Golden Eagle Award for Best Motion Picture (Russia)
Golden Eagle Award for Best Motion Picture | |
Awarded for | Best Motion Picture of the Year |
Country | Russia |
Presented by | National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia |
First awarded | 2002 |
Currently held by | Sunstroke (2014) |
Official website | Official site of the National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia |
The Golden Eagle Award for Best Motion Picture (Russian: Золотой Орёл за лучший игровой фильм) is one of twenty award categories presented annually by the National Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences of Russia. It is one of the Golden Eagle Awards, which were conceived by Nikita Mikhalkov as a counterweight to the Nika Award established in 1987 by the Russian Academy of Cinema Arts and Sciences.[1]
Each year the members of the academy choose five nominees. The first film to be awarded was The Cuckoo, a comedy film about the Winter War between Finland and the Soviet Union during World War II.[2] The most recent award was given to Sunstroke, in 2014.[3]
Nominees and winners
- Key
Sign | Meaning |
# | Indicates the winner |

Andrei Konchalovsky was together with Igor Maslennikov, the first to be nominated for a film as a director and as a producer, in 2002

Karen Shakhnazarov holds the record for the most nominations, with three as a director and four as a producer. He won the award once, both as a producer and director.

Pavel Lungin was the first winner as a director and as a producer, in 2006

Two of four nominated films by producer Alexander Rodnyansky won the prize, in 2005 and 2011

Three of Bondarchuk's works were nominated for the Eagle Award.
Year | International title | Original title | Transliterated title (per BGN/PCGN standard) |
Director(s) | Producer(s) | Ref(s) |
2002 | The Cuckoo# | Кукушка | Kukushka | Rogozhkin, AleksandrAleksandr Rogozhkin | Sergey Selyanov | [2] |
2002 | War | Война | Voyna | Balabanov, AlekseiAleksei Balabanov | Sergey Selyanov | [2] |
2002 | House of Fools | Дом дураков | Dom durakov | Konchalovsky, AndreiAndrei Konchalovsky | Felix Kleyman, Andrei Konchalovsky | [2] |
2002 | The Star | Звезда | Zvezda | Lebedev, NikolayNikolay Lebedev | Karen Shakhnazarov, Alexandr Litvinov | [2] |
2002 | Letters to Else | Письма к Эльзе | Pis'ma k El'ze | Maslennikov, IgorIgor Maslennikov | Igor Maslennikov, Andrey Razumovskiy | [2] |
2003 | The Return# | Возвращение | Vozvrashchenie | Zvyagintsev, AndreyAndrey Zvyagintsev | Dmitry Lesnevsky | [4] |
2003 | Poor, Poor Pavel | Бедный бедный Павел | Bednyy, bednyy Pavel | Melnikov, VitalyVitaly Melnikov | Andrey Zertsalov | [4] |
2003 | Roads to Koktebel | Коктебель | Koktebel' | Hlebnikov, BorisBoris Hlebnikov, Popogrebski, AlexeiAlexei Popogrebski | Roman Borisevich | [4] |
2003 | Magnetic Storms | Магнитные бури | Magnitny·e buri | Abdrashitov, VadimVadim Abdrashitov | Alexandr Potemkin | [4] |
2003 | The Stroll | Прогулка | Progulka | Uchitel, AlexeiAlexei Uchitel | Alexei Uchitel | [4] |
2004 | 72 Meters# | 72 метра | 72 metra | Khotinenko, VladimirVladimir Khotinenko | Anatolij Maximov, Konstantin Ernst, Leonid Bereshagin | [5] |
2004 | A Driver for Vera | Водитель для Веры | Voditel' dlya Very' | Chukhrai, PavelPavel Chukhrai | Igor Tolstunov, Alexander Rodnyansky | [5] |
2004 | My Step Brother Frankenstein | Мой сводный брат Франкенштейн | Moy Cvodnyy Brat Frankenshteyn | Todorovsky, ValeriValeri Todorovsky | Leonid Yarmolnik | [5] |
2004 | Daddy | Папа | Papa | Mashkov, VladimirVladimir Mashkov | Igor Tolstunov, Vladimir Mashkov | [5] |
2004 | Our Own | Свои | Svoi | Meshiev, DmitryDmitry Meshiev | Viktor Glukov, Sergey Melkumov, Elena Yacura | [5] |
2005 | The 9th Company# | 9 рота | 9 rota | Bondarchuk, FedorFedor Bondarchuk | Elena Yakura, Sergey Melkumov, Alexandr Rodnyansky | [6] |
2005 | The Italian | Итальянец | Ital'yanets | Kravchuk, AndreyAndrey Kravchuk | Andrey Zertsalov | [6] |
2005 | Dreaming of Space | Космос как предчувствие | Kosmos kak predchuvstvie | Uchitel, AlexeiAlexei Uchitel | Alexei Uchitel | [6] |
2005 | The State Counsellor | Статский советник | Statskiy sovetnik | Yankovsky, FilippFilipp Yankovsky | Nikita Mikhalkov, Leonid Bereshagin | [6] |
2005 | The Turkish Gambit | Турецкий гамбит | Tureckiy gambit | Faisiev, DjanikDjanik Faisiev | Anatoly Maximov, Konstantin Ernst, Leonid Bereshagin | [6] |
2006 | The Island# | Остров | Ostrov | Lungin, PavelPavel Lungin | Pavel Lungin, Sergey Shumakov | [7] |
2006 | Day Watch | Дневной дозор | Dnevnoy dozor | Bekmambetov, TimurTimur Bekmambetov | Anatoly Maximov, Konstantin Ernst | [7] |
2006 | Alive | Живой | Zhivoy | Veledinsky, AlexandrAlexandr Veledinsky | Sergey Chliyants | [7] |
2006 | Playing the Victim | Изображая жертву | Izobrazhaya zhertvu | Serebrennikov, KirillKirill Serebrennikov | Natalia Mokritskaya, Ulyana Saveleva, Leonid Sagalsky | [7] |
2006 | It Doesn't Hurt Me | Мне не больно | Mne ne bol'no | Selyanov, SergeySergey Selyanov | Alexey Balabanov | [7] |
2007 | 12# | 12 | 12 | Mikhalkov, NikitaNikita Mikhalkov | Nikita Mikhalkov, Leonid Bereshagin | [8] |
2007 | Artistka | Артистка | Artistka | Govoruhin, StanislavStanislav Govoruhin | Ekaterina Maskina | [8] |
2007 | Mongol | Mongol | Mongol | Bodrov, SergeySergey Bodrov | Sergey Selyanov, Sergey Bodrov, Anton Melnik | [8] |
2007 | Simple Things | Простые вещи | Prosty'e veshhi | Popogrevski, AlexeiAlexei Popogrevski | Roman Borisevich | [8] |
2007 | Travelling with Pets | Путешествие с домашними животными | Puteshestvie s domashnimi zhivotn·ymi | Storoshcheva, VeraVera Storoshcheva | Sabina Eremeeva, Igor Tolstunov | [8] |
2008 | Wild Field# | Дикое поле | Dikoe pole | Kalatozishvili, MikheilMikheil Kalatozishvili | Sergey Sneshchkin, Andrey Bondarenko, Mikheil Kalatozishvili | [9] |
2008 | Admiral | Адмиралъ | Admiral” | Kravchuk, AndreyAndrey Kravchuk | Djanik Faisiev, Anatoly Maximov | [9] |
2008 | Paper Soldier | Бумажный солдат | Bumazhnyy soldat | German, sen., AlexeiAlexei German, sen. | Aretem Vasiliev, Sergey Shumakov | [9] |
2008 | Everybody Dies But Me | Все умрут, а я oстанусь | Vse umrut, a ya ostanus' | Germanika, Valeria GayValeria Gay Germanika | Igor Tolstunov | [9] |
2008 | Vanished Empire | Исчезнувшая империя | Ischeznuvshaya imperiya | Shakhnazarov, KarenKaren Shakhnazarov | Karen Shakhnazarov | [9] |
2009 | Stilyagi# | Стиляги | Stilyagi | Todorovsky, ValeryValery Todorovsky | Leonid Lebedev, Leonid Yarmolnik, Vadim Goryanov, Valery Todorovsky | [10] |
2009 | Anna Karenina | Анна Каренина | Anna Karenina | Soloviev, SergeySergey Soloviev | Sergey Soloviev, Oleg Urushev | [10] |
2009 | Ward No. 6 | Палата №6 | Palata No. 6 | Shakhnazarov, KarenKaren Shakhnazarov | Karen Shakhnazarov | [10] |
2009 | Pete on the Way to Heaven | Петя по дороге в царствие небесное | Petya po doroge v tsarstvie nebesnoe | Dostal, NikolayNikolay Dostal | Fedor Popov | [10] |
2009 | Tsar | Царь | Tsar' | Lungin, PavelPavel Lungin | Pavel Lungin | [10] |
2010 | How I Ended This Summer# | Как я провёл этим летом | Kak ya provyol etim letom | Popogrebski, AlexeiAlexei Popogrebski | Roman Barisevich, Alexandr Kushaev | [11] |
2010 | Brest Fortress | Брестская Крепость | Brestskaya Krepost' | Kott, AlexandrAlexandr Kott | Igor Ugolnikov, Ruben Dishdishyan, Vladimir Zametalin | [11] |
2010 | Kandagar | Кандагар | Kandagar | Kavun, AndreyAndrey Kavun | Valery Todorovsky, Ilya Neretin | [11] |
2010 | The Edge | Край | Kray | Uchitel, AlexeiAlexei Uchitel | Konstantin Ernst | [11] |
2010 | Silent Souls | Овсянки | Ovsyanki | Fedorchenko, AlexeyAlexey Fedorchenko | Igor Mishin, Maria Nasari | [11] |
2011 | Elena# | Елена | Yelyena | Zvyagintsev, AndreyAndrey Zvyagintsev | Alexander Rodnyansky | [12] |
2011 | Sundays | В субботу | V subbotu | Mindadze, AleksandrAleksandr Mindadze | Dmitry Efremov, Oleg Kokhan, Alexander Rodnyansky, Mathias Esche | [12] |
2011 | Two Days | Два дня | Dva dnya | Smirnova, AvdotiyaAvdotiya Smirnova | Fedor Bondarchuk, Dmitry Rudovsky, Ruben Dishdishyan | [12] |
2011 | The House | Дом | Dom | Pogodin, OlegOleg Pogodin | Sergey Selyanikov, Denis Frolov, Sergey Daniyelyan | [12] |
2011 | Shapito Show | Шапито-шоу | Shapito-shou | Loban, SergeySergey Loban | Ekaterina Gerasicheva, Aleksey Ageyev, Mikhail Sinyov | [12] |
2012 | White Tiger# | Белый тигр | Belyy tigr | Shakhnazarov, KarenKaren Shakhnazarov | Karen Shakhnazarov, Galina Shadur | [13] |
2012 | Vysotsky. Thank You For Being Alive | Высоцкий. Спасибо, что живой | Vysotskiy. Spasibo, chto zhivoy | Buslov, PyotrPyotr Buslov | Konstantin Ernst, Anatoly Maksimov, Michael Schlicht, Nikita Vysotsky | [13] |
2012 | Soulless | Духless | Dukhless | Prygunov, RomanRoman Prygunov | Petr Anurov, Dmitriy Rudovskiy, Fedor Bondarchuk | [13] |
2012 | The Horde | Орда | Orda | Proshkin, AndreiAndrei Proshkin | Natalya Gostyushina, Sergey Kravets | [13] |
2012 | Spy | Шпион | Shpion | Andrianov, AlexeyAlexey Andrianov | Leonid Vereshchagin, Sergey Shumakov | [13] |
2013 | Legend № 17# | Легенда № 17 | Legenda № 17 | Lebedev, NikolayNikolay Lebedev | Leonid Vereshchagin, Anton Zlatopolsky, Nikita Mikhalkov | [14] |
2013 | The Geographer Drank His Globe Away | Географ глобус пропил | Geograf globus propil | Veledinsky, AlexanderAlexander Veledinsky | Vadim Goryanov, Leonid Lebedev, Valery Todorovsky | [14] |
2013 | Gorko! | Горько! | Gor'ko! | Kryzhovnikov, ZhoraZhora Kryzhovnikov | Ilya Burets, Dmitry Nelidov, Sergey Svetlakov, Timur Bekmambetov | [14] |
2013 | Ku! Kin-dza-dza | Ку! Кин-дза-дза | Ku! Kin-dza-dza | Danelia, GeorgyGeorgy Danelia, Ilyina, TatianaTatiana Ilyina | Yuri Kushnerev, Sergey Selyanov, Oleg Urushev, Leonid Yarmolnik, Konstantin Ernst | [14] |
2013 | Stalingrad | Сталинград | Stalingrad | Bondarchuk, FyodorFyodor Bondarchuk | Alexander Rodnyansky, Anton Zlatopolsky, Dmitry Rudovsky, Sergey Melkumov | [14] |
2014 | Sunstroke# | Солнечный удар | Solnechny udar | Mikhalkov, NikitaNikita Mikhalkov | Leonid Vereshchagin, Anton Zlatopolsky, Nikita Mikhalkov | [15] |
2014 | The Postman's White Nights | Белые ночи почтальона Алексея Тряпицына | Belye nochi pochtalyona Alekseya Tryapitsyna | Konchalovsky, AndreyAndrey Konchalovsky | Andrey Konchalovsky | [15] |
2014 | The Star | Звезда | Zvezda | Melikyan, AnnaAnna Melikyan | Anna Melikyan, Ruben Dishidishyan | [15] |
2014 | Leviathan | Левиафан | Leviafan | Zvyagintsev, AndreyAndrey Zvyagintsev | Alexaner Rodnyansky, Sergey Melkumov | [15] |
2014 | Weekend | Weekend | — | Govorukhin, StanislavStanislav Govorukhin | Stanislav Govorukhin, Ekaterina Maskina | [15] |
- ↑ "Nikita Mikhalkov". Russkiy Mir Foundation Information Service. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2002 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2002] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- ↑ Лауреаты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2014 год [Laureates for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2014] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2015-11-16.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2003 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2003] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2004 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2004] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2005 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2005] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2006 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2006] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2007 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2007] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2008 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2008] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2009 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2009] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2010 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2010] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2011-02-08.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2011 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2011] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2013-05-10.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2012 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2012] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2014-05-10.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2013 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2013] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2015-11-16.
- 1 2 3 4 5 Номинанты Премии "Золотой Орел" за 2014 год [Nominees for the Prize "Golden Eagle Award" for 2014] (in Russian). National Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences of Russia. Retrieved 2015-11-16.
External links
- Official website (Russian)
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