverneur of the Warsaw District,
- 8. Wilhelm Heuber - Power of attorney (niem.„Bevollmächtigter des Generalgouverneurs“) of the General Government in Berlin.
The General Government had no international recognition. The territories it administered were never either in whole or part intended as any future Polish state. According to the Nazi government the Polish state had ceased to exist, in spite of the existence of a Polish government-in-exile.[5] Its character was that of a puppet state. It was not a Polish puppet government, as there were no Polish representatives above the local administration.
Administrative division

General Government was divided on 5 districts:
- 1. Kraków District, led by SS-Brigadeführer Dr Otto von Wächter (between 26 October 1939 to 22 August 1942) and SS-Brigadeführer Dr Richard Wendler from 31 August 1942 to 26 Mai 1943
- 2. Lublin District, led by Friedrich Schmidt (from 1939 to March 1940), Ernst Zörner (from 31 March 1940 to 10 April 1943) and Richard Wendler (from 27 Mai 1943 to July 1944)
- 3. Radom District, led by Karl Lasch from 26 October 1939 to July 1941 and Ernst Kundt from September 1941 to 16 August 1945,
- 4. Warsaw District, led by Ludwig Fischer from 26 October 1939 to 17 August 1945,
- 5. Galicia District (from 1 September 1941), led by dr Karl Lasch from 1 September 1941 to 6 August 1942 and SS-Gruppenführer Otto von Wächter from 1 February 1942 to July 1944.[6]
Organisation of Government
The government seat of the General Government was located in Kraków (German: Krakau) rather than the traditional Polish capital Warsaw for security reasons. The official state language was German, although Polish continued to be used to a large degree as well, especially on the local levels. Several institutions of the old Polish state were retained in some form for ease of administration. The Polish police, with no high-ranking Polish officers (who were arrested or demoted), was renamed the Blue Police and became subordinated to the Ordnungspolizei. The Polish educational system was similarly kept, but most higher institutions were closed. The Polish local administration was kept, subordinated to new German bosses. The Polish fiscal system, including the złoty currency, was kept, but with revenues now going to the German state. A new bank was created, and was issuing new banknotes. The Government of the General Government has 12 departments:
- I Hauptabteilung Innere Verwaltung - Departament of Interior, led from October 1939 - September 1940 Friedrich Siebert, between September 1940 - November 1940 Ernst Kundt, November 1940 - January 1942 Eberhard Westerkamp, from February 1942 to January 1943 Ludwig Siebert, January 1943 - October 1943 Ludwig Losacker and between November 1943 - 1945 Harry Georg von Crausshaar,
- II Hauptabteilung Finanzen - Departament of Finance, led between March 1940 - January 1942 Alfred Spindler and from January 1942 - 1945 by Hermann Senkowsky[7]
- III Hauptabteilung Justiz - Departament of Justice led from Mai 1942 to 1945 by Kurt Wille
- IV Hauptabteilung Wirtschaft - Departament of Economy, led by Richard Zetsche and Walter Emmerich,[8]
- V Hauptabteilung Ernahrung und Landwirtschaft -
- VI Hauptabteilung Forsten - Departament of Forests, October 1939 - 1945 Kurt Eissfeldt,
- VII Hauptabteilung Arbeit - Departament of Labour, led by between November 1939 - November 1942 Max Frauendorf, from November 1942 to August 1943 Alexander Rhetz and between August 1943 - 1945 Wilhelm Struve,
- VIII Hauptabteilung Propaganda - Departament of Propaganda, led by Max du Prel.[9]
- IX Hauptabteilung Wissenshaft und Unterricht -
- X Hauptabteilung Bauwesen - Departament of Building from August 1940 to 1945 led by Theodor Bauder,[10]
- XI Hauptabteilung Eisenbahn - led from October 1939 to December 1942 Hellmut Körner, from December 1942 - 1945 Karl Naumann,
- XII Hauptabteilung Post - Departament of Post led by Richard Lauxmann
The Germans sought to play Ukrainians and Poles off against each other. Within ethnic Ukrainian areas annexed by Germany, beginning in October 1939, Ukrainian Committees were established with the purpose of representing the Ukrainian community to the German authorities and assisting the approximately 30,000 Ukrainian refugees who fled from Soviet-controlled territories. These committees also undertook cultural and economic activities that had been banned by the previous Polish government. Schools, choirs, reading societies and theaters were opened, and twenty Ukrainian churches that had been closed by the Polish government were reopened. A Ukrainian publishing house was created in Cracow, which despite having to struggle with German censors and paper shortages was able to publish school textbooks, classics of Ukrainian literature, and the works of dissident Ukrainian writers from the Soviet Union. By March 1941 there were 808 Ukrainian educational societies with 46,000 members. Ukrainian organizations within the General Government were able to negotiate the release of 85,000 Ukrainian prisoners of war from the German-Polish conflict (although they were unable to help Soviet POWs of Ukrainian ethnicity).[11]
After the war, the Polish Supreme National Tribunal declared that the government of the General Government was a criminal institution.
See also
- ↑ "Man to man...", Rada Ochrony Pamięci Walk i Męczeństwa, Warsaw 2011, English version
- ↑ Dieter Schenk (2006). Frank: Hitlers Kronjurist und General-Gouverneur, ISBN 978-3-10-073562-1.
- ↑ "Wybór tekstów źródłowych z historii państwa i prawa. Okres okupacji hitlerowskiej na ziemiach polskich.", Alfred Konieczny, Uniwersytet Wrocławski, Wrocław 1980.
- ↑ Bogdan Musial: Deutsche Zivilverwaltung und Judenverfolgung im Generalgouvernement. Wiesbaden 1999, S. 382
- ↑ Majer (1981), p. 265.
- ↑ Bogdan Musial: Deutsche Zivilverwaltung und Judenverfolgung im Generalgouvernement. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-447-04208-7; 2. unv. Aufl., ebd. 2004, ISBN 3-447-05063-2
- ↑ Höchste Nazi-Beamte im General-Gouvernement in Polen in den Kriegsjahren 1939-45, von Towiah Friedman, Verlag Institute of Documentation in Israel, 2002.
- ↑ Christopher R. Browning, The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939 – March 1942, U of Nebraska Press, 2007, s. 126
- ↑ Max du Prel, "Das Deutsche Generalgouvernement Polen - Ein Überblick über Gebiet", Gestaltung und Geschichte Krakau 1940.
- ↑ Werner Präg, Wolfgang Jacobmeyer (Hrsg.): Das Diensttagebuch des deutschen Generalgouverneurs in Polen 1939–1945. (= Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte, Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte, Band 20.) Stuttgart 1975, ISBN 3-421-01700-X, S. 947.
- ↑ Myroslav Yurkevich. (1986). Galician Ukrainians in German Military Formations and in the German Administration. In Ukraine during World War II: history and its aftermath : a symposium (Yuri Boshyk, Roman Waschuk, Andriy Wynnyckyj, Eds.). Edmonton: University of Alberta, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press pp. 73-74
- Ernst Klee, Das Personenlexikon zum Dritten Reich. Wer war was vor und nach 1945? ("The Encyclopedia of People in the Third Reich. Who was What before and after 1945?") Frankfurt am Main: S. Fischer, 2003; 2nd edition. 2005, 732 pages, ISBN 3-596-16048-0.
- Berenstein Tatiana, Rutkowski Adam: Niemiecka administracja wojskowa na okupowanych ziemiach polskich (1 września — 25 października 1939 r.). in: Najnowsze Dziejke Polski. Materiały i studia z okresu II wojny światowej. Bd. VI. Warszawa 1962. S. 45-57
- Bogdan Musial: Deutsche Zivilverwaltung und Judenverfolgung im Generalgouvernement. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 1999, ISBN 3-447-04208-7; 2. unv. Aufl., ebd. 2004, ISBN 3-447-05063-2.
- Das Generalgouvernement. Reisehandbuch. Karl Baedeker Verlag, Leipzig 1943 – drei Datierungen der Übersichtskarte: IV.43, VI.43, undatiert.
- Max du Prel (Hrsg.): Das General-Gouvernement. Konrad Triltsch, Würzburg 1942.
- Werner Präg/Wolfgang Jacobmeyer (Hrsg.): Das Diensttagebuch des deutschen Generalgouverneurs in Polen 1939–1945 (= Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte. Bd. 20). Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, Stuttgart 1975, ISBN 3-421-01700-X (Veröffentlichung des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte).