Harklean Version

The Harklean version is an Aramaic language Bible translation by Thomas of Harqel completed in 616 AD in Egypt.

The version is partly based on the earlier Philoxenian version, partly a new and very literal translation from the Greek New Testament.[1]


  1. The Interpretation of the Bible: The International Symposium Jože Krašovec 1998 Page 496 "Ensuite, dans le monastère de l'Enaton à Alexandrie en 6l6, Thomas de Harqel retraduisit le Nouveau Testament en le révisant drastiquement sur un modèle grec. La lecture du colophon ne laisse point de doute que le texte de Philoxène a ..."

External links

The Harklean - Syriac Orthodox Resources. George Kiraz, Ph.D. 2001

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