Symbol |
Approximate meaning |
Reference |
✸ |
Indicates that the following number is a reference to some proposition |
α,β,γ,δ,λ,κ, μ |
Classes |
Chapter I page 5 |
f,g,θ,φ,χ,ψ |
variable functions (though θ is later redefined as the order type of the reals) |
Chapter I page 5 |
a,b,c,w,x,y,z |
variables |
Chapter I page 5 |
p,q,r |
variable propositions (though the meaning of p changes after section 40). |
Chapter I page 5 |
P,Q,R,S,T,U |
Relations |
Chapter I page 5 |
. : :. :: |
Dots used to indicate how expressions should be bracketed, and also used for logical "and". |
Chapter I, Page 10 |
Indicates (roughly) that x is a bound variable used to define a function. Can also mean (roughly) "the set of x such that...". |
Chapter I, page 15 |
! |
Indicates that a function preceding it is first order |
Chapter II.V |
⊦ |
Assertion: it is true that |
*1(3) |
~ |
Not |
*1(5) |
∨ |
Or |
*1(6) |
⊃ |
(A modification of Peano's symbol Ɔ.) Implies |
*1.01 |
= |
Equality |
*1.01 |
Df |
Definition |
*1.01 |
Pp |
Primitive proposition |
*1.1 |
Dem. |
Short for "Demonstration" |
*2.01 |
. |
Logical and |
*3.01 |
p⊃q⊃r |
p⊃q and q⊃r |
*3.02 |
≡ |
Is equivalent to |
*4.01 |
p≡q≡r |
p≡q and q≡r |
*4.02 |
Hp |
Short for "Hypothesis" |
*5.71 |
(x) |
For all x This may also be used with several variables as in 11.01. |
*9 |
(∃x) |
There exists an x such that . This may also be used with several variables as in 11.03. |
*9, *10.01 |
≡x, ⊃x |
The subscript x is an abbreviation meaning that the equivalence or implication holds for all x. This may also be used with several variables. |
*10.02, *10.03, *11.05. |
= |
x=y means x is identical with y in the sense that they have the same properties |
*13.01 |
≠ |
Not identical |
*13.02 |
x=y=z |
x=y and y=z |
*13.3 |
℩ |
This is an upside-down iota (unicode U+2129). ℩x means roughly "the unique x such that...." |
*14 |
[] |
*14.01 |
E! |
There exists a unique... |
*14.02 |
ε |
A Greek epsilon, abbreviating the Greek word ἐστί meaning "is". It is used to mean "is a member of" or "is a" |
*20.02 and Chapter I page 26 |
Cls |
Short for "Class". The 2-class of all classes |
*20.03 |
, |
Abbreviation used when several variables have the same property |
*20.04, *20.05 |
~ε |
Is not a member of |
*20.06 |
Prop |
Short for "Proposition" (usually the proposition that one is trying to prove). |
Note before *2.17 |
Rel |
The class of relations |
*21.03 |
⊂ ⪽ |
Is a subset of (with a dot for relations) |
*22.01, *23.01 |
∩ ⩀ |
Intersection (with a dot for relations). α∩β∩γ is defined to be (α∩β)∩γ and so on. |
*22.02, *22.53, *23.02, *23.53 |
∪ ⨄ |
Union (with a dot for relations) α∪β∪γ is defined to be (α∪β)∪γ and so on. |
22.03, *22.71, *23.03, *23.71 |
− ∸ |
Complement of a class or difference of two classes (with a dot for relations) |
*22.04, *22.05, *23.04, *23.05 |
V ⩒ |
The universal class (with a dot for relations) |
*24.01 |
Λ ⩑ |
The null or empty class (with a dot for relations) |
24.02 |
∃! |
The following class is non-empty |
*24.03 |
‘ |
R ‘ y means the unique x such that xRy |
*30.01 |
Cnv |
Short for converse. The converse relation between relations |
*31.01 |
Ř |
The converse of a relation R |
*31.02 |
A relation such that if x is the set of all y such that  |
*32.01 |
Similar to with the left and right arguments reversed |
*32.02 |
sg |
Short for "sagitta" (Latin for arrow). The relation between and R. |
*32.03 |
gs |
Reversal of sg. The relation between and R. |
32.04 |
D |
Domain of a relation (αDR means α is the domain of R). |
*33.01 |
D |
(Upside down D) Codomain of a relation |
*33.02 |
C |
(Initial letter of the word "campus", Latin for "field".) The field of a relation, the union of its domain and codomain |
*32.03 |
F |
The relation indicating that something is in the field of a relation |
*32.04 |
The composition of two relations. Also used for the Sheffer stroke in *8 appendix A of the second edition. |
*34.01 |
R2, R3 |
Rn is the composition of R with itself n times. |
*34.02, *34.03 |
is the relation R with its domain restricted to α |
*35.01 |
is the relation R with its codomain restricted to α |
*35.02 |
Roughly a product of two sets, or rather the corresponding relation |
*35.04 |
⥏ |
P⥏α means . The symbol is unicode U+294F |
*36.01 |
“ |
(Double open quotation marks.) R“α is the domain of a relation R restricted to a class α |
*37.01 |
Rε |
αRεβ means "α is the domain of R restricted to β" |
*37.02 |
‘‘‘ |
(Triple open quotation marks.) αR‘‘‘κ means "α is the domain of R restricted to some element of κ" |
*37.04 |
E!! |
Means roughly that a relation is a function when restricted to a certain class |
*37.05 |
♀ |
A generic symbol standing for any functional sign or relation |
*38 |
” |
Double closing quotation mark placed below a function of 2 variables changes it to a related class-valued function. |
*38.03 |
p |
The intersection of the classes in a class. (The meaning of p changes here: before section 40 p is a propositional variable.) |
*40.01 |
s |
The union of the classes in a class |
*40.02 |
applies R to the left and S to the right of a relation |
*43.01 |
I |
The equality relation |
*50.01 |
J |
The inequality relation |
*50.02 |
ι |
Greek iota. Takes a class x to the class whose only element is x. |
*51.01 |
1 |
The class of classes with one element |
*52.01 |
0 |
The class whose only element is the empty class. With a subscript r it is the class containing the empty relation. |
*54.01, *56.03 |
2 |
The class of classes with two elements. With a dot over it, it is the class of ordered pairs. With the subscript r it is the class of unequal ordered pairs. |
*54.02, *56.01, *56.02 |
An ordered pair |
*55.01 |
Cl |
Short for "class". The powerset relation |
*60.01 |
Cl ex |
The relation saying that one class is the set of non-empty classes of another |
*60.02 |
Cls2, Cls3 |
The class of classes, and the class of classes of classes |
*60.03, *60.04 |
Rl |
Same as Cl, but for relations rather than classes |
*61.01, *61.02, *61.03, *61.04 |
ε |
The membership relation |
*62.01 |
t |
The type of something, in other words the largest class containing it. t may also have further subscripts and superscripts. |
*63.01, *64 |
t0 |
The type of the members of something |
*63.02 |
αx |
the elements of α with the same type as x |
*65.01 *65.03 |
α(x) |
The elements of α with they type of the type of x. |
*65.02 *65.04 |
→ |
α→β is the class of relations such that the domain of any element is in α and the codomian is in β. |
*70.01 |
sm |
Short for "similar". The class of bijections between two classes |
*73.01 |
sm |
Similarity: the relation that two classes have a bijection between them |
*73.02 |
PΔ |
λPΔκ means that λ is a selection function for P restricted to κ |
*80.01 |
excl |
Refers to various classes being disjoint |
*84 |
↧ |
P↧x is the subrelation of P of ordered pairs in P whose second term is x. |
*85.5 |
Rel Mult |
The class of multipliable relations |
*88.01 |
Cls2 Mult |
The multipliable classes of classes |
*88.02 |
Mult ax |
The multiplicative axiom, a form of the axiom of choice |
*88.03 |
R* |
The transitive closure of the relation R |
*90.01 |
Rst, Rst |
A relations saying one relation is a positive power of R times another |
*91.01, *91.02 |
Pot |
(Short for the Latin word "potentia" meaning power.) The positive powers of a relation |
*91.03 |
Potid |
("Pot" for "potentia" + "id" for "identity".) The positive or zero powers of a relation |
*91.04 |
Rpo |
The union of the positive power of R |
*91.05 |
B |
Stands for "Begins". Something is in the domain but not the range of a relation |
*93.01 |
min, max |
used to mean that something is a minimal or maximal element of soeme class with respect to some relation |
*93.02 *93.021 |
gen |
The generations of a relation |
*93.03 |
✸ |
P✸Q is a relation corresponding to the operation of applying P to the left and Q to the right of a relation. This meaning is only used in *95 and the symbol is defined differently in *257. |
*95.01 |
Dft |
Temporary definition (followed by the section it is used in). |
*95 footnote |
Certain subsets of the images of an element under repeatedly applying a function R. Only used in *96. |
*96.01, *96.02 |
The class of ancestors and descendants of an element under a relation R |
*97.01 |