Gun-dog training

A Spaniel Field Trial

Gun dogs are used to hunt all sorts of game. Many are used in the pursuit of big game. The majority of working gun dogs are used to hunt upland game.

Types of dogs

Gun dogs are divided into three primary classifications based upon method of work:


The techniques used for training a dog depends very much on the type of work the dog is expected to perform.


Retriever Work Retrievers are used to find and retrieve game that has been shot particularly when waterfowl hunting. In order to work as a gun dog, a retriever should be trained to perform the following tasks and behaviors:

Traits for Training - When selecting a retriever for training consideration is given to:

The Training Process - The training process should start when the dog is still a puppy. During training the retriever is taught a series of skills. Throughout this process they are exposed to different environments and situations that help them cope with the rigors of hunting. The key points of this training are:

Flushing spaniels

Spaniels are trained primarily to quarter in front of the hunter to flush game. Trained spaniels should possess the following skills:

Pointing breeds

Bird dog training varies among breeds and handlers. Successful bird dogs will naturally point at birds - this can not be taught. However training is needed for them to hold their point until the gun is in position, where upon the bird is flushed and the dog drops to the gun. The bird dog should also be trained to work a large area, by whistle and hand signals.

See also

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