Google Cloud Platform

Google Cloud Platform
Developer(s) Google Inc.
Written in
Platform Google App Engine, Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage, Google BigQuery, Google Cloud SQL
Type Cloud Storage, Web Development
License Proprietary

Google Cloud Platform is a cloud computing platform by Google that offers hosting on the same supporting infrastructure that Google uses internally for end-user products like Google Search and YouTube.[1] Cloud Platform provides developer products to build a range of programs from simple websites to complex applications.[2][3]

Google Cloud Platform is a part of a suite of enterprise solutions from Google for Work and provides a set of modular cloud-based services with a host of development tools. For example, hosting and computing, cloud storage, data storage, translations APIs and prediction APIs.[4]


The Google Cloud Platform is composed of a family of products, each including a web interface, a command-line tool and a REST API.


See also


  1. "Why Google Cloud Platform". Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  2. "Google Cloud Platform". Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  3. "Google Cloud Products". Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  4. "Google Cloud Platform". Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  5. "Introducing Google App Engine + our new blog". Google Developer Blog. 2008-04-07. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  7. "Introducing the Google Cloud Platform Partner Program: Helping businesses move to the cloud". Google Enterprise Blog. 2012-07-24. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  8. "Whoopsie! Google App Engine goes down". GigaOM. 2012-10-26. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  9. "Google opens up its BigQuery data analytics service to all". GigaOM. 2012-04-01. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  10. "Google Compute Engine is now Generally Available with expanded OS support, transparent maintenance, and lower prices". Google Developers Blog. 2013-12-02. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  11. "Google Cloud SQL now Generally Available with an SLA, 500GB databases, and encryption". Google Cloud Platform Blog. 2014-02-11. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  12. "Google Cloud Platform Live - Blending IaaS and PaaS, Moore’s Law for the cloud". Google Cloud Platform Blog. 2014-03-25. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  13. "Bringing together the best of PaaS and IaaS". Google Cloud Platform Blog. 2014-03-27. Retrieved 2014-04-05.
  14. "Google Cloud Dataproc managed Spark and Hadoop service now GA".

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, April 29, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.