Green Party Shadow Cabinet of the 41st Parliament of Canada
The Green Party Shadow Cabinet of the 41st Parliament of Canada consists largely of non-parliamentary party spokespersons on specific issue portfolios in opposition to the current 28th Canadian Ministry of Stephen Harper. Of the members of the cabinet, only Elizabeth May and Bruce Hyer are Members of Parliament.
- Co-Chairs
- Leader Elizabeth May, MP
- Erich Jacoby-Hawkins
- Agriculture
- Kate Storey
- Animal Issues
- Sameer Muldeen
- Arctic and Northern Affairs
- John Streicker
- Arts, Culture and Heritage
- Vacant
Climate Change
- Vacant
- Democratic Reform
- Bruce Hyer, MP
- Energy and Natural Resources
- David Robinson
- Environment
- Andy Park
- Finance
- Vacant
- Fisheries
- Janice Harvey
- Fitness and Sport
- Les Parsons
- Health
- Dr. Georgina Wilcock
- Human Rights
- Joe Foster
- Indigenous Affairs
- Lorraine Rekmans
- Industry
- Jen Hunter
- Infrastructure and Community Development
- Vacant
- International Affairs
- Eric Walton
- Immigration and Citizenship
- Don Galloway
- International Trade
- Jacqueline Romanow
- Justice
- Vacant
- Labour and Employment
- Brian Timlick
- Mental Health
- Valerie Powell
- National Revenue and Ecological Fiscal Reform
- Erich Jacoby-Hawkins
- Peace and Security
- Ronnie Smith
- Poverty Elimination
- Vacant
- Public Works and Government Services
- Chris Hill
- Quebec Advocate
- Annie Durette
- Vacant
- Seniors
- Valerie Powell
- Small Business
- Jean-Luc Cooke
- Social Services
- Vanessa Long
- Status of Women
- Vacant
- Mass Transit and Transportation
- Chris Turner
- Treasury Board
- Shirley Picknell
- Veterans Affairs
- John Percy
- Water
- Lorraine Banville
- Youth
- Vacant
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