Go (1973 TV series)
Go is an American television series for children that aired late-mornings on Saturdays on NBC between September 1973 and September 1976. It had the shortest title for a TV series until V debuted in 1984 on the same network. The first two seasons of Go explored various occupations. For the third season, the emphasis shifted to the United States Bicentennial observance of 1976, therefore Go became Go-U.S.A. from September 6, 1975 until the series ended the following year.[1]
- ↑ TV Guide Guide to TV. Barnes and Noble. 2004. p. 255. ISBN 0-7607-5634-1.
| Entertainment Children's Series (1974–1984, retired) | |
| Children's Instructional Programming (1976–1979, retired) | |
| Informational Children's Series (1976–1979, retired) | |
| Children's Informational/Instructional Series (1980–1984, retired) | |
| Children's Series (1985–present) | |
| Pre-School Children's Series (1995–present) | |
| First-run animated series | |
| First-run live-action series | |
| Rebroadcasts | |
| Schedules | |
| Related programming and topics | |