Harchoki Goraya
Harchoki Goraya is a village located in Nowshehra Virkan tehsil of Gujranwala. The total population of this village is about 2500. It is a small but important village in the area.
There are two primary schools both for boys and girls in Harchoki Goraya. Students go to Buddha Goraya and Qila Mian Sing to attend high-schools. Though most of the people are illiterate, the new generation is very much interested in education. Parents send their children to private schools in Gujranwala, Dhariwal and Shera kot. It is fair to assume that a bright future is waiting for the people of Harchoki Goraya.
There is a dispensary in this village. Health facilities of primary level are available here. However, people prefer to go to city to avail health facilities. Dr. Muhammad Shaukat has lent uncountable services to the people of Harchoki Goraya.
Society and Culture

The people of this village are very social. Punjabi is used to communicate with each other. Elders and young boys gather in Daara to enjoy the company of each other. Most of the people have tied their fortune with agriculture. Most of the people are Jutt. Goraya, Cheema, Kharal and Warraich clans are very common here. There is also a considerable population of Christians in Harchoki Goraya.
Famous Personalities: • Haji Naseer Ahmad Goraya is very famous elder man. • Chudhary Habib Goraya(late) was elected chairman from UC Budddha Goraya. • Altaf Hussain Goraya is Inspector in Punjab Police. • Rai Ahmad Raza Kharal is ideal for many youngsters. He is enjoying a good post in Sonex Tiles Company. • Chudhary Faisal Goraya(lamardar), Chudhary Farooque Warraich are also very famous. • Chudhary Shehbaz Goraya has been Vice-Chairman for 4years. • Chudhary Abubakar Goraya is Sub-Inspector in Punjab Police. • Dr. Naseem Mansha Goraya is first dentist from this village. • Dr. Sajjid Warraich is a young doctor from Harchoki Goraya. Zahid Masaud CHEEMA is recently elected general counsler from Harchoki Goraya. • Rai Tehseen Raza, Umar Javed Goraya and Rana Tukeel are also in Punjab Police[1]
- ↑ i am resident of Harchoki Goraya
- ↑ Goraya