Gryphon Software Morph

Girls morphing into each other.
Gryphon Software's Morph was the first commercially available morphing software program for personal computers. Gryphon Software was founded in 1991 by Duane Maxwell and Gabriel Wilensky.
Product versions included:
- 1.0 - Allowed morphing between 2 pictures and creating a movie of the morph
- 2.0 - Allowed morphing between pictures and video
- 2.5 - New curve feature, Windows version, flipbook creator
Gryphon Software's Morph 2.5 was the original award-winning Windows/Mac morphing software that was used extensively in the movies (e.g.: Bram Stoker's Dracula, Robin Hood: Men in Tights) and TV commercials and featured on the cover of Time Magazine twice. Morph 2.5 allowed one to create video-strength morphing animations on the PC, and it could play morphing sequences in QuickTime, AVI and FLC or FLI formats, turn the morph into a screen saver or print a transformation sequence as a flip book.
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