Giovanni Clericato

Giovanni Clericato[1] (1633, at Padua – 1717) was an Italian canon lawyer.


The patronage of a pious woman made it possible for him to study. As a priest, he came to be considered one of the ablest men of his time in matters of ecclesiastical jurisprudence. Cardinal Barbarigo, whose life he afterwards wrote, made him Vicar-General of the Diocese of Padua.


He wrote many works on civil and canon law; his "Decisiones Sacramentales" was published in 1727, and in 1757 in three volumes, and was praised by Pope Benedict XIV (notific. 32, n. 6).


  1. He was of English descent, and the name is variously written Clericatus, Chericato, Chericati, and Chiericato, probably from Clark, the original family name.

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