Grand Ricci
Le Grand Ricci (or Grand dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise, Simplified Chinese : 利氏汉法辞典 ; Traditional Chinese : 利氏漢法辭典 ; pinyin : Lìshì Hàn-Fǎ cídiǎn ; literally : “Dictionnaire chinois-français Ricci” (2001), from the name of the 15th century Italian missionary, Matteo Ricci. It is a very complete Chinese-French dictionary.
It is composed of seven volumes of more than 1,200 pages each, identifying 13,500 characters, and about 300,000 entries of terms and expressions. It is, therefore, the largest Chinese-French dictionary yet, and probably the largest dictionary of Chinese into a Western language
On the 11th of May, 2010, the DVD version was presented for the first time at the Shanghai Museum. The resources of the Ricci dictionary are available on Android phones and tablets and Apple IOS via Pleco Software.
Connected Articles
- Ricci Institutes of the Paris Ricci Institute and of the Taipei Ricci Institute : Le Grand Dictionnaire Ricci de la langue chinoise, Paris, Desclée de Brouwer, 2001, ISBN|2-220-04667-2.
- id : Le Grand Ricci numérique, Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la langue chinoise, sur DVD-ROM, Editions du Cerf, Paris, 2010, ISBN 978-2-204-09239-5.
- Taipei Ricci Institute : |利氏學社 《利氏漢法辭典》, 台北, 1999, ISBN 2-220-04592-7
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