Geoffrey Pleyers

Geoffrey Pleyers is a Professor of sociology at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.
Geoffrey Pleyers holds a PhD (Sociology) from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (2006). In July 2014, he was elected as president of the Research Committee 47 "Social classes and social movements" of the International Sociological Association, for a four year term.
His research interests include social movements, youth, food movements, and social movements in Mexico.
The underlying argument of his main book Alter-Globalization. Becoming Actors in the Global Age (Cambridge, Polity, 2010) is that current social movements develop two parallel cultures of activism in their quest for social change. One focuses on a bottom-up approach, implementing changes at the local scale and giving a prominent place to experience, subjectivity, experimentation and the local scale. The second one, the "way of reason" is based on a citizen expertise and institutional regulation.
Selected publications
- Alter-Globalization. Becoming Actors in the Global Age. Cambridge:Polity Press, 2011 ISBN 978-0-745-64676-3
- Forums Sociaux Mondiaux et Défis de l'Altermondialisme. Brussels: Academia, 2007, ISBN 978-2-87209-887-3
- La consommation critique Paris, Desclee de Brouwer, 2011. ISBN 978-2-22006-147-4
- Movimientos sociales. De lo local a lo global. Co-edited with Sergio Zermeño & Francis Mestries. Barcelona: Anthropos & Mexico City: UAM. ISBN 978-8-47658-936-6
- Ecology and the global age. A social movement perspective, in: Bringel & Dominguez eds., Global Modernity and Social Protests, London: Sag.
External links
- Main publications
- ISA Research Committee 47 "Social classes and social movements"
- Review of "Alter-Globalization" by Henrietta L. Moore