Glossary of module theory
Module theory is the branch of mathematics in which modules are studied. This is a glossary of some terms of the subject.
Basic definition
- left R-module
- A left module
over the ring
is an abelian group
with an operation
(called scalar multipliction) satisfies the following condition:
- right R-module
- A right module
over the ring
is an abelian group
with an operation
satisfies the following condition:
- Or it can be defined as the left module
(the opposite ring of
- bimodule
- If an abelian group
is both a left
-module and right
-module, it can be made to a
-bimodule if
- submodule
- Given
is a left
-module, a subgroup
is a submodule if
- homomorphism of
- For two left
, a group homomorphism
is called homomorphism of
-modules if
- quotient module
- Given a left
, a submodule
can be made to a left
-module by
. It is also called a factor module.
- annihilator
- The annihilator of a left
is the set
. It is a (left) ideal of
- The annihilator of an element
is the set
Types of modules
- finitely generated module
- A module
is finitely generated if there exist finitely many elements
such that every element of
is a finite linear combination of those elements with coefficients from the scalar ring
- cyclic module
- A module is called a cyclic module if it is generated by one element.
- free module
- A free module is a module that has a basis, or equivalently, one that is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of the scalar ring
- basis
- A basis of a module
is a set of elements in
such that every element in the module can be expressed as a finite sum of elements in the basis in a unique way.
- Projective module
- A
is called a projective module if given a
-module homomorphism
, and a surjective
-module homomorphism
, there exists a
-module homomorphism
such that

- The following conditions are equivalent:
- The covariant functor
is exact.
is a projective module.
- Every short exact sequence
is split.
is a direct summand of free modules.
- In particular, every free module is projective.
- injective module
- A
is called an injective module if given a
-module homomorphism
, and an injective
-module homomorphism
, there exists a
-module homomorphism
such that

- The following conditions are equivalent:
- The contravariant functor
is exact.
is a injective module.
- Every short exact sequence
is split.
- flat module
- A
is called a flat module if the tensor product functor
is exact.
- In particular, every projective module is flat.
- simple module
- A simple module is a nonzero module whose only submodules are zero and itself.
- indecomposable module
- An indecomposable module is a non-zero module that cannot be written as a direct sum of two non-zero submodules. Every simple module is indecomposable.
- principal indecomposable module
- A cyclic indecomposable projective module is known as a PIM.
- semisimple module
- A module is called semisimple if it is the direct sum of simple submodules.
- faithful module
- A faithful module
is one where the action of each nonzero
is nontrivial (i.e.
for some x in M). Equivalently,
is the zero ideal.
- Noetherian module
- A Noetherian module is a module such that every submodule is finitely generated. Equivalently, every increasing chain of submodules becomes stationary after finitely many steps.
- Artinian module
- An Artinian module is a module in which every decreasing chain of submodules becomes stationary after finitely many steps.
- finite length module
- A module which is both Artinian and Noetherian has additional special properties.
- graded module
- A module
over a graded ring
is a graded module if
can be expressed as a direct sum
- invertible module
- Roughly synonymous to rank 1 projective module.
- uniform module
- Module in which every two non-zero submodules have a non-zero intersection.
- algebraically compact module (pure injective module)
- Modules in which all systems of equations can be decided by finitary means. Alternatively, those modules which leave pure-exact sequence exact after applying Hom.
- injective cogenerator
- An injective module such that every module has a nonzero homomorphism into it.
- irreducible module
- synonymous to "simple module"
- completely reducible module
- synonymous to "semisimple module"
Operations on modules
- Essential extension
- An extension in which every nonzero submodule of the larger module meets the smaller module in a nonzero submodule.
- Injective envelope
- A maximal essential extension, or a minimal embedding in an injective module
- Projective cover
- A minimal surjection from a projective module.
- Socle
- The largest semisimple submodule
- Radical of a module
- The intersection of the maximal submodules. For Artinian modules, the smallest submodule with semisimple quotient.
Changing scalars
- Restriction of scalars
- Uses a ring homomorphism from R to S to convert S-modules to R-modules
- Extension of scalars
- Uses a ring homomorphism from R to S to convert R-modules to S-modules
- Localization of a module
- Converts R modules to S modules, where S is a localization of R
- Endomorphism ring
- A left R-module is a right S-module where S is its endomorphism ring.
Homological algebra
Modules over special rings
- D-module
- A module over a ring of differential operators.
- Drinfeld module
- A module over a ring of functions on algebraic curve with coefficients from a finite field.
- Galois module
- A module over the group ring of a Galois group
- Structure theorem for finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain
- Finitely generated modules over PIDs are finite direct sums of primary cyclic modules.
- Tate module
- A special kind of Galois module
- Rational canonical form
- elementary divisor
- invariants
- fitting ideal
- normal forms for matrices
- Jordan Hölder composition series
- tensor product
See also
- John A. Beachy (1999). Introductory Lectures on Rings and Modules (1st ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-521-64407-0.
- Golan, Jonathan S.; Head, Tom (1991), Modules and the structure of rings, Monographs and Textbooks in Pure and Applied Mathematics 147, Marcel Dekker, ISBN 978-0-8247-8555-0, MR 1201818
- Lam, Tsit-Yuen (1999), Lectures on modules and rings, Graduate Texts in Mathematics No. 189, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-0-387-98428-5, MR 1653294
- Serge Lang (1993). Algebra (3rd ed.). Addison-Wesley. ISBN 0-201-55540-9.
- Passman, Donald S. (1991), A course in ring theory, The Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Mathematics Series, Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole Advanced Books & Software, ISBN 978-0-534-13776-2, MR 1096302
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