Getting Free

Getting Free

Cover of the first British edition.
Author Nigel Hinton
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Genre Teenage fiction
Publisher Oxford University Press (original UK), Thomas Nelson (original USA), E. P. Dutton, Heinemann
Publication date
Media type Hardback
ISBN 9780192714244

Getting Free is a novel by British author Nigel Hinton that was first published in 1978. It tells the story of a teenage couple who ran away when they discovered they were expectant parents and to escape from an abusive and disapproving father.


Hinton had neighbours who were famous mountain climbers, a young couple who were into things that he was not. He decided that writing about the couple would be good for him.[1]


  1. "Concept of the novel". Nigel Hinton website. Retrieved 4 October 2014.

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