Hazrat Syedna Mir Shujauddin Hussain Sahab

Hazrath Syedna Mir Shujauddin Hussain Sahab
Born Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India

Hazrath Syedna Mir Shujauddin Hussain Sahab or Shajuuddin Sahab or Shujauddin Sahab was an Indian Muslim, a sufi, a saint, born in the year 1191 Hijri corresponding to 1744 A. D. at Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, India in a religious family. He is referred to as Qutub-ul-Hind. His father, Hazrat Syed Kareem Ullah Bahadur was also a religious scholar. His mother name was Arifa Begum Sahiba.

Early life

He was two years old when his father died. His maternal grand father, Hazrat Khawaja Syed Mohammed Siddiq, took the responsibility of his upbringing. Under his guidance, he learnt basic Islamic knowledge and Arabic grammar. He completed the memorization of the holy Quran by the age of 12 years. He was 18 years old when he first went to perform Hajj. He came to Hyderabad in the year 1779 when Mir Akbar Ali Khan Sikander Jah, Asaf Jah III was the ruler. The Nizam was also a great devotee of Shahjuddin Sahab.

He came to Hyderabad in the year 1779 when Mir Akbar Ali Khan Sikander Jah, Asaf Jah III was the ruler. The Nizam was also a great devotee of Shahjuddin Sahab.

Hazrath Mir Shahjuddin Hussain Sahab left this mortal world in on 4th of Moharam, 1265 Hijri, corresponding to 31 November 1848 A.D. at the age of seventy four.[1]


Hazrat Qutub-ul-Hind wrote a number of books. Some of the books [2] written by him are as follows:


Khutabaat Juma

Munajaat Khatam Al Quran

Risala A Simaa

Risala Jabar O Khadar

Risala A Ehtalaam

Risala Sulook Qadriya Wa Naqshbandiya


His dargah is located at Edi Bazar, Hyderabad , Telangana , India. His annual urs is performed every year from 2nd to 5th Moharram.


  1. Madhu Vottery (2010). A Guide to the Heritage of Hyderabad. Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd. Retrieved 10 January 2015.
  2. "Books". shujaiya.
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