Gutsy Geeks

Gutsy Geeks Computer Show

A Linux Show about Free Software, Open Source Technology
Hosted by Michael Cady, Nick Coons, Richard Sherman
Genre Linux and Open Source
Language English
Updates Weekly
Length 60 Minutes
Audio format Ogg Vorbis and MP3
Debut October, 2001
Ratings G

Gutsy Geeks is a weekly radio show dedicated to explaining the benefits that the "Average Computer User" would experience by switching to Free and Open Source software. The show is designed to help introduce people to GNU/Linux and FOSS. These open technologies help listeners save money while providing a more reliable and secure computing experience. The hosts attempt to keep the show at a constant novice level accessible by anyone, while at the same time providing new information to keep the show interesting for long time listeners. The primary audience for this program are computer novices and/or former Microsoft Windows users being introduced to the Linux and Open Source world for the first time. The hosts of the show are Michael Cady, Nick Coons, and Richard "Mr. Modem" Sherman.

Common Segments

What is Linux or Open Source

The show usually opens with a reiteration of what Linux or Opens Source software is and how it can benefit the listener.

Mr. Modem

Mr. Modem (Richard A. Sherman) is an author and syndicated columnist who reads some of his material on the air, takes listener questions, and responds to email.


The segment is often a short highlighting Linux and Open Source software in the resent news.

Nerd Knows

This segment is more advanced than the rest of the show and highlights what the truly geeky can do with Linux and open source software. Always presented by Nick Coons this segment comes with a rating to inform the listener the level of difficulty prior to descent into the rapid fire how to.

Lug of the Week

Often, though not every week, the Gutsy Geeks will interview a Linux Users Group. This highlights that community and what they are doing, but also shows that no mater where you are there is a Linux Users Group near you to help you with your open source computer needs.

Compelling Interviews

Interviews with leaders and innovators from the world of Linux and Open source. Sometimes they interview obscure innovates, other times the meet with industry giants.


The Gutsy Geeks is the first broadcast radio show focusing on Linux and Open Source Computing. The Gutsy Geeks, and in its previous incarnation as PC Chat, has been on the air since August 2001.[1] The show's home base is the AM station KFNX 1100 AM, serving the greater Phoenix, Arizona metropolitan area. The show's hosts are Michael Cady, Nick Coons, and Richard Sherman.

Media coverage

External links

Home Page


  1. Geeks take Linux to the airwaves Jun. 20, 2008
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