Glossary of algebraic groups

There are a number of mathematical notions to study and classify algebraic groups.

In the sequel, G denotes an algebraic group over a field k.

notion explanation example remarks
linear algebraic group A Zariski closed subgroup of {\rm GL}_n for some n {\rm SL}_n Every affine algebraic group is isomorphic to a linear algebraic group, and vice-versa
affine algebraic group An algebraic group which is an affine variety {\rm GL}_n, non-example: elliptic curve The notion of affine algebraic group stresses the independence from any embedding in {\rm GL}_n
commutative The underlying (abstract) group is abelian. {\mathbb G}_a (the additive group), {\mathbb G}_m (the multiplicative group),[1] any complete algebraic group (see abelian variety)
diagonalizable group A closed subgroup of (\mathbb{G}_m)^n, the group of diagonal matrices (of size n-by-n)
simple algebraic group A connected group which has no non-trivial connected normal subgroups {\rm SL}_n
semisimple group An affine algebraic group with trivial radical {\rm SL}_n, {\rm SO}_n In characteristic zero, the Lie algebra of a semisimple group is a semisimple Lie algebra
reductive group An affine algebraic group with trivial unipotent radical Any finite group, {\rm GL}_n Any semisimple group is reductive
unipotent group An affine algebraic group such that all elements are unipotent The group of upper-triangular n-by-n matrices with all diagonal entries equal to 1 Any unipotent group is nilpotent
torus A group that becomes isomorphic to (\mathbb{G}_m)^n when passing to the algebraic closure of k. {\rm SO}_2 G is said to be split by some bigger field k' , if G becomes isomorphic to Gmn as an algebraic group over k'.
character group X(G) The group of characters, i.e., group homomorphisms G\rightarrow{\mathbb G}_m X^*(\mathbb{G}_m)\cong\mathbb{Z}
Lie algebra Lie(G) The tangent space of G at the unit element. {\rm Lie}({\rm GL}_n)) is the space of all n-by-n matrices Equivalently, the space of all left-invariant derivations.


  1. These two are the only connected one-dimensional linear groups, Springer 1998,Theorem 3.4.9
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