George Miller (murderer)

On August 5, 1884, George Robert Miller, now known and the "Inkster Axeman" or the "Inkster Axster" killed Abbie Snell and her son Herbet in their farm house near Inkster, North Dakota. He cut them both down in cold blood with an axe he had brought in from working on Snell's husband's farm. Her husband and other two children were in Grand Forks, North Dakota, approximately 35 miles away receiving schooling.

It was reported that he then proceeded to loot the house of its valuables and then ran on foot to a small hideout he had formed days earlier. He was found at that site by a posse sent after him with the permission of the governor of the state (Gilbert A. Pierce). He was found with blood on his hands and many pieces of jewelry and valuables, along with a very strange assortment of trinkets, including a slotted spoon, a fire poker, and a notepad with the letters "B C" written on the pages. It is speculated that it was either a form of code or gibberish, just proving his insanity even more. He was hung in public on October 30, 1885 for his crimes. His last words are reported to be pushing his innocence, stating that when he entered the farmhouse, two men ran out the back door after handing him a bloody axe. His gravestone now lies at the spot where he had made his hideout and was later discovered.

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