Haji Danter
Haji danter is a village in Anantnag tehsil in Anantnag district in the Indian state of Jammu Kashmir. It is adjacent to Anantnag town, just 2 km away from lalchowk Anantnag. The approaches to the village are through Achabal Adda, through Khanabal chowk and through Naid khunoo Harnaag. The village is surrounded by all the three main Rivers of Anantnag, The Brengi, The Aarpath, The Saandran. The village used to be main business hub in early times, because of water transport. The place has a port (place where ships board and deboard) in its surroundings called Ghaati pushwara. The place has the first automatic hydral grinding machine called jindra, where people from far away places used to come and get their rice and spices ground. The village has a population of around 1500 and has highest literacy rate among the areas surrounding it. The two main castes in this area are Malik and Bhat. Malik being dominant among the two. The people of this area are economically sound and the main occupation is govt. Jobs and agriculture. The area being surrounded by rivers on all sides is frequently hit by floods. The main religion of the people is Islam and are very much liberal in nature.
Kashmiri is the local language here. People also speak Urdu and Hindi. The place has population of about 1500 and has literacy rate of more than 85%.Hanji Danter is home to one of the respected Journalists and Author Rao Farman Ali Malik, who has floated first TV news channel of Kashmir, On The Track and has written more than 03 books on kashmir conflict.The founder member of Jammu and Kashmir Alfatha movement Malik Mohammad Maqbool was also native of this village , who was killed by Pro Pakistani Militants in 1992 leading to large scale protests . In modern times many scholars have abode in the place like Dr Hashim Iqbal Malik who is one of the prominent scholar of Kashmir
See also
External links
- Articles about Anantnag in The Economic Times