Halyk Bank

Halyk Bank (Kazakh: ҚазақÑтан Халық Жинақ Банкі; KASE: HSBK) is a commercial savings bank in Kazakhstan that also has branches in Georgia. Its full Kazakh name translates into English as "National Savings Bank of Kazakhstan Joint-Stock Company". In Russian-language sources, the bank is often referred to as Narodny Sberegatelny Bank Kazakhstana (Ðародный Ñберегательный банк КазахÑтана), the Russian equivalent of the name. The bank is the legal successor of the Soviet-era Sberbank in Kazakhstan, analogous to Sberbank in Russia.
Halyk Bank is the third largest in Kazakhstan by volume of business activity and a key universal financial institution. A member of the Halyk group, it is headquartered in the city of Almaty. According to figures from IFRS accounts published on its website, as of 30 June 2010 it had KZT 2,180.5 billion in assets on KZT 293.1 billion in equity, while outstanding client loans totalled KZT 1,091.4 billion and client deposits KZT 1,475.7 billion.
The Board of Directors is chaired by Umut Shayakhmetova.
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