Government-organized demonstration

Government-organized demonstrations or state demonstrations are demonstrations which are organized by the government of that nation.

The Islamic Republic of Iran,[1][2] the People's Republic of China,[3] Republic of Cuba,[4] Kirchnerist Argentina,[5] the Soviet Union,[6] Fascist Italy, and Nazi Germany among other nations, have had government-organized demonstrations.

In Iran, demonstrations such as the anniversary of Islamic revolution, are organized by government. In the past, people at these demonstrations have chanted "Down with Israel" and "Death to America" .[7][8]

The North Korean government regularly organizes demonstrations against South Korea or the US or in support of government policies.

Following the North Korean example, on 16 November 2013 Bulgarian Oresharski Government and the ruling Bulgarian Socialist Party (formerly communist) organized pro-government demonstration in support of his own government which had the lowest ever popularity amongst all Bulgarian population.

Similar example happened in Poland on 13 December 2015 when Jarosław Kaczyński's party Law and Justice changed their annual unofficial celebrations of the anniversary of the introduction of the Martial Law into pro-government rally [9] to counterbalance 50 000 strong prodemocratic demonstration [10] organized by Democracy Defence Committee that protested against breaking the constitution by Law and Justice' president Andrzej Duda and Beata Szydło government.

See also


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