Gijswijt's sequence

In mathematics, Gijswijt's sequence (named after D.C. Gijswijt by Neil Sloane[1]) is a self-describing sequence where each term counts the maximal number of repeated blocks in the sequence up to that term.

The sequence begins with:

1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 2, 1, ... (sequence A090822 in OEIS)

The sequence is similar in definition to the Kolakoski sequence, but instead of counting the longest run of single terms, the sequence counts the longest run of blocks of terms of any length. Gijswijt's sequence is known for its remarkably slow rate of growth. For example, the first 4 appears at the 220th term, and the first 5 appears near the 10^{10^{23}}rd term.[1]


The process to generate terms in the sequence can be defined by looking at the sequence as a series of letters in the alphabet of natural numbers:

  1. a(1) = 1
  2. a(n+1) = k, where k is the largest natural number such that the word a(1)a(2)a(3)...a(n) can be written in the form xy^k for some words x and y, with y having non-zero length

The sequence is base-agnostic. That is, if a run of 10 repeated blocks is found, the next term in the sequence would be a single number 10, not a 1 followed by a 0.


Only limited research has focused on Gijswijt's sequence. As such, very little has been proven about the sequence and many open questions remain unsolved.

Rate of growth

Given that 5 does not appear until around 10^{10^{23}}, brute force search techniques would never find the first occurrence of a term greater than 4. It has, however, been proven that the sequence contains every natural number.[2] The exact rate of growth is not known, but is conjectured to grow super-logarithmically, with the first occurrence of any natural n positioned near 2^{2^{3^{4^{5^{.^{.^{.{n-1}}}}}}}}.[3]

Average value

Though it is known that each natural number occurs at a finite position within the sequence, it has been conjectured that the sequence may have a finite mean. To define this formally on an infinite sequence, where re-ordering of the terms may matter, the conjecture is that:

\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n a(i) < \infty

Likewise, the density of any given natural number within the sequence is not known.[1]

Recursive structure

The sequence can be broken into discrete "block" and "glue" sequences, which can be used to recursively build up the sequence. For example, at the base level, we can define B_1=1 and S_1=2 as the first block and sequences, respectively. Together, we can see how they form the beginning of the sequence:

B_1B_1S_1 = 1, 1, 2

The next step is to recursively build up the sequence. Define B_2 = B_1B_1S_1. Noting that the sequence starts with B_1B_1, we can define a glue string S_2 = 2,2,3 which gives:

B_2B_2S_2 = 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3

Notice we assigned S_2 to a particular sequence which gives the property that B_2B_2S_2B_2B_2S_2 also occurs at the top of the sequence.

This process can be continued indefinitely with B_{n+1} = B_nB_nS_n. It turns out that we can discover a glue string S_n by noting that S_n will never have a 1, and that it stops once it reaches the first 1 to follow B_nB_n.[3] It has also been proven that Gijswijt's sequence can be built up in this fashion indefinitely that is, B_n and S_n are always finite in length for any n.[2]

Clever manipulation of the glue sequences in this recursive structure can be used to demonstrate that Gijswijt's sequence contains all the natural numbers, among other properties of the sequence.

See also


  1. 1 2 3 "OEIS A090822". OEIS. The OEIS Foundation.
  2. 1 2 Gijswijt, D.C. (2006). "A Slow-Growing Sequence Defined by an Unusual Recurrence". arXiv:math/0602498 [math].
  3. 1 2 Sloane, Neil. "Seven Staggering Sequences" (PDF). AT&T Shannon Lab. p. 3.

External links

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