GetAbstract International Book Award
The getAbstract International Book Award is focused on business books that have made a significant impact worldwide. Each year since 2001, the abstracting service getAbstract's editors assess more than 10,000 English and German non-fiction books. From these, they select 10 finalists[1][2][3] and four winners in English and German.
Every year, the official awards ceremony takes place at the Frankfurt Book Fair [4][5] in Germany and is open to the public. The award has been covered by Financial Times [6][7] Germany, Handelszeitung & The Wall Street Journal,[8][9] The Boston Globe,[10] Reuters,[11] Handelsblatt,[12] Bloomberg Television,[13] and several other newspapers,[14] magazines and websites.[15][16] [17][18]
Winners of the getAbstract International Book Award
2001 - English:
- Howard Means: Money and Power
- Benjamin Mark Cole: The Pied Pipers of Wall Street
2001 - German:
- Rolf W. Habbel: Faktor Menschlichkeit
- Hartmut Knüppel und Christian Lindner: Die Aktie als Marke
2002 - English:
- Kenneth Cloke: The End of Management
2002 - German:
- Joseph Stiglitz: Die Schatten der Globalisierung
- Werner G. Seifert, Markus Habbel, Frank Mattern, Clara C. Streit und Hans-Joachim Voth: Performance ist kein Schicksal
- Bjørn Lomborg: Apocalypse No!
2003 - English:
- Robert Shiller: The New Financial Order[19][20]
- Paul Glen: Leading Geeks[21][22]
2003 - German:
- Burkhard Spinnen: Der schwarze Grat
- Hans-Werner Sinn: Ist Deutschland noch zu retten?
2004 - English:
- Benoît Mandelbrot: The (Mis)behavior of Markets
2004 - German:
- Oskar Negt: Wozu noch Gewerkschaften?
- Alain de Botton: StatusAngst
- Thomas Ramge: Die Flicks
2005 - English:
- W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne: Blue Ocean Strategy
2005 - German:
- Malcolm Gladwell: Blink!
- Ulrich Hemel: Wert und Werte
- Peter Sloterdijk: Im Weltinnenraum des Kapitals
2006 - English:
- Chris Anderson: The Long Tail
- Eugene O'Kelly: Chasing Daylight
2006 - German:
- Gunter Dueck: Lean Brain Management
- Niels Pfläging: Führen mit flexiblen Zielen
2007 - English:
- Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Black Swan
- Phil Rosenzweig: The Halo Effect
2007 - German:
- Norbert Häring und Olaf Storbeck: Ökonomie 2.0
- Anja Förster und Peter Kreuz: Alles, außer gewöhnlich
2008 - English:
- Thomas Sowell: Economic Facts and Fallacies
- Bill Bonner and Lila Rajiva: Mobs, Messiahs, and Markets[23]
2008 - German:
- Wolfgang Münchau: Vorbeben
- Uwe Jean Heuser: Humanomics
2009 - English:
- George Akerlof and Robert Shiller: Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism
- Niall Ferguson: for The Ascent of Money
2009 - German:
- Miriam Meckel, Christian Fieseler und Christian Hoffmann: Verkauft und nichts verraten
- Ludwig Siegele und Joachim Zepelin: Matrix der Welt
2010 - English:
- David Rhodes and Daniel Stelter: Accelerating out of the Great Recession
- Peter Schiff and Andrew Schiff: How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes
2010 - German:
- Susanne Schmidt: Markt ohne Moral
- Meinhard Miegel: Exit
2011 - English:
- Tom Devine and Tarek F. Maassarani: The Corporate Whistleblower's Survival Guide
- Ian Morris: Why the West Rules—For Now
2011 - German:
- Manfred Hoefle: Managerismus
- Tobias Schrödel: Hacking for Manager
2012 - English:
- Detlev S. Schlichter: Paper Money Collapse
- David Weinberger: Too Big to Know
2012 - German:
- Josef Braml: Der amerikanische Patient
- Uli Burchardt: Ausgegeizt
2013 - English:
- Jared Diamond: The World Until Yesterday
- Nate Silver: The Signal and the Noise
2013 - German:
- Reinhard K. Sprenger: Radikal führen
- Thomas Fricke: Wie viel Bank braucht der Mensch?
2014 - English:
- Christopher Surdak: Data Crush
- Gregory Zuckerman: The Frackers
2014 - German:
- Pero Mićić: Warum wir uns täglich die Zukunft versauen
- Christian Felber: Geld
- ↑ Princeton University Press Akerlof/Shiller: Animal Spirits is finalist for the getAbstract International Book Award 2009
- ↑ McGraw-Hill (leading academic publisher) website The Meltdown Years
- ↑ McGraw-Hill Catalogue 2009 The Meltdown Years
- ↑ Frankfurt Book Fair official website, 2008
- ↑ Program Frankfurt Book Fair, 2009
- ↑ Financial Times and getAbstract present the International Book Award, October 8, 2001
- ↑ "Von der Renaissance zur Matrix", October 15, 2009
- ↑ Article in Handelszeitung Online & the Wall Street Journal, October 10, 2007
- ↑ Article in Handelszeitung Online & the Wall Street Journal 2009
- ↑ The Boston Globe
- ↑ Reuters
- ↑ getAbstract International Book Award in Handelsblatt, July 26, 2007
- ↑ Interview with Philip Ruppel, Publisher McGraw-Hill Trade
- ↑ Handelszeitung & The Wall Street Journal, Switzerland edition, 10.10.2007
- ↑ Website of Hugendubel, one of the two major book retailers in Germany
- ↑ The World Federation of Exchanges website
- ↑ International Institute of Public Finance website
- ↑ MIT Press website Massachusetts Institute of Technology Press Catalogue
- ↑ Princeton University Press. Robert Shiller: The New Financial Order
- ↑ Association of American University Presses website
- ↑ John Wiley & Sons. Paul Glen: Leading Geeks
- ↑ GetAbstract International Book Award mentioned multiple times by John Wiley (leading business and academic publisher)
- ↑ John Wiley & Sons, December 9, 2008 Official Statement scroll down to Professional/Trade (P/T)
External links
- getAbstract International Book Award home page
- - Webzine for the German Book Trade
- Wirtschaftsblatt