Gloeophyllum sepiarium

Gloeophyllum sepiarium
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Fungi
Subkingdom: Dikarya
Phylum: Basidiomycota
Subphylum: Agaricomycotina
Class: Agaricomycetes
Order: Gloeophyllales
Family: Gloeophyllaceae
Genus: Gloeophyllum
Species: G. sepiarium
Binomial name
Gloeophyllum sepiarium
(Wulfen) P. Karst., (1879)

Agaricus asserculorum Batsch, (1783)
Agaricus boletiformis Sowerby, (1809)
Agaricus sepiarius Wulfen, (1786)
Agaricus undulatus Hoffm., (1797)
Daedalea confragosa var. tricolor (Fr.) Domanski, Orlos & Skirg., (1967)
Daedalea sepiaria (Wulfen) Fr., (1821)
Daedalea ungulata Lloyd, (1915)
Gloeophyllum ungulatum (Lloyd) Imazeki, (1943)
Lenzites argentina Speg., (1898)
Lenzites sepiaria (Wulfen) Fr., (1889)
Merulius sepiarius (Wulfen) Schrank, (1789)

Gloeophyllum sepiarium (Rusty gilled polypore) is a wood decay fungus that causes a brown rot. Gloeophyllum sepiarium grow in thin, dark brown/green brackets on coniferous trees. Fruiting bodies can be seen throughout the year, but it sporulates in late summer to autumn. Gloeophyllum sepiarium is infrequent and inedible.

Fruiting bodies of the rusty gilled polypore on a wooden fence in Oberursel, Germany.

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Gloeophyllum sepiarium.
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