HD 63454 b

HD 63454 b
Exoplanet List of exoplanets

Parent star
Star HD 63454
Constellation Chamaeleon
Right ascension (α) 07h 39m 21.8511s
Declination (δ) –78° 16 44.300
Distance116.7 ly
(35.80 pc)
Spectral type K4V
Orbital elements
Semi-major axis(a) 0.036 AU
Periastron (q) 0.036 AU
Apastron (Q) 0.036 AU
Eccentricity (e) 0
Orbital period(P) 2.81782±0.000095 d
Orbital speed (υ) 140 km/s
Time of periastron (T0) 2,453,111.129±0.005 JD
Semi-amplitude (K) 64.3 m/s
Physical characteristics
Minimum mass(m sin i)0.38 MJ
Discovery information
Discovery date 14 February 2005
Discoverer(s) Moutou, Mayor,
Bouchy et al.
Discovery method Radial velocity
Discovery site Chile La Silla Observatory,
Discovery status Published

HD 63454 b is an extrasolar planet located approximately 117 light-years away in the constellation of Chamaeleon, orbiting the star HD 63454. It is at least 38% as massive as Jupiter, and orbits very close to its host star, even closer than the famous 51 Pegasi b. Its close orbit means it belongs to a class of exoplanets known as hot Jupiters. This planet has one of the least eccentric orbits.[1]


External links

Coordinates: 07h 39m 21.8511s, −78° 16′ 44.300″

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