Square principle

In mathematical set theory, the global square principle is a combinatorial principle introduced by Ronald Jensen in his analysis of the fine structure of the constructible universe L.


Define Sing to be the class of all limit ordinals which are not regular. Global square states that there is a system (C_\beta)_{\beta \in \mathrm{Sing}} satisfying:

  1. C_\beta is a club set of \beta.
  2. ot(C_\beta) < \beta
  3. If \gamma is a limit point of C_\beta then \gamma \in \mathrm{Sing} and C_\gamma = C_\beta \cap \gamma

Variant relative to a cardinal

Jensen introduced also a local version of the principle.[1] If \kappa is an uncountable cardinal, then \Box_\kappa asserts that there is a sequence (C_\beta\mid\beta \text{ a limit point of }\kappa^+) satisfying:

  1. C_\beta is a club set of \beta.
  2. If  cf \beta < \kappa , then |C_\beta| < \kappa
  3. If \gamma is a limit point of C_\beta then C_\gamma = C_\beta \cap \gamma

Jensen proved that this principle holds in the constructible universe for any uncountable cardinal κ.


  1. Jech, Thomas (2003), Set Theory: Third Millennium Edition, Springer Monographs in Mathematics, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-44085-7, p. 443.

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