German fortification of Guernsey

Following the occupation of the Channel Islands by Wehrmacht forces on 30 June 1940, the existing defences were assessed to determine if they would be of use and found to be antiquated and woefully inadequate for modern warfare.

The expectation of invading the United Kingdom in the autumn of 1940 meant that any expenditure on defence would be a waste, initially only Feltmessige Anlage (field-type construction) positions were built.

Deutsches Reich
Widerstandsnest Grune Dune bunker

Fortify the Channel Islands

On 2 June 1941 Adolf Hitler asked for maps of the Channel Islands, these were provided next day. By 13 June Hitler had made a decision. Ordering additional men to the Islands and having decided the defences were inadequate, lacking tanks and coastal artillery, the Organisation Todt (OT) was instructed to undertake the building of 200-250 strongpoints in each of the larger islands. The ‘’Westbefestigungen’’ (Inspector of Western Fortresses) was in overall command, and reports would be made every two weeks of progress.[1]:190–3

On 16 June 1941 the instructions of Hitler was sent to the Islands from Oberbefehlshaber West to reinforcing of the islands since an Allied attack "must be reckoned with" in Summer 1941.[2]

German engineers having in 1938 and 1939 improved the Westwal or Siegfried Line the defensive line facing the French Maginot Line using 500,000 OT workers, they had a high level of skills and quickly worked out the detail of what was needed.[3]:8



The Regelbau (standard build) system used books of plans for each of over 600 approved types of bunker and casemate, each having a specific purpose, having been updated as enemy constructions were overrun and examined, even testing some to destruction for effectiveness, incorporating standard features, such as entrance door at right angles, armoured air intake, 30mm steel doors, ventilation, telephone,[4]:7 internal walls lined with wood, emergency exit.[5] There were over 200 standardised armour parts.[6]:350 Each area in the Islands was examined and priorities for construction set.

Wehrmacht defence works fell into three categories:[5]

Festpistab 19 (Fortress Engineer Staff 19) arrived in Guernsey in July 1941, to make plans for the construction works. A visit by Dr Todt himself took place in early October.[7]:16

Work would be split in accordance with Dr Todt’s Construction orders for the Channel Island works.

The plan, was finalised and submitted to Hitler.[8] The original defence order was reinforced with a second dated 20 October 1941, following a Fuhrer conference on 18 October to discuss the engineers assessment of requirements.[1]:197 Referring to the “permanent fortification” of the Islands to make an impregnable fortress to be completed within 14 months.[9]:448 Festungspionierkommandeur XIV was created to command the project of fortifying the Channel Islands.

The work would continue as planned, despite the death of Dr Todt, who was also Minister of Armaments, in a plane crash in February 1942. His job moving to Albert Speer.

Construction workers

Fortress Engineer specialist sub units would move between the Islands as required. Compressor, Mining, Rock Drilling etc.[7]:19 The majority of works would be carried out by the OT, the construction organization formed in 1933 that organised and supervised the work of a number of engineering and construction companies as well as supplying a large labour force.

Supervisors and OT labour was supplied to German construction companies, ten of which operated in the Channel Islands. Skilled labour was recruited as volunteers from countries that had been overrun by German troops including the Netherlands, Belgium and France to top up the thousands of German workers. These employees were paid and provided with accommodation, better food, time off, leave[10]:42 and comforts. German OT wore OT uniforms, civilians from other nations wore civilian clothes. OT gave Guernsey the code name Gustav.[1]:210–5

The manual labour would be provided using volunteer and conscripted labour who would be treated much better than forced labour, those picked from the millions of prisoners that would be taken during Operation Barbarossa and arrived in the Islands in late 1942.[11] others came from sources such as Poland, French camps full of Republican Spanish men who had fled Spain after losing the civil war, and 1,018 out of work French North Africans who were living in the South of France.[7]:59–60

It was not just men that became OT workers, a number of women also found themselves in work camps[12]:57 Some of the workers were of the Jewish faith, around 1,000 French Jews spent time in the Channel Islands. The lowest levels of manual labourers were treated like slaves, badly fed and clothed, beaten and punished for minor offences,[10]:33 they were considered expendable and some were worked to death. Conditions in Alderney were the worst where some Alderney camps were run for part of the time by the SS. Some of the OT supervisors were sadistic. 96 known graves of these workers are in Guernsey, 397 in Alderney.[7]:115 Detailed death certificates were filled out and the deaths were reported to OT in St Malo.[1]:212–4

Forced workers from overseas only had the clothes they were wearing when taken, often summer clothes, they were supposed to be paid 55 Reichspfennig an hour, if from the eastern bock, a deduction of 55% was made to pay for the cost of overseas reconstruction. Working 12-hour shifts, seven days a week and allowed one half day a month off.[13]:168

Local workers were recruited, a team of 8 plasterers negotiated a pay rise so they were each paid £12 a week if they managed to plaster 35m² per 10-hour shift.[7]:66 This compares to the £2-10-0 a week offered by the States of Guernsey.


Fortress Engineers, Festung Pionier Stab XIX, established their HQ at Elizabeth College and stores were set up next to the Vale Castle and Bulwer Avenue for timber, stanchions, camouflage paint, anti tank obstacles, steel doors, tank turrets etc. Shops for joiners and lock smiths were set up.[7]:19

Headquarters of the 7,000 strong OT in Guernsey was established at Sausmarez park in December 1941.[9]:179–180 The OT hospital was at Ruette Braye, its fuel depot at Grandes Rocques, timber and cement stores at St Sampson.[7]:26

Sourcing of materials and transport had to be organised. Barges and small ships were brought to the Islands to transport materials to supplement the two ships run by OT.[7]:31 Escort and Flak ships were needed to protect them.

Cranes and concrete mixers were sourced. A 90 cm gauge railway was constructed, running from the harbour in St Peter Port north to St Sampson and on to L’Ancresse, before running down the whole of the west coast to L’Eree.[1]:200

Consumable materials were sourced. Cement, steel, timber for shuttering, sand and aggregate. Guernsey had a major quarrying industry so had stone and crushing facilities available. Tunnelling also generated stone. The Island had sand pits, away from the coastline that had had the salt washed out. Beach sand and pebbles would be used as a last resort.[7]:43

OT transport was brought to Guernsey, mainly French vehicles dating back to 1914 to supplement horse drawn transport.[7]:36 Contractors brought equipment and vehicles. Five camps were built, however most OT workers went into requisitioned houses.


Originally a 2cm anti aircraft position, the base was modified to take a radar antenna for use by Mirus Battery

From October 1941 and especially throughout 1942, building works moved ahead rapidly in hundreds of sites.

Using the Regelbau standardized plans, each site was excavated normally using manual labour, sometimes needing explosives, the materials excavated generally being kept close by. Metal strengthening bars were wired together and the wooden shuttering was installed. It was necessary to pour the concrete in as continuous operation as possible to avoid joints that would weaken the structure. Holes through walls for ventilation pipes and cables, doorways and escape routes being put in before the concrete was poured. Massive prop supports were needed for the 2-3.5 metre thick ceilings.

Each location had defences and facilities to suit its specific needs, the thickness of walls, floor and ceiling were standard. A few plans were modified to suit the local terrain. Fittings such as air purification systems, showers, gas proof doors, telephones, periscopes and wiring were standardised. Some being stripped from the Westwall and Maginot Line,[1]:192 others manufactured specifically.

Artillery positions

22cm K532(f), Battery Dollmann
MP 3 Pleinmont

Mirus was the largest artillery battery in the Channel Islands. Using four barrels taken from a 1917 Imperial Russian dreadnaught captured in Norway and resting on platforms manufactured by Friedrich Krupp A.G., these 30.5 cm guns had a range of 51 kilometres (32 mi) with lightweight shells, weighing 250 kg or 31 km with the heavier 405 kg shells. It became operational by June 1942.[14]

Ten other coastal artillery batteries which included 1 x 15 cm SK C/28 and 1 x French 22 cm K532(f), run by Marine units, 3 x 21 cm Mörser 18 and 3 x French 22 cm K532(f) army units, all designed primarily to fire out to sea were placed in open concrete pits so that they could turn 360 degrees. Bunkers for ammunition stores were constructed as were accommodation bunkers.[15]:98–100 Battery Dollmann at Pleinmont is open to the public to visit, it has one of the four 22 cm gun pits and a number of trenches restored. Accommodation bunkers, two fortress quality ammunition bunkers linked by deep concrete lined trenches a command and an observation bunker complete the major fortifications. Its guns had a range of 23 kilometres (14 mi). Supported by 2 cm Flak positions, Tobruk pit, 150 cm searchlight, minefields, Pak40 anti tank gun, barbed wire and a Freya radar.[4]:56–9

Land artillery was designed to fire on landing beaches and inland. Artillery regiment 319 was strengthened. In Guernsey there were five batteries giving 20 x 10cm Czech artillery which had a range of 9.6 kilometres (6.0 mi). Two of the batteries were in casemates the rest in field positions, with earth and timber constructions.[4]:59–60

Six Marinenpeilstande (MP) observation towers were built on high points, they are the most obvious signs of German constructions. Each observation slit of a tower was designed to observe for one particular battery and was fitted with range finding equipment.[15]:101 Naval Range-finding Tower MP 3 at Pleinmont, which has 5 observation levels and had a radar unit on the roof, has become a museum, open to the public.

Anti aircraft defences

Mainly manned by Luftwaffe men of Flak Regiment 292, the multi purpose 8.8 cm Flak 36 were the main defence with a 7,500m effective range, located in seven Island batteries and controlled by radar direction finding equipment, backed up by 150 cm searchlights. Two batteries were to Fortress quality, the remaining four in field emplacements. L’Ancresse common has, in the middle of the golf course, the six gun Flak Battery Dolman, in concrete emplacements that can be used for a dual purpose as they command sea approaches with a 14,000m effective range. The crew room and ammunition store is below each open gun placement. It has its own Wurzburg Dora radar position and command bunker.[4]:63–4 [15]:178

3.7 cm Flak and 5 cm Flak provided medium support (3,000-5,000m effective range)

2 cm Flak were located for close protection of facilities, some in concrete emplacements (2,000m effective range).

Anti-airborne landing obstacles were installed, many with explosives attached.[13]:179

Beach and headland defences

10.5cm Casemate

Most beach defences were designed to fire across the beach, the embrasures being protected from enemy fire from the open sea. This allowed interlocking and self supporting fire.

Twenty one of the casemates built into the coast were designed for 10.5 cm K 331(f) French guns that had been acquired in large quantities. An additional 13 being mounted in open field positions.[4]:9 A casemate with a 10.5 cm gun has been restored at Hommet headland, north of Vazon and is open to the public.

Sixteen anti tank gun casemates holding the Czech 4.7cm Pak with co-axial machine gun in a casemate, such as a Type R631. Seventeen additional 4.7 cm Pak 36(t) were emplaced in field positions.[4]:9 [16]:294

Machine guns protected within casemates, on top in Tobruk pits, or in trench systems, some with thin overhead protection. At Fort Saumarez L’Eree headland, a trench system with machine gun and a Tobruk pit has been opened up and is accessible to the public.[15]:179

60 cm searchlights for illuminating the sea, normally protected in small concrete shelters when not in use.

Anti landing craft objects of steel and wood, thousands of tetrahedra and Czech hedgehog, often with teller mines attached on the beaches.[17]

Anti tank walls built at the high water mark. Most of L'Ancresse bay is protected by a wall.

Defensive areas

Defensive areas were built to protect facilities or an area.

The concept of lineal defences having been discredited in World War 1, the current idea was hedgehog defences with all round visibility and support from other positions giving interlocking fire.

Stützpunkt Rotenstein, Fort Hommet

There were twelve Stützpunkt (Strongpoint) (SP) areas in Guernsey,[18]:99 such as Stützpunkt Rotenstein at Fort Hommet which comprised: 4x10.5 cm casemates, 2x 60 cm searchlights, an MG bunker, a 4.7 cm anti tank casemate, a tobruk pit mounted with a French tank turret, a type R633 bunker containing a M19 automatic mortar, and two other bunkers for personnel and storage as well as barbed wire, minefields, flamethrowers and trenches.[19]:188 A type R633 bunker took 845m³ of concrete and 40 tons of steel to build.[20]

Widerstandsnest (Resistance nest) (WN) formed a smaller defensive zone, filling inbetween SP’s, and protecting specific points, like artillery batteries or a radar station. With several concrete constructions, they were adapted to the circumstances, such as WN Grune Dune, which is at Rocquaine Bay, comprising two anti-tank gun casemates, a milti loophole steel turret bunker mounting several machine guns, a personnel bunker with a periscope, anti tank wall, observation position and small command bunker. Barbed wire and minefields would have protected the nest.[4]:37

Historic defence works, considered by the engineers to be of high quality construction and well placed were given concrete additions,[15]:68 Castle Cornet, Vale Castle, Fort Hommet and Bréhon Tower amongst them and would become SP’s or WN’s.

Personnel shelters, such as a Type R621 shelter designed for a section of 10 men, had two concealed exits and a ringstellung or Tobruk pit were used in many locations, as were 5 cm and 8 cm mortars.[16]:298 Areas overlooked by cliffs had 1,000 roll bombs, 300 lb French shells, suspended on wires that could by cut, resulting in the bomb falling and detonating at the base of the cliff.[1]:193 Anti glider poles were installed on potential landing sites.

A Stützpunktgruppe (Strongpoint group) was a cluster of SP’s and WN’s under command of a Battalion. Several Strongpoint groups made a Verteidigungsbereich (Defence area)[21]


Hohlgangsanlagen (cave passage installations) (Ho) were built to store vehicles, ammunition, food, fuel and equipment, Ho. 40 was equipped and used for a short while in 1944 as a hospital, as the planned hospital tunnel had not been built, however patients underground did not recuperate very well.[10]:35

The largest tunnel complex, two connected tunnel systems, Ho. 7/40 comprised 7,000m², 29,823 cu m of rock were removed and 9,053 cu m of concrete was poured.[3]:37 They took 2 years to construct.

Sixteen tunnels were planned in 1942, this was increased to twenty nine in 1943. Fourteen were started, few were completely finished, some were half built, others abandoned early when poor rock quality was hit, or priorities changed. In Guernsey a total of 92,995m³ of rock was excavated and 22,009m³ of concrete were poured.[3]:37

The tunnelling system adopted comprised, drilling a series of holes, several metres deep, inserting charges and detonating them, this created a hole 2–3 metres high and the same width. Once the fumes and dust had dispersed, the loose rock could be cleared, loaded onto wagons run out on 60 cm tracks and removed. Water had to be drained and the new floor levelled and the track extended. If necessary, timber supports were installed, then the process started again. Once the small tunnel was complete, it could be expanded, the width to 6–7 metres and height to 4–7 metres, this was the most dangerous job as rock falls were frequent.[3]:13–14

Shuttering for concrete walls and if the ceiling was to be done, overhead supports were installed and concrete poured. Cavities filled with rubble. There was a lack of waterproofing and subsequent rock falls into cavities could damage the tunnel.[3]:14–26 Tunnelling could be continued 24 hours a day with two 12 hours shifts as lighting in the tunnel could not be seen outside at night.

Specialist facilities

Radio communication bunkers were built. The Naval Signals HQ was the main communications centre, built at St Jacques in St Peter Port, comprising three bunkers, types V142, M172 and V192. The V142 has been re-fitted out as a museum by the Channel Islands Occupation Society.[15]:101

Netzknotenpunkt (Telephone network bunkers) were built to protect vulnerable exchanges, four are located in Guernsey.[8] A power station was built in the Bouet by OT.[7]:45 HQ and command bunkers were built for the Fortress Commander, connected to one for the 319 Divisional commander, the Heer (army) having two Regimental HQ bunkers. All of these were two stories, some were disguised as houses, with tiled roofs and painted windows.[4]:67–8 These were used in addition to the use of hotels and large houses that made more amenable surroundings.

Würzburg radar units were obvious targets to be attacked so were disguised where possible. The smaller Freya radar was less visible however both would suffer damage from bombing and bombardment so the crews were protected inside bunkers. The two Würzburg and two Freya radar units at Fort George, Guernsey[4]:63 were repeatedly attacked from the end of May 1944.[10]:58

Renault Char B2

Anti-tank artillery was in short supply, Guernsey received a few tracked anti-tank guns, relying more on guns like the 3.7 cm Pak 35/36, 15x 5 cm Pak 38 and 8x 7.5 cm Pak 40.[22]:30

A small number of the out of date French Renault FT tanks were shipped to the island in 1941. French Renault Char B1 tanks destined for Rommel in North Africa in early 1942 were diverted to the Channel Islands. Guernsey received 2 command tanks, 12 normal tanks and 5 flamethrowing tanks.[15]:83

U-boat and S-Boat facilities. Fuel tanks were installed in Ho. 4 tunnels at La Valette in St Peter Port, to hold 480 tons of fuel.[15]:104 U-Boat's in Guernsey were too vulnerable to air attack. Ho 4 is now an occupation museum.

Luftwaffe fighter groups had been based during Kanalkampf in Guernsey in 1940, JG27 and JG53, equipped with Me Bf 109’s. Activity decreased following the conclusion of the Battle of Britain,[15]:51 with the airfield being used more for refuelling and inter island communications rather than as a base for permanent aircraft.


FT-17 turret, Battery Dollmann, Guernsey

Some positions were buried under soil and landscaped with plants and trees.[7]:56 Camouflage in the form of paint, sprayed concrete and straw on wire mesh and timber constructions were common. Granite stones were built into some concrete walls to give a natural stone finish.[4]:30

Dummy positions were set up including using logs to simulate guns and dummy minefields.[13]:174 More exotic camouflage including disguising positions as houses were used, one being a Mirus gun position, another a 10.5 cm casemate at Houmet.[4]:25

The locations of positions of casemates were known to the Allies as the RAF had undertaken photographic flights during the construction years. Aerial photograph of Vazon Bay with Stützpunkt Rotenstein at the top[23] In addition, a few messages giving some detailed information, had been smuggled out of the Islands.


Algeria 21 - Belgium 16 - China 1 - France 41 - Germany 10 - Italy 1 - Netherlands 10 - Poland 2 - Portugal 1 - Russia 3 - Spain 6

German Troops

319 Infantry Division

319 Infantry Division (319 ID), which had been created in November 1940 and was designed as a static division for service in occupied Europe, was allocated to the islands.[1]:196 Reinforced with additional Heer units including 16th Machine Gun Battalion and 213th Panzer Battalion, and Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe units.

This took the troops in Guernsey up to 12,000.[1]:204 The civilian population in Guernsey was 23,000. Guernsey had to pay for the German troops, providing them with and paying for their food, accommodation and transport.[9]:89

319 ID provided the bulk of troops for the whole of the Channel Islands, it became the largest division in the German army. Only about 30% of the original 319 ID personnel were still with the unit in June 1944, the fitter men having been sent to the Eastern Front, to be replaced with less fit and non German troops.[15]:63 Army troops were rotated to Alderney for three month tours of duty.

In September 1944 there were 10,980 troops in Guernsey comprising:[13]:52

Heer - Infantry 4,150 - Anti-tank 430 - Tank 180 - Artillery 520 - Coastal Artillery 1,130 - Engineers 90 - Signals 180 - Supply 720
Luftwaffe 1,850
Kriegsmarine 1,420
Construction 310


Commanding Officer of the German garrison, Lieutenant-General Graf von Schmettow, nephew of Gerd von Rundstedt commander of OB West (Commander-in-Chief West),[1]:195 ordered the writing of a 500 page book that described the fortifications in great detail, illustrated with maps, photographs and coloured drawings. A copy was destined for Hitler. The chapters from the original book have been reproduced in a set of ten paperbacks. Festung Guernsey (fortress Guernsey).

Whether the Islands were impregnable was never tested, except for Battery Bluecher in Alderney. Alderney was considered too well protected against aircraft attack so it was shelled by HMS Rodney. Firing seventy two 16 inch shells, three guns in open pits were damaged and two crew killed. The battery was repaired within a few weeks.[15]:123

The German garrison in the Channel Islands surrendered without a fight on 9 May 1945.

Many constructions are on private land and not accessible to the public, others may be looked at, clambered over and a few can be entered with care. Tunnels are sealed or locked as they are especially dangerous. Renovated positions are open to the public and some have been refitted and opened as museums.

  • MP 3 tower, Pleinmont
  • Castle Cornet Hafenschloss strongpoint, St Peter Port

  • Naval Signals HQ, St Jacques
  • Ho.7/40 tunnels, St Andrews
  • Ho. 4 tunnels, La Valette, St Peter Port

See also



  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Cruickshank, Charles. The German Occupation of the Channel Islands. The History Press; New edition edition (30 Jun. 2004). ISBN 978-0750937498.
  2. Russian State Military Archives, Inventory 500, Documents of the OB West.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 German Tunnels in Guernsey, Alderney and Sark. Festung Guernsey. ISBN 978-0-9549334-4-9.
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Gavey, Ernie. German Fortifications of Guernsey. Guernsey Armouries. ISBN 978-0953163106.
  5. 1 2 "The Regelbau concept".
  6. 1 2 Kaufmann, J.E.; et al. Fortress Third Reich: German Fortifications and Defense Systems in World War II. Da Capo Press, 2007. ISBN 9780306816352.
  7. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 The Organisation Todt and the Fortress Engineers in the Channel Islands. CIOS Archive book 8.
  8. 1 2 3 "History:Fortifying Guernsey". Festung Guernsey.
  9. 1 2 3 4 Bell, William. Guernsey Occupied but never Conquered. The Studio Publishing Services (2002). ISBN 978-0952047933.
  10. 1 2 3 4 Van Grieken, Gilbert. Destination Gustav. Guernsey Press 1992.
  11. "Occupation Memorial HTML Library". Retrieved 2013-02-10.
  12. Lewis, John. A Doctor’s Occupation. Starlight Publishing (1997). ISBN 978-0952565918.
  13. 1 2 3 4 5 Forty, George. Channel Islands At War: A German Perspective. Ian Allan Publishing. ISBN 978-0711030718.
  14. "Batterie Mirus". Festung Guernsey.
  15. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Forty, George. ATLANTIC WALL: CHANNEL ISLANDS:. Pen and Sword (June 2002). ISBN 978-0850528589.
  16. 1 2 Carruthers, Bob. Handbook on German Military Forces. Pen and Sword, 2013. ISBN 9781473846609.
  17. "World War II anti-landing devices found in Guernsey". BBC. 7 February 2012.
  18. Partridge, Colin. The Fortifications of Alderney. Alderney Publishers. ISBN 0-9517156-0-7.
  19. McNab, Chris. Hitler's Fortresses: German Fortifications and Defences 1939-45. Osprey Publishing, 2014. ISBN 9781782009511.
  20. Zaloga, Steven J. The Atlantic Wall (1): France. Osprey Publishing, 2012. ISBN 9781782007074.
  21. "Regelbau fortifications".
  22. Stephenson, Charles. The Channel Islands 1941-45: Hitler's Impregnable Fortress. Osprey Publishing, 2006. ISBN 9781841769219.
  23. "Vazon; Sark; Guernsey". NCAP.>
  24. Beckingham, Henry. Achtung Minen Guernsey: The History of the German Minefields on Guernsey 1940-45 - Told by the Bomb-disposal Officer Who Supervised Their Removal. Woodfield Publishing (2005). ISBN 978-1903953877.


External links

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