Harald Gutzelnig

Harald Gutzelnig (born June 18, 1956) is an Austrian editor, managing director, non-fictional author and software programmer. He is living in Perg. Gutzelnig and his wife Marianne founded the CDA Verlag.[1][2]


After having finished his education in Pedagogy at the Pädagogische Hochschule (1976–1979) Gutzelnig was working as teacher at a Hauptschule in Upper Austria until 1993.

At the end of the 1980s he began programming an educational software for touch typing, named PC-Tipp-Trainer, and published it with a manual. Later this software was redesigned and renamed PC-Schreib and TippTop (four versions from 1992 to 1999, published by Data Becker).[3]

After that he wrote a course for programming Turbo Pascal and several other books for beginners in electronic data processing.[3]

In 1995 he and his wife Marianne Gutzelnig founded the CDA Verlag in Perg, Upper Austria, which publishes and distributes several computer magazines like CD Austria in Austria [4] as well as PC News and PC User in the German-speaking countries Germany, Switzerland and Luxembourg.[5]




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