Germinius of Sirmium

Germinius, born in Cyzicus,[1] was bishop of Sirmium, (today the town Sremska Mitrovica, in the territory of Srem in Serbia)[2] and a supporter of Homoian theology, which is often labelled as a form of Arianism. Along with Valens of Mursa and Ursacius of Singidunum he was responsible for drafting the theological statement known as the Blasphemy of Sirmium in 357.[3][4] He also appears in the Altercatio Heracliani laici cum Germinio episcopo Sirmiensi, which purports to be the minutes of a public disputation between Germinius and a Nicene layman called Heraclianus in January 366.[5] He is believed to have died in 375 or 376.


  1. Aleksandar Ivanović, Spisak episkopa Sirmija uz kratke beleške (List of bishops of Sirmium with short notes), p. 5.
  2. Ненад Лемајић, Хронотакса црквених достојанственика у Срему (The Chronotaxis of Church Dignitaries in Srem), Зборник Музеја Срема, Музеј Срема, Сремска Митровица, 1997, p. 60.
  3. Socrates Scholasticus, Church History, book 2, chapter 30.
  4. Socrates Scholasticus, Church History, book 2, chapter 37.
  5. This document mention one more heresiarch among the bishops of Sirmium (metropolitan bishops of Pannonia Secunda), Photinus. For Photinus of Sirmium and his teachings about nature of Jesus, see: Aleksandar Ivanović, Fotin Sirmijumski i njegov nauk- novi pokušaj rekonstrukcije fotinističke Hristologije (Photinus of Sirmium and his Doctrine- New Attempt of Reconstruction of Photinian Christology, p. 1.

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