Gerald L. Geison

Gerald L. Geison, historian, born in Savanna, Illinois, died at 58 in 2001.


Gerald L. Geison went on to earn a doctorate in Yale University's Department of the History of Science and Medicine in 1970 and then joined the Princeton faculty, where he was a professor in the history department and the Program in History of Science.

"He wrote two books, The Private Science of Louis Pasteur (1995) and Michael Foster and the Cambridge School of Physiology: The Scientific Enterprise in Late Victorian Society (1978), and edited four more. In addition, he wrote about 40 scholarly essays and book reviews and contributed 20 articles to the Dictionary of Scientific Biography.

At Princeton, Professor Geison served as director of the Program in History of Science from 1980 to 1986 and was the program's director of graduate studies for many years. He was associate dean of the college from 1977 to 1979, master of the Graduate College from 1982 to 1985, and secretary of the Committee on the Course of Study from 1977 to 1979.

He received many honors and invitations to lecture on his work. The American Association for the History of Medicine awarded its 1996 William H. Welch Medal to Professor Geison's book on Pasteur. He was a visiting scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study, a visiting historical scholar at the National Library of Medicine and a visiting senior Wellcome fellow at the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine in London. He received a Howard Foundation fellowship in 1979-80.

Early in his academic career, Professor Geison was a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of the History of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University and a research fellow at the University of Minnesota Medical School.

Professor Geison was a member of the editorial board of the Journal of the History of Medicine (1996), a contributing editor of Osiris (1984-1991), and advisory editor of Isis (1979-82). He was a member of the History of Science Society and served on several society committees. He also served as a referee and consultant for the National Endowment for the Humanities, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the American Physiological Society, and the university presses of California, Cambridge, Harvard, Notre Dame, Oxford and Princeton[1]".

Opinions on his work

"Toppling great men from their pedestals, sometimes on the slenderest of evidence, has become a fashionable and lucrative industry, and a safe one, since they cannot sue because they are dead. Geison is in good company, but he, rather than Pasteur, seems to me guilty of unethical and unsavory conduct when he burrows through Pasteur’s notebooks for scraps of supposed wrongdoing and then inflates these out of all proportion, in order to drag Pasteur down. In fact, his evidence is contrived, and does not survive scientific examination." New York Review of Books. December 21, 1995


  1. 1 2 Necrology of the Princeton University, online
  2. T. Söderqvist et C. Stillweill, Essay Review: The Historiography of Immunology is Still in Its Infancy, Journal of the History of Biology 32: 205–215, 1999.
  3. Bruno Latour, Pasteur : guerre et paix des microbes, Paris, 2001, p. 10.
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