Golden Microphone

The Golden Microphone (Turkish: Altın Mikrofon) contest was a music contest annually held between 1965−1968 in Turkey. It was organized by the newspaper Hürriyet. In 1960s, most of the Turkish popular music melodies were either songs from west Europe with Turkish lyrics or traditional Turkish folk melodies played with western instruments.[1] The goal of the contest was to encourage the development of popular Turkish music either by new compositions or by using domestic sources. More formally, Hürriyet announced the goal of the contest as "Redirecting Turkish music using technique and style of the western music as well as the instruments of the western music" [2]


Year Rank Group Title
1965 1stYıldırım GürsesGençliğe Veda
2ndMavi IşıklarHelvacı
3rdSilüetlerKaşık Havası
1966 1stSilüetlerLorke Lorke
2nd Mavi IşıklarÇayır Çimen Geze Geze
3rdSelçuk AlagözArarım
1967 1stMavi ÇocuklarDeveli Daylar
2ndCem KaracaEmrah
3rd Rana AlagözKonya Kabağı
1968 1stTPAO BatmanMeşelidir Enginde Dağlar
2ndHaramilerArpa Buğday Daneler
3rd MoğollarIlgaz


Later years

Altın Mikrofon was a milestone in Turkish music. Although Hürriyet gave up organizing the contest after 1968, two other newspapers tried to continue: Günaydın in 1972 and Saklambaç in 1979. But these later contests unlike the earlier contests, didn’t attracted much attention and they too gave up. The results of these were as follows:

Year Rank Group Title
1972 1stEdip AkbayramKükredi Çimenler
2ndSalim DündarBir dost bulamadım
3rdÖmer AysanMış mış
1979 1stÜnal BüyükgönençDışarda Kar yağıyor



  1. Hürriyet newspaper archive (Turkish)
  2. Hey blog (Hürriyet sponsored periodical (Turkish))
  3. 1 2 Results from Anadolu pop (Turkish)

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, October 21, 2013. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.