Gundolf S. Freyermuth

Gundolf S. Freyermuth (born 1955) is a German American professor for media studies, author, and journalist. He is co-founder since 2010, together with Prof. Björn Bartholdy, of the Cologne Game Lab at the Technical University of Cologne in Germany.[1]


Gundolf S. Freyermuth is the brother of German American entertainment lawyer and film producer Ortwin Freyermuth.

Freyermuth is a founding director and Professor of Media and Game Studies at the Cologne Game Lab, as well as Professor of Comparative Media Studies at the ifs international film school Cologne.[2] In addition, Freyermuth is a representative of the film and media board North Rhine-Westphalia. His purview lies in the areas of developing new media subsidies and the pilot subsidy program for innovative audiovisual media contents.[3]

Freyermuth studied Comparative Literature and Aesthetics at the Free University of Berlin and wrote his Ph.D. thesis on the aesthetic impact of the techno-cultural processes of digitalization, completed in 2004.

Before beginning his career in academics, Freyermuth held positions as editor, department head, reporter and head reporter for German magazines (such as stern and Tempo). Furthermore, he wrote numerous texts as a freelance writer on such topics as literature, film and digital media, while living on the West Coast.

Partial List of Publications


  1. "Cologne Game Lab". Retrieved 2016-01-02.
  2. "Book Details : Games | Game Design | Game Studies". Retrieved 2016-01-02.
  3. "Weitere Jurys | Film und Medien Stiftung NRW". Retrieved 2016-01-02.
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