Generation Z
Generation Z (commonly abbreviated to Gen Z, also known as iGeneration, Centennials, Homeland Generation or Plurals) are the cohort of people born after the Millennials. The generation is generally defined with birth years ranging from the mid to late 1990s through the 2010s or alternately ranging from the early 2000s through the early 2020s.
A significant aspect of this generation is its widespread usage of the internet from a young age. Members of Generation Z are typically thought of as being comfortable with technology, and interacting on social media websites for a significant portion of their socializing. Some commentators have suggested that growing up through the Great Recession has given the cohort a feeling of unsettlement and insecurity.
Authors William Strauss and Neil Howe wrote several books on the subject of generations and are widely credited with coining the term Millennials.[1] Howe has said "No one knows who will name the next generation after the Millennials".[1] In 2005, their company sponsored an online contest in which respondents voted overwhelmingly for the name Homeland Generation. That was not long after the September 11th terrorist attacks, and one fallout of the disaster was that Americans may have felt more safe staying at home.[2] Howe has described himself as "not totally wed" to the name and cautioned that "names are being invented by people who have a great press release. Everyone is looking for a hook."[1] Howe defines the Homeland Generation as people born from approximately 2005 to 2025, describing the 2005 date as "tentative" and saying that "you can’t be sure where history will someday draw a cohort dividing line until a generation fully comes of age". He noted that the Millennials' range beginning in 1982 would point to the next generation's window starting between 2000 and 2006.[3][4]
Adweek defines Generation Z as those born in 1995 or later and describes this cohort as "social natives" who grew up alongside the Internet and rely on it for socializing and also for school.[5]
In Australia, a 2005 report from the McCrindle Research Center used 2001 as the starting point of this generation's birth years.[6] A later McCrindle report in 2009 gave a range of 1995–2009, starting with a recorded rise in birth rates, and fitting their newer definition of a generational span as 15 years.[7] Speaking at a TEDx event in 2015, Mark McCrindle described those born in 2010 or later as members of the cohort which follows Generation Z, which he named "Generation Alpha", noting that scientific disciplines often move to the Greek alphabet after exhausting the Roman alphabet.[8]
Statistics Canada defines Generation Z as starting with the birth year 1993.[9]
The Futures Company has used the term "Centennials" to describe the generation born since 1997.[10][11]
In 2012, USA Today sponsored an online contest for readers to choose the name of the next generation after the Millennials. The name Generation Z was suggested, although journalist Bruce Horovitz thought that some might find the term "off-putting". Some other names that were proposed included: iGeneration, Gen Tech, Gen Wii, Net Gen, Digital Natives, and Plurals.[1][12] According to Horovitz, the generation begins roughly around 1995.[1] He also referenced the Strauss and Howe birth dates that begin in 2005.
iGeneration (or iGen) is a name that several individuals claim to have coined. Psychology professor and author Jean Twenge claims that the name iGen "just popped into her head" while she was driving near Silicon Valley, and that she had intended to use it as the title of her 2006 book Generation Me until it was overridden by her publisher. Demographer Cheryl Russell claims to have first used the term in 2009.[1]
Matt Carmichael, a past director of data strategy at Ad Age, said in 2012 "we think iGen is the name that best fits and will best lead to understanding of this generation".[1] In 2014, an NPR news intern noted that iGeneration "seems to be winning" as the name for the post-Millennials.[13] It has been described as "a wink and nod to Apple's iPod and iPhone",[1] while former Ad Age writer Matt Carmichael notes that the lowercase "i" in iGeneration "leaves room for interpretation" and "could be any number of things: It could be for interactive, it could be for international, it could be for something we haven't thought of yet." [13] In response to naming a generation after a branded product, Randy Apuzzo, technologist and CEO of, published an article titled "Always Connected: Generation Z, the Digitarians",[14] in which he calls the new generation 'Digitarians'[14] because they are the first generation that has been "always connected to the internet" and were raised with touch devices. Statistics Canada has noted that the cohort is sometimes referred to as "the Internet generation," as it is the first generation to have been born after the invention of the Internet.[15] Criticism of the term has been that it could "sound like an adapter used to charge your phone on the bus".[16]
Frank N. Magid Associates, an advertising and marketing agency, nicknamed this cohort "The Pluralist Generation" or 'Plurals' who they say started from 1997 into the present day.[17] Turner Broadcasting System also advocated calling the post-millennial generation 'Plurals'.[18][19]
Many other researchers also put the starting date for Generation Z at about 1995 or 1996.[20][21]
MTV has labeled the generation that follows Millennials "The Founders'". In March 2015, the network asked more than 1,000 kids who were born after December 2000, what they should be called, generating 544 names including the Navigators, the Regenerators, the Builders, and the Bridge Generation. The winner was the Founders. MTV President Sean Atkins says the name acknowledges that while Millennials have disrupted society, it’s the new generation’s job to rebuild it saying, “they have this self-awareness that systems have been broken, but they can’t be the generation that says we’ll break it even more.” [22]
Demographics in the United States
According to Forbes, in 2015 Generation Z made up 25% of the U.S. population, making them a larger cohort than the Baby Boomers or Millennials.[23] Frank N. Magid Associates estimates that in the United States, 55% of Plurals are Caucasian, 24% are Hispanic, 14% are African-American, 4% are Asian, and 4% are multiracial or other.[24]
Non-traditional households are one of the most prominent features associated with Generation Z's familial culture. In the 2010s, fewer women are having children (around 80 percent of those of childbearing age, against 90 percent in the 1970s), and those who do have fewer children at a later age.[25] Marriage rates have fallen as well as divorce rates, which are still relatively high. According to the U.S. census of 2010, both women and men get married at a later age– women's first marriage averaging to the age of 26 and men's to the age of 29. This is due to the popular idea of becoming financially and emotionally independent before beginning a life with a significant other or children. Multiracial families have also become very prevalent.
In the U.S. census of 2001, 6.8% of people under the age of 18 claimed to be more than one race.[26] In addition to an increase in multiracial families, there are more same-sex marriages and families in communities across the country.[27]
The oldest members of Generation Z will be the first to come of age after same-sex marriage was legalized nationally in 2015. Generation Z is the first to overwhelmingly approve of same-sex marriage in their adolescence.[28] According to a Frank N. Magid Associates white paper, generation Z exhibits positive feelings about the increasing ethnic diversity in the U.S.,[24] and they are more likely than older generations to have social circles that include people from different ethnic groups, races and religions.[29]
Generation Z are predominantly the children of Generation X.[30][31][32] According to marketing firm Frank N. Magid they are "the least likely to believe that there is such a thing as the American Dream", while Baby Boomers and their Millennial children are more likely to believe in it.[24] According to Public Relations Society of America, the Great Recession has taught Generation Z to be independent, and has led to an entrepreneurial desire, after seeing their parents and older siblings struggle in the workforce.[33] Business Insider describes Generation Z as more conservative, more money-oriented, more entrepreneurial and pragmatic about money compared to Millennials.[34]
A 2013 survey by Ameritrade found that 46% of Generation Z in the United States (considered here to be those between the ages of 14 and 23) were concerned about student debt, while 36% were worried about being able to afford a college education at all.[35] This generation is faced with a growing income gap and a shrinking middle-class, which all have led to increasing stress levels in families.[36]
Both the September 11 terrorist attacks and the Great Recession have greatly influenced the attitudes of this generation in the United States. The oldest members of generation Z were 7 to 8 years-old when the 9/11 attacks occurred.[37] Turner suggests it is likely that both events have resulted in a feeling of unsettlement and insecurity among the people of Generation Z with the environment in which they were being raised. The economic recession of 2008 is particularly important to historical events that have shaped Generation Z, due to the ways in which their childhoods may have been affected by the recession's shadow; that is, the financial stresses felt by their parents.[38] Although the Millennials experienced these events during their coming of age, Generation Z lived through them as part of their childhood, affecting their realism and world-view.[39] Obama's rise to presidency has also played a fundamental role in providing an identity to Generation Z.
A 2014 study Generation Z Goes to College found that Generation Z students self-identify as being loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible, and determined.[40] How they see their Generation Z peers is quite different than their own self-identity. They view their peers as competitive, spontaneous, adventuresome, and curious; all characteristics that they do not see readily in themselves.[40]
Generation Z is generally more risk-adverse in certain activities than the Millennials. In 2013, 66% of teenagers (older members of Generation Z) had tried alcohol, down from 82% in 1991. Also in 2013, 8% of Gen. Z teenagers never or rarely wear a seatbelt when riding in a car with someone else, as opposed to 26% in 1991.[39]
A 2016 U.S. study found that church attendance during young adulthood was 41% among Generation Z, compared with 18 percent for millennials at the same ages, 21 percent of Generation X, and 26 percent of baby boomers.[41]
Technology and social media
Generation Z is the first to have internet technology so readily available at a very young age.[42] With the web revolution that occurred throughout the 1990s, they have been exposed to an unprecedented amount of technology in their upbringing. As technology became more compact and affordable, the popularity of smartphones in the United States grew exponentially. With 77% of 12–17 year olds owning a cellphone in 2015,[43] technology has strongly influenced Generation Z in terms of communication and education. Forbes magazine suggested that by the time Generation Z entered the workplace, digital technology would be an aspect of almost all career paths.[35] Anthony Turner characterizes Generation Z as having a 'digital bond to the internet', and argues that it may help youth to escape from emotional and mental struggles they face offline.[38] According to US consultancy Sparks and Honey in 2014, 41% of Generation Z spend more than three hours per day using computers for purposes other than schoolwork, compared to 22% in 2004.[44]
In 2015, Generation Z comprised the largest portion of the U.S. population, at nearly 26%, edging out Millennials (24.5%), and the generation is estimated to generate $44 billion in annual spending. About three-quarters of 13–17 years olds use their cellphones daily, more than they watch TV. Over half of surveyed mothers say the demo influences them in purchasing decisions for toys, apparel, dinner choices, entertainment, TV, mobile and computers. Among social media, only Instagram is in popularity in the demo.[45]
In 2015, an estimated 150,000 apps, 10% of those in Apple's app store, were educational and aimed at children up to college level.[46] While researchers and parents agree the change in educational paradigm is significant, the results of the changes are mixed. On one hand, smartphones offer the potential for deeper involvement in learning[46] and more individualized instruction, thereby making this generation potentially better educated and more well-rounded. On the other hand, some researchers and parents are concerned that the prevalence of smart phones will cause technology dependence[47] and a lack of self-regulation that will hinder child development.[47]
An online newspaper about texting, SMS and MMS writes that teens own cellphones without necessarily needing them.[48] As children become teenagers, receiving a phone is considered a rite of passage in some countries, allowing the owner to be further connected with their peers and it is now a social norm to have one at an early age. An article from the Pew Research Center stated that "nearly three-quarters of teens have or have access to a smartphone and 30% have a basic phone, while just 12% of teens 13 to 17 say they have no cell phone of any type".[49] These numbers are only on the rise and the fact that the majority of Gen Z's own a cell phone has become one of this generations defining characteristics. As a result of this "24% of teens go online 'almost constantly'".[49]
Teens are much more likely to share different types of information, as of 2012, compared to in 2006.[50] However, they will take certain steps to protect certain information that they do not want being shared. They are more likely to "follow" others on social media than "share" and use different types of social media for different purposes.[40] Focus group testing found that while teens may be annoyed by many aspects of Facebook, they continue to use it because participation is important in terms of socializing with friends and peers. Twitter and Instagram are seen to be gaining popularity in member of Generation Z, with 24% (and growing) of teens with access to the Internet having Twitter accounts.[50] This is, in part, due to parents not typically using these social networking sites.[50] Snapchat is also seen to have gained attraction in Generation Z because videos, pictures, messages send much faster than regular messaging. Speed and reliability are important factors in how members of Generation Z choice of social networking platform. This need for quick communication is presented in popular Generation Z apps like Vine (service) and the prevalent use of emojis.[39]
In a study performed by psychologists it was found that young people use the internet as a way to gain access to information and to interact with others. Mobile technology, social media, and internet usage have become increasingly important to modern adolescents over the past decade. Very few, however, are changed from what they gain access to online.[51] Youths are using the internet as a tool to gain social skills, that they then apply to real life situations, and learn about things that interest them. Teens spend most of their time online in private communication with people they interact with outside the internet on a regular basis. While social media is used for keeping up with global news and connections, it is mainly used for developing and maintaining relationships with people with whom they are close in proximity. The use of social media has become integrated into the daily lives of most Gen Z'ers who have access to mobile technology. They use it on a daily basis to keep in contact with friends and family, particularly those who they see every day. As a result, the increased use of mobile technology has caused Gen Z'ers to spend more time on their smartphones, and social media and has caused online relationship development to become a new generational norm.[52] Gen Z'ers are generally against the idea of photoshopping and they are against changing themselves to be considered perfect. The parents of the Gen Z'ers fear the overuse of the internet by their children. Parents have a disliking for the access to inappropriate information and images as well as social networking sites where children can gain access to people from all over. Children reversely felt annoyed with their parents and complained about parents being overly controlling when it came to their internet usage.[51] Gen Z uses social media and other sites to strengthen bonds with friends and to develop new ones. They interact with people who they otherwise would not have met in the real world, becoming a tool for identity creation.[51]
Social media is known to be a vehicle to express how members of Generation Z go about their daily lives and also express their beliefs. On the one hand, this understanding of the use of social media makes even more prevalent the issues of racism in society.[53] On the other hand, when people attend events in support of certain social justice movements, members of Generation Z are much more likely to post on their social media pages about the event. In part, this is to further prove that they stand by their beliefs. Moreover, this also spreads awareness of the movement and leads to the growth of a movement.[54]
In Japan, there is a difference emphasized between the "Digital Natives" or 86' generation (those born after 1986) and "Neo-Digital Natives" or 96' generation (those born after 1996). Digital Natives primarily communicate by text or voice, while neo-digital natives use video or movies. This emphasizes the shift from PC to mobile and text to video among the neo-digital population.[55]
Jason Dorsey, a notable Gen Y speaker who runs the Center for Generational Kinetics, stated in a TEDxHouston talk that this generation begins after 1996 to present. He stressed notable differences in the way that they both consume technology, in terms of smartphone usage at an earlier age. 18% of Generation Z thinks that it is okay for a 13 year old to have a smartphone compared to earlier generations which say 4%.[56][57][58]
According to a Northeastern University Survey, 81% of Generation Z believes obtaining a college degree is necessary in achieving career goals.[59] As Generation Z enters high school, they start preparing for college. Generation Z works hard in high school to get good grades, in order to get into colleges and earn scholarships. Generation Z is not concerned about getting a job after college like the Millennials are because Generation Z will be entering the workforce over a decade after the Great Recession happened, so it is more likely that the job availability will be greater than it was for the Millennials.[60] Also, Generation Z has greater technological knowledge than any other generation has had because Generation Z has grown up with cell phones and computers starting at a young age so they have an advantage in working with technology in the workforce after college. Student debt is a big concern for Generation Z. According to NeaToday, a publication by the National Education Association, two thirds of Gen Zers entering college are concerned about affording college. One quarter hope that their parents will cover the majority of the cost, and a third of students rely on grants and scholarships to help pay for college. While the cost of attending college is incredibly high for most Gen Zers, according to NeaToday, 65% say the benefits of graduating college exceed the costs.[60]
Mark Bauerlein highlights the effect of heavy reliance on technology in the classroom and other learning environments. The tech generation has developed a dependency on "hopping from link to link"[61] to easily find answers when they come across information they do not understand. This hinders their ability to comprehend complex texts as these texts require the ability to concentrate and focus on single phrases, read between the lines, and understand subtle intentions of the text. The cohort of Generation Z prefer fast and efficient productivity and are masters of multitasking. The result of insufficient exposure to physical copies of complex texts produces unskilled readers as Mark Bauerlein points out, "readers can't proceed to the next paragraph without grasping the previous one, they can't glide over unfamiliar words and phrases, and they can't forget what they read four pages earlier. They must double back, discern ambiguities, follow tricky transitions, and keep a dictionary close at hand."[61]
Generation Z college students prefer intrapersonal and independent learning over group work, yet like to do their solo work alongside others in a social manner when studying.[40] They like their learning to be practical and hands-on and want their professors to help them engage with and apply the content rather than simply share what they could otherwise find on their own online.[40]
"Generation Z" is revolutionizing the educational system in many aspects. Thanks in part to a rise in the popularity of entrepreneurship, high schools and colleges across the globe are including entrepreneurship in their curriculums.[62]
Employment prospects
According to Hal Brotheim in Introducing Generation Z, they will be better future employees.[63] With the skills needed to take advantage of advanced technologies, they will be significantly more helpful to the typical company in today's high tech world.[63] Brotheim argues that their valuable characteristics are their acceptance of new ideas and different conception of freedom from the previous generations.
Despite the technological proficiency they possess, members of Generation Z actually prefer person to person contact as opposed to online interaction. As a result of the social media and technology they are accustomed to, Generation Z is well prepared for a global business environment.[64] Another important note to point out is Generation Z no longer wants just a job: they seek more than that. They want a feeling of fulfillment and excitement in their job that helps move the world forward.[39] Generation Z is eager to be involved in their community and their futures. Before college, Generation Z is already out in their world searching how to take advantage of relevant professional opportunities that will give them experience for the future.[64]
Mark McCrindle has suggested "Generation Alpha" and "Generation Glass" as names for the cohort following Generation Z.[65][65][66][67] McCrindle has predicted that this next generation will be "the most formally educated generation ever, the most technology supplied generation ever, and globally the wealthiest generation ever".[65] He has suggested that later generations might be named after the Greek alphabet, with those following Alpha being Generations "Beta", "Gamma" and "Delta".[65]
Author Alexandra Levit has suggested that there may not be a need to name the next generation, as technology has rendered the traditional 15–20 year cohorts obsolete. Levit notes that she "can't imagine my college student babysitter having the same experience as my four-year-old", despite both being in Generation Z.[68] Matt Carmichael, former director of data strategy at Advertising Age, noted in 2015 that many groups were "competing to come up with the clever name" for the generation following Generation Z.[68]
Social commentator Neer Korn has suggested there could be a backlash against consumerism from the cohort that follows Generation Z.[69]
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Horovitz, Bruce (May 4, 2012). "After Gen X, Millennials, what should next generation be?". USA Today. Retrieved November 24, 2012.
- ↑ Howe, Neil; Strauss, William (2008). Millennials & K-12 Schools. LifeCourse Associates. pp. 109–111. ISBN 0971260656.
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- ↑ Neil Howe and Bill Strauss (July–August 2007). "The Next 20 Years: How Customer and Workforce Attitudes Will Evolve". Harvard University. Retrieved 10 December 2015.
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- ↑ Generations Defined. Mark McCrindle
- ↑ Sterbenz, Christina (6 December 2015). "Here's who comes after Generation Z – and they're going to change the world forever". Business Insider. Retrieved 10 December 2015.
- ↑ "The Generation Z effect". The Globe and Mail.
- ↑ Williams, Alex (18 September 2015). "How to Spot a Member of Generation Z". New York Times. Retrieved 10 March 2016.
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- ↑ Junco, Reynol; Mastrodicasa, Jeanna (2007). Connecting to the Net.Generation: What higher education professionals need to know about today's students. NASPA. ISBN 9780931654480.
- 1 2 Samantha Raphelson (6 October 2014). "From GIs To Gen Z (Or Is It iGen?): How Generations Get Nicknames". NPR. Retrieved 7 October 2014.
- 1 2 Randy Apuzzo (1 August 2015). "Always Connected: Generation Z, the Digitarians". Randy Apuzzo. Retrieved 1 August 2015.
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- ↑ Angier, Natalie (2013-11-25). "The Changing American Family". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2015-12-10.
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- ↑ Innovation Imperative: Meet Generation Z
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- ↑ Williams, Alex (18 September 2015). "Move Over, Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z". The New York Times. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
- ↑ Beltramini, Elizabeth (October 2014). "Gen Z: Unlike the Generation Before". Associations of College Unions International. Retrieved 8 April 2016.
- ↑ Jenkins, Ryan (9 June 2015). "15 Aspects That Highlight How Generation Z Is Different From Millennials". Business2Community. Retrieved 29 March 2016.
- ↑ Dupont, Stephen (December 10, 2015). "Move Over Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z: Understanding the 'New Realists' Who Are Building the Future". Public Relations Tactics. Public Relations Society of America.
- ↑ "Goldman Sachs chart of the generations". Business Insider. Retrieved 2016-02-06.
- 1 2 Henderson, J Maureen (31 July 2013). "Move Over, Millennials: Why 20-Somethings Should Fear Teens". Forbes. Retrieved 5 November 2015.
- ↑ Turner, Anthony (June 1, 2015). "Generation Z: Technology and Social Interest". Journal of Individual Psychology.
- ↑ "Column: High-maintenance Generation Z heads to work". USATODAY.COM. Retrieved 2015-12-17.
- 1 2 Turner, Anthony. "Generation Z: Technology And Social Interest." Journal of Individual Psychology 71.2 (2015): 103–113. Academic Search Premier. Web 19 Nov. 2015
- 1 2 3 4 Williams, Alex (18 September 2015). "Move Over, Millennials, Here Comes Generation Z". New York Times. Retrieved December 16, 2015.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Seemiller, Corey (2016). Generation Z Goes to College. Jossey-Bass. ISBN 978-1-119-14345-1.
- ↑ Hope, J., 2016, Get your campus ready for Generation Z. Dean & Provost 17(8).
- ↑ Prensky, Marc (2001). "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants Part 1". On the Horizon.
- ↑ "Lookout". Retrieved 2015-12-01.
- ↑ "Meet Generation Z: Forget Everything You Learned About Millennials". Sparks and Honey. 17 June 2014. p. 39. Retrieved 16 December 2015.
- ↑ "Bookmarkable URL intermediate page". Retrieved 2015-12-10.
- 1 2 "Should CellPhones Be Allowed in School?". Retrieved 2015-12-01.
- 1 2 "Mobile and interactive media use by young children: The good, the bad and the unknown". EurekAlert!. Retrieved 2015-12-01.
- ↑ Regine (March 28, 2005). "Owning a cell phone is rite of passage for teenagers". Retrieved December 7, 2015.
- 1 2 Lenhart, Amanda (April 8, 2015). "Teens, Social Media & Technology Overview 2015". Pew Research Center. Pew Research Center Internet Science Tech RSS. Retrieved December 5, 2015.
- 1 2 3 Madden, Mary; et al. (May 21, 2013). "Teens, Social Media, and Privacy.". Pew Research Center. Retrieved December 10, 2015.
- 1 2 3 Borca, Gabriella; Bina, Manuela; Keller, Peggy S.; Gilbert, Lauren R.; Begotti, Tatiana (2015-11-01). "Internet use and developmental tasks: Adolescents' point of view". Computers in Human Behavior 52: 49–58. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2015.05.029.
- ↑ Borca. "Internet Use".
- ↑ Boyd, Danah (2014). It's Complicated: the social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.
- ↑ Storsul, Tanja (2014). "Deliberation Or Self-Presentation? Young People, Politics and Social Media.". Nordicom Review: Nordic Research on Media and Communication.
- ↑ Thomas, Michael (2011-04-19). Deconstructing Digital Natives: Young People, Technology, and the New Literacies. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 9781136739002.
- ↑ "Jason Dorsey TEDx Talk On Generation After Millennials: iGen Gen Z". Jason Dorsey. Retrieved 2016-04-06.
- ↑ TEDx Talks (2015-11-18), What do we know about the generation after millennials? | Jason Dorsey | TEDxHouston, retrieved 2016-04-06
- ↑ Dorsey, Jason (2016). "iGen Tech Disruption" (PDF). Center for Generational Kinetics. Retrieved April 6, 2016.
- ↑ "'Generation Z' is entrepreneurial, wants to chart its own future | news @ Northeastern". Retrieved 2015-12-10.
- 1 2 Hawkins, B. Denise. "Here Comes Generation Z. What Makes Them Tick?". NEA Today. Retrieved 2015-12-10.
- 1 2 Bauerlein, Mark (February 2011). "Too Dumb For Complex Texts". Educational Leadership.
- ↑
- 1 2 Brotheim, Hal (2014). Introducing Generation Z. American Jail Association. p. 15.
- 1 2 Levit, Alexandra (2015-03-28). "Make Way for Generation Z". The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 2015-12-22.
- 1 2 3 4 Williams, Alex (19 September 2015). "Meet Alpha: The Next 'Next Generation'". New York Times. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
- ↑ Sterbenz, Christina (6 December 2015). "Here's who comes after Generation Z - and they're going to change the world forever". Business Insider. Retrieved 10 December 2015.
- ↑ McCrindle, Mark (2010). The ABC of XYZ. Australia: University of New South Wales. ISBN 978-1742230351.
- 1 2 Vanderkam, Laura (10 August 2015). "What comes after Generation Z?". Fortune. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
- ↑ "Babies born from 2010 to form Generation Alpha". 15 November 2009. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
Further reading
- Tulgan, Bruce (26 June 2012). "High-maintenance Generation Z heads to work". USA Today.
- Combi, Chloe (2015). Generation Z: Their Voices, Their Lives. London: Hutchinson.
- Palfrey, John; Gasser, Urs (2008). Born Digital: Understanding the First Generation of Digital Natives. Basic Books.
- McCrindle, Mark; Wolfinger, Emily (2014). The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations. McCrindle Research.