Gregory Kearney

Gregory Kearney (born 1957) is an American political cartoonist working for the Casper Star-Tribune in Casper, Wyoming. His work currently appears in

The works of Gregory Kearney generally deal with local or Wyoming statewide issues rather than national or international concerns. He is noted for a minimalist drawing style influenced by the works of the British cartoonist Sir David Low and Tom Curtis, editorial cartoonist for The Milwaukee Sentinel. Kearney's political leaning reflects a traditional labor democratic approach.

Born in Farmington, Maine, in 1957, Gregory Kearney attended Oak Grove-Coburn School, Vassalboro, Maine, and Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, where he was the staff cartoonist for the Daily Universe. He was hired in 1980 as the only staff cartoonist for the Casper Star Tribune in Casper, Wyoming. His work was part of the Pulitzer Prize finalist entry for public service from the Casper Star-Tribune on natural gas pricing in Wyoming in 1985.

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