Giuseppe Stampone

Giuseppe Stampone (born in Cluses, France, 1974) is an Italian artist who lives and works in Rome. His artistic production ranges from multimedia installations[1] and videos to drawings made with Bic pen,[2] a technique common to several of his projects.[3] He is the founder of Solstizio Project, in collaboration with the European Union and developed in different Countries of the world. Stampone collaborates with various Universities as the Accademia delle Belle Arti di Urbino where he teaches "Tecniche e Tecnologie delle Arti Visive" IULM of Milan, the Federico II University of Naples and the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology of Toronto. He elaborates interventions of research and experimentation about art and new media with Alberto Abruzzese and Derrick De Kerckhove.[4]


The work of Giuseppe Stampone is that of an artist-activist in an age of so-called crisis.[5] In a time of rising public vigilance, his art is unabashedly a potent form of political protest.[6][7] Stampone continuously seeks to introduce an alternative socio-political agenda through his art works and community-based interventions. His approach is nuanced and methodical, inviting audiences to meditate on basic issues such as immigration, water and war, even as they find themselves having to endure those natural and man-made disasters and conflicts that seem to abound today.

In 2008 he founded the special project Solstizio,[8] a multilayered platform that operates between didactics, art, eco-social issues[9] and new-media, in collaboration with public and private authorities, Universities, Museums and Foundations. His art has become global and does not end in a defined project; it takes more the form of a social network, from which different ways of observation and action develop in adjacent realities in the world.


Stampone's work has been exhibited widely throughout Italy[10] and abroad,[11] in international Art Biennial and Museums including the 56th Venice Biennial (2015); Kochi-Muziris Biennial (2012);[12] 11th Havana Biennial (2012); Liverpool Biennial (2010); 14th and 15th Quadriennale of Rome (2004 - 2008); Kunsthalle City Museum in Gwangiu (2010); American Academy in Rome (2008 – 2013 – 2014 - 2015); MIT Museum Boston (2015); Wilfredo Lam Contemporary Art Center, La Havana (2012); Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich (2011); The Invisible Dog Art Center, Brooklyn-New York; MAXXI - National Museum of the 21st Century Arts - in Rome (2014); Palazzo Reale in Milan (2014); Gamec Museum in Bergamo (2010 – 2011 - 2014);[13] “Global Education” a cura di Giacinto di Pietrantonio solo show, Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milano-Lucca (2012); Macro Museum in Rome (2010 - 2011); "Giuseppe Stampone - The Rules of the Game", solo show, Prometeogallery di Ida Pisani, Milano-Lucca (2010);Palazzo Reale, Naples (2004); La Triennale Bovisa in Milan (2008 - 2009). In 2013 was affiliated Fellowship at The American Academy in Rome[14] and winner of the Art Residency at Young Eun Museum of Contemporary Art (YMCA), Gwangju, Korea.[15] He won the 3° Maretti Prize (Centro per l'arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci, Prato) and the first edition of Pacco d'Artista Prize promoted by Poste Italiane.


Among the foundations and public collections holding work by Giuseppe Stampone are: Phelan Foundation, New York; La Gaia Foundation, Busca (Cuneo); Biennal Kochi-Muziris Foundation; Birbragher Foundation, Bogota; Sidney Biennial Foundation, Sidney; La Quadriennale Foundation, Rome; LAM, Museum of Contemporary Art, La Havana; Gamec Museum, Bergamo; Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, Rome; La Farnesina Collection, Rome. His works have been collected by, among others, Byblos, BIC, Luciano Benetton, Amy Phelan.



  1. V. Valentini, Prendere o lasciare, FLASH ART, april-may 2006
  2. Giuseppe Stampone – Ritratti–Bic Data Blue, Sky Arte
  3. P.Valente, Present Art 2 – Se l’arte diventa neodimensionale. Colloquio con Giuseppe Stampone, in Il Sole24Ore, february 2009
  4. Che cosa sta preparando Giiuseppe Stampone?, Sette / Corriere della sera, 14 june 2014
  5. Linda De Sanctis, L’installazione di Stampone dalla normalità allo stupore, La Repubblica, january 11 2008
  6. Hello Hello Ai Wei Wei, Village Voice, June 22, 2011
  7. Adrian Searle, the Venice Biennale's balsance of power, The Guardian, june 6 2011
  8. M Bortolotti, Giuseppe Stampone - il network come modello, FLASH ART, oct-nov 2014
  9. G. Di Pietrantonio, Green Art, DOMUS, September 2014
  10. Paola Nicolin, Solo Show Prometeo Gallery, ARTFORUM 2010
  11. Francesca Alix Nicoli, Art-Basel-Miami-Beach, FLASH ART/, december 13 2011
  12. In pictures: India's first art biennale (Stampone's work on fig.11), BBC News
  13. Laura Cherubini, Giuseppe Stampone in Gamec Bergamo, FLASH ART, july, august, september 2014
  14. American Academy in Rome, Affiliated Fellow in Visual Arts
  15. The Flower of May, the Kunsthalle Gwangju, E-Flux 2010

External links

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