General selection model

The General Selection Model (GSM) is a model of population genetics that describes how a population's allele frequencies will change when acted upon by natural selection.


The General Selection Model applied to a single gene with two alleles (let's call them A1 and A2) is encapsulated by the equation:

\Delta q=\frac{pq  \big[q(W_2-W_1) + p(W_1 - W_0)\big ]}{\overline{W}}

p is the frequency of allele A1
q is the frequency of allele A2
\Delta q is the rate of evolutionary change of the frequency of allele A2
W_0,W_1, W_2 are the relative fitnesses of homozygous A1, heterozygous (A1A2), and homozygous A2 genotypes respectively.
\overline{W} is the mean population relative fitness.

In words:

The product of the relative frequencies, pq, is a measure of the genetic variance. The quantity pq is maximized when there is an equal frequency of each gene, when p=q. In the GSM, the rate of change \Delta Q is proportional to the genetic variation.

The mean population fitness \overline{W} is a measure of the overall fitness of the population. In the GSM, the rate of change \Delta Q is inversely proportional to the mean fitness \overline{W}—i.e. when the population is maximally fit, no further change can occur.

The remainder of the equation,  \big[q(W_2-W_1) + p(W_1 - W_0)\big ], refers to the mean effect of an allele substitution. In essence, this term quantifies what effect genetic changes will have on fitness.

See also

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