Gregory Benford bibliography

A bibliography of works by or about American space opera author Gregory Benford.[1]

This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.


The Adventures of Victor & Julia

Name Published ISBN Notes
The Martian Race Warner Aspect, 12/1999 ISBN 978-0-446-52633-3
The Sunborn Warner Aspect, 3/2005 ISBN 978-0-446-53058-3

Galactic Center Saga

Name Published ISBN Notes
In the Ocean of Night Dial Press, 1976 Nebula Award nominee, 1977;[2]
Locus Award nominee, 1978[3]
Across the Sea of Suns Simon & Schuster, 1/1984 ISBN 978-0-671-44668-0
Great Sky River Bantam Books, 12/1987 ISBN 978-0-553-05238-1 reviewed by the LA Times[4]
Nebula Award nominee, 1988[5]
Tides of Light Bantam Books, 1/1989 ISBN 978-0-553-05322-7 reviewed by the LA Times[6]
Locus Award nominee, 1990[7]
Furious Gulf Bantam Spectra, 7/1994 ISBN 978-0-553-09661-3 reviewed by the LA Times[8]
Sailing Bright Eternity Bantam Spectra, 8/1995 ISBN 978-0-553-08655-3

Jupiter Projects

Name Published ISBN Notes
Jupiter Project Thomas Nelson, 1975 ISBN 978-0-8407-6456-0
Against Infinity Ultramarine Press, March 1983 ISBN 978-0-671-46491-2 Nebula Award nominee, 1983[9]

Other series contributions

Man-Kzin Wars (with Larry Niven)

Name Published ISBN Notes
Man-Kzin Wars VI Baen Books, 1994 ISBN 978-0-671-87607-4
A Darker Geometry: A Man-Kzin Novel Baen Books, 8/1996 ISBN 978-0-671-87740-8 co-authored with Mark O. Martin

Second Foundation

Name Published ISBN Notes
Foundation's Fear Harper Prism, 1997 ISBN 978-0-06-105243-9

Non-series novels

Name Published ISBN Notes
Deeper Than the Darkness (a.k.a. The Stars in Shroud) Ace Books, 1970
Timescape Simon & Schuster, 1980 ISBN 978-0-671-25327-1 Nebula winner, 1980;[10]
British SF Award winner, 1980;[10]
Campbell Award winner, 1981;[11]
Locus Award nominee, 1981[11]
Artifact St. Martin's Press, 6/1985 ISBN 978-0-312-93048-6
Iceborn Tor Double Novels, 11/1989 ISBN 0-8125-0277-9 with Paul A. Carter
Beyond the Fall of Night Putnam Publishing, 7/1990 ISBN 978-0-399-13499-9 with Arthur C. Clarke
Cosm Warner Aspect, 2/1998 ISBN 978-0-380-97435-1
Eater Eos, 5/2000 ISBN 978-0-380-97436-8 Locus Award nominee, 2001[12]
Beyond Infinity Warner Aspect, March 2004 ISBN 978-0-446-53059-0


Name Published ISBN Notes
If the Stars Are Gods Berkley Books, 1977 ISBN 978-0-399-11942-2 with Gordon Eklund
Shiva Descending St. Martin's Press, 1980 with William Rotsler
Find the Changeling Dell Publishing, 1980 ISBN 978-0-440-12604-1 with Gordon Eklund
Heart of the Comet Bantam Spectra, 2/1986 ISBN 978-0-553-05125-4 with David Brin
Locus Award nominee, 1987[13]
Beyond the Fall of Night Putnam Publishing, 7/1990 ISBN 978-0-399-13499-9 with Arthur C. Clarke
Bowl of Heaven Tom Doherty Associates, Tor Books 10/2012 ISBN 9780765328410 with Larry Niven
Shipstar[14] Tom Doherty Associates, Tor Books 04/2014 ISBN 9780765328700 with Larry Niven

Short fiction


Standalone anthologies

"What Might Have Been" anthologies

Short stories

The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (June 1965), collected in Matter's End
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (January 1966)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (May 1966)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1969), nominated for the Hugo and Nebula awards in 1970, expanded into the novel of the same name
Amazing Stories (November 1969)
Amazing Science Fiction (May 1970), selected for Terry Carr's World's Best Science Fiction: 1971, reprinted in Amazing Stories May 1981, collected in Matter's End and The Best of Gregory Benford
Venture Science Fiction Magazine (May 1970), collected in Worlds Vast and Various
Fantastic (June 1970)
Fantastic (August 1970)
If (September/October 1970)
Fantastic (October 1970)
Quark/1 (November 1970)
Galaxy Science Fiction (March 1971)
If (March/April 1971)
If (May/June 1971)
Universe 1 (1971)
Again, Dangerous Visions (1972)
Worlds of If (May/Jun 1972), later incorporated into the novel of the same name
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1973), later incorporated into In the Ocean of Night
Amazing Science Fiction (February 1974)
Vertex: The Magazine of Science Fiction (February 1974)
Universe 4 (March 1974), selected for Terry Carr's The Best Science Fiction of the Year 4 (July 1975), winner of the Nebula Award in 1975, later incorporated into If the Stars Are Gods
Threads of Time (August 1974), later incorporated into In the Ocean of Night
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact (April 1975), selected for Terry Carr's The Best Science Fiction of the Year 5, nominated for the Hugo, Nebula and Locus awards in 1976, collected in In Alien Flesh, Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
New Dimensions 5 (April 1975), nominated for the Nebula Award in 1976, collected in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
Tomorrow Today (1975)
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact (September 1975)
Epoch (November 1975)
Amazing Stories (March 1976), reprinted in 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1978)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (July 1976), later incorporated into If the Stars Are Gods
Faster Than Light (1976), reprinted in The Crash of Empire
Universe 6 (1976)
Alien Worlds (November 1976)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (January 1977), later incorporated into If the Stars Are Gods
New Dimensions 7 (April 1977), collected in Matter's End
Cosmos Science Fiction and Fantasy Magazine (May 1977)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (August 1977), nominated for the Hugo Award for Best Novella in 1978, later incorporated into In the Ocean of Night
Universe 8 (May 1978), collected in In Alien Flesh
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact (June 1978, first printing truncated due to an error, printed in full in the September issue)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (September 1978), selected for The 1979 Annual World's Best SF and Best SF Stories of the Year: Eighth Annual Collection, reprinted in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
Destinies (November/December 1978), selected for Thor's Hammer and The Best of Destinies (1980)
Omni, (December 1978), selected for The Best Science Fiction of the Year 8 and The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction
Destinies (January/February 1979), collected in Matter's End
New Dimensions 9 (April 1979), selected for The Best of New Dimensions, collected in Matter's End
Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact (April 1979), selected for Best Science Fiction Stories of the Year: Ninth Annual Collection, reprinted in The Endless Frontier, Vol. II, collected in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
Omni (May 1979), reprinted in The Endless Frontier and Lightspeed (February 2012), collected in Matter's End and The Best of Gregory Benford
Universe 9 (May 1979), selected for The Best Science Fiction of the Year 9, reprinted in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
Amazing Stories (August 1980)
Destinies (November 1980)
Destinies (April 1981), reprinted in Worldmakers: SF Adventures in Terraforming
New Dimensions 12 (June 1981), collected in Matter's End
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (July 1981), reprinted in The Road to Science Fiction #4: From Here to Forever, The Norton Book of Science Fiction: North American Science Fiction, 1960–1990 and The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, reprinted in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
Destinies (August 1981), collected in Matter's End
Science Fiction Digest (October 1981), nominated for the Nebula Award in 1982, selected for The Best Science Fiction of the Year 11
Amazing Stories (November 1981)
Rigel Science Fiction (April 1982)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1982), reprinted in Hitler Victorious: Eleven Stories of the German Victory in World War II
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (July 1982), collected in Anomalies
Perpetual Light (October 1982), selected for The Best Science Fiction of the Year 12, reprinted in The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF, collected in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
The Berkley Showcase Volume 5 (October 1982)
The Best of Omni Science Fiction No. 5 (1983)
Universe 14 (June 1984), selected for The Science Fiction Yearbook, collected in In Alien Flesh
Time's Rub (November 1984), reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (April 1985), Mathenauts: Tales of Mathematical Wonder and Future on Ice, collected in In Alien Flesh and The Best of Gregory Benford
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (April 1985), reprinted in Afterwar, Armageddon!, The Best Military Science Fiction of the 20th Century and The End of the World: Stories of the Apocalypse, collected in In Alien Flesh and Immersion and Other Short Novels
Omni (April 1985), collected in Matter's End
Of Space/Time and the River (1985), reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (February 1986) and Future Earths: Under African Skies, selected for Terry Carr's Best Science Fiction of the Year 15, collected in In Alien Flesh, Immersion and Other Short Novels and The Best of Gregory Benford
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (January 1986), reprinted in Heroes in Hell, nominated for the Nebula Award in 1987
In Alien Flesh (March 1986) (first English publication)
In Alien Flesh (March 1986), reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (mid-December 1986)
Far Frontiers, Volume V (May 1986)
Interzone (Autumn 1986), reprinted in Amazing Stories (May 1987), collected in Matter's End and The Best of Gregory Benford
Interzone (Winter 1986), reprinted in Alien Stars III: Under The Wheel, collected in Worlds Vast and Various
At the Double Solstice (December 1986), reprinted in Terry's Universe, collected in The Galactic Center Companion, 2nd Edition
Crusaders in Hell (May 1987)
Synergy: New Science Fiction, Number 1 (1987)
Spaceships & Spells (November 1987)
The Universe (November 1987), collected in The Galactic Center Companion, 2nd Edition
Full Spectrum (September 1988), collected in Matter's End and The Best of Gregory Benford
We Could Do Worse (October 1988), reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (April 1989), What Might Have Been? Vol I: Alternate Empires and Roads Not Taken: Tales of Alternate History, collected in Matter's End
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (January 1989)
Amazing Stories (March 1989), selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction: Seventh Annual Collection and The 1990 Annual World's Best SF
Synergy: New Science Fiction, Vol. 3 (1989), later expanded as Iceborn
Amazing Stories (July 1989)
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (October 1989), reprinted in The Microverse, collected in Matter's End and The Best of Gregory Benford
Omni (November 1989), collected in Matter's End
Time Gate (December 1989), reprinted in Amazing Stories (January 1990)
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (January 1990)
Omni (July 1990)
Dangerous Interfaces (October 1990)
Centigrade 233 (December 1990), reprinted in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (December 1991) and The Bradbury Chronicles: Stories in Honor of Ray Bradbury, collected in Matter's End and The Best of Gregory Benford
Full Spectrum 3 (June 1991), nominated for the Nebula Award in 1993, selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction: Ninth Annual Collection, reprinted in The Hard SF Renaissance, collected in Matter's End, Immersion and Other Short Novels and The Best of Gregory Benford
The Jupiter War (August 1991)
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine (October 1991), reprinted in What Might Have Been? Volume 3: Alternate Wars, The Best Alternate History Stories of the 20th Century and The Mammoth Book of Alternate Histories
Amazing Stories (December 1991), collected in Matter's End
After the King: Stories in Honor of J. R. R. Tolkien (January 1992)
Aboriginal Science Fiction (March 1992)
Murasaki (May 1992), collected in Worlds Vast and Various and The Best of Gregory Benford
The Ultimate Dinosaur (October 1992), collected in Matter's End
Amazing Stories (February 1993), collected in Worlds Vast and Various and The Best of Gregory Benford
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (March 1994), collected in Worlds Vast and Various
Science Fiction Age (May 1994), collected in Matter's End
Weird Tales from Shakespeare (July 1994)
Man-Kzin Wars VI (July 1994)
Asimov's Science Fiction (August 1994), nominated for the Nebula Award in 1996
South From Midnight (October 1994)
Matter's End (January 1995)
Matter's End (January 1995)
Analog Science Fiction and Fact (April 1995)
Interzone #94 (April 1995), reprinted in Science Fiction Age (May 1995) and Lamps on the Brow, collected in Worlds Vast and Various
Amazing Stories: The Anthology (May 1995), reprinted in Amazing Stories (Winter 1995)
New Legends (May 1995), reprinted in Armageddons, collected in Worlds Vast and Various and The Best of Gregory Benford
New Legends (May 1995), collected in Worlds Vast and Various
Analog Science Fiction and Fact (November 1995), selected for Year's Best SF, reprinted in Free Space (revised as Early Bird) and The Space Opera Renaissance, collected in Worlds Vast and Various and Anomalies
Science Fiction Age (March 1996), 1997 SF Chronicle Award winner and 1997 Hugo Award nominee, selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fourteenth Annual Collection, reprinted in The Hard SF Renaissance, collected in Immersion and Other Short Novels
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (March 1996), reprinted in War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches (June 1996)
War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches (June 1996)
Future Net (October 1996), selected for Year's Best SF 2 (1997), collected in Worlds Vast and Various and The Best of Gregory Benford
Science Fiction Age (May 1997), selected for Year's Best SF 3, collected in Worlds Vast and Various and The Best of Gregory Benford
Future Histories (June 1997)
Science Fiction Age (July 1997)
Science Fiction Age (November 1997), selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction: Fifteenth Annual Collection, later expanded as The Martian Race
The UFO Files (February 1998)
Age of Wonder #1 (April 1998)
Lord of the Fantastic: Stories in Honor of Roger Zelazny (September 1998), collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Science Fiction Age (November 1998), selected for Year's Best SF 4, reprinted in Explorers: SF Adventures to Far Horizons and The Mammoth Book of Mindblowing SF, collected in Worlds Vast and Various and The Best of Gregory Benford
Far Horizons (May 1999), collected in The Galactic Center Companion, 2nd Edition
Nature (August 3, 2000)
Interzone #171 (September 2001)
Interzone #173 (November 2001)
Sci Fiction (December 5, 2001)
Redshift: Extreme Visions of Speculative Fiction (December 2001), selected for Science Fiction: The Best of 2001 and Year's Best SF 7, reprinted in The Mammoth Book of Extreme Science Fiction, collected in Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
Sci Fiction (March 6, 2002)
Analog Science Fiction and Fact (July 2002)
Once Upon a Galaxy (September 2002)
Asimov's Science Fiction (October 2002), selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twentieth Annual Collection, reprinted in Clarkesworld #102 (March 2015)
Stars: Original Stories Based on the Songs of Janis Ian (August 2003)
Interzone #191 (September 2003)
Asimov's Science Fiction (October 2003) (first English language publication), selected for Year's Best SF 9
Space Stations (March 2004)
Sci Fiction (May 19, 2004), selected for Year's Best SF 10
Cosmic Tales: Adventures in Sol System (June 2004)
Oceans of the Mind (Winter 2004), selected for Year's Best SF 11
Oceans of the Mind (Winter 2004), reprinted in Other Worlds Than These, collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Cosmic Tales II: Adventures in Far Futures (February 2005)
Nature (May 12, 2005), reprinted in Continuum Science Fiction (October 2006) and Futures from Nature, collected in Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
Analog Science Fiction and Fact (July 2005)
In the Shadow of Evil (August 2005)
Cosmos (August 2005), reprinted in Jim Baen's Universe (October 2006), collected in Anomalies
Nature (March 2, 2006), selected for Year's Best SF 12, collected in Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
Star*Line (May 2006), collected in Anomalies
Jim Baen's Universe (June 2006), selected for The Best of Jim Baen's Universe and The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Fourth Annual Collection, collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Jim Baen's Universe (August 2006)
Space Cadets (August 2006)
Jim Baen's Universe (February 2007)
Alien Crimes (April 2007), nominated for the Nebula Award in 2009, selected for The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-Fifth Annual Collection
The New Space Opera (June 2007), collected in Anomalies
This Is My Funniest 2 (October 2007)
Nature Physics (December 2007), selected for Year's Best SF 13, collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Nature (February 14, 2008), collected in Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
Nature (April 24, 2008)
Star*Line (May 2008)
Jim Baen's Universe (December 2008), reprinted in Sentinels: In Honor of Arthur C. Clarke
Jim Baen's Universe (February 2009)
Nature (April 2, 2009), reprinted in The Mammoth Book of Time Travel SF, reprinted in Anomalies
Jim Baen's Universe (April 2009)
Jim Baen's Universe (June 2009)
Jim Baen's Universe (August & October 2009)
Flurb #8 (September 2009)
Jim Baen's Universe (February 2010)
Jim Baen's Universe (February 2010) (March 4, 2010), collected in Anomalies
Nature (June 10, 2010), selected for Year's Best SF 16, collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Gateways (July 2010)
Nature (July 15, 2010), collected in Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
Engineering Infinity (December 2010), selected for Year's Best SF 17, collected in Anomalies and The Best of Gregory Benford
Welcome to the Greenhouse (February 2011), reprinted in Loosed Upon the World, collected in The Best of Gregory Benford (October 19, 2011), collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
The Palencar Project (February 2012), selected for Year's Best SF: 18, collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Anomalies (March 2012), collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Anomalies (March 2012) (April 3, 2013), collected in The Best of Gregory Benford
Nature (July 18, 2013)
Starship Century: Towards the Grandest Horizon (August 2013)
Starship Century: Towards the Grandest Horizon (August 2013), reprinted in Hieroglyph: Stories and Visions for a Better Future
Lightspeed (December 2013)
Multiverse: Exploring Poul Anderson's Worlds (May 2014)
Carbide Tipped Pens: Seventeen Tales of Hard Science Fiction (December 2014)
Meeting Infinity (November 2015)
The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction (January-February 2016)
Analog Science Fiction and Fact (March 2016)


A Scientist's Notebook columns in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction[15]


  2. "1977 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  3. "1978 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  4. Cramer, John G. (1987-12-27). "If Homer Were to Write Science Fiction: Great Sky River by Gregory Benford". Los Angeles Times. p. B11.
  5. "1988 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  6. White, Ted (1989-02-26). "Of Machines And Men". The Washington Post. p. BW09. Gregory Benford's Tides of Light is a sequel to his Great Sky River, and part of a loosely linked series that includes In the Ocean of Night and Across the Sea of Suns.
  7. "1990 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  8. McLellan, Dennis (1994-08-28). "The Science of Fiction; UCI Astrophysicist Gregory Benford Puts Reality Into His Novels". Los Angeles Times. p. E1. Benford's latest book, "Furious Gulf", (Bantam Spectra) is about an expedition exploring the black hole at the center of the galaxy. It's the fifth in his "Galactic Center" series, which began in 1976 with "In the Ocean of the Night."
  9. "1983 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  10. 1 2 "1980 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  11. 1 2 "1981 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  12. "2001 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  13. "1987 Award Winners & Nominees". Worlds Without End. Retrieved 2009-07-05.
  14. "Gregory Benford & Larry Niven – Shipstar cover art and synopsis reveal". Retrieved 2013-07-18.
  15. A Scientist's Notebook
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