Helene J. Sinnreich

Helene Julia Sinnreich (born 1975) is Director of the Center for Judaic and Holocaust Studies at Youngstown State University.[1] She is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Jewish Identities.[2] She is Executive Director of the Ohio Council for Holocaust Education and served as a Charles H. Revson Foundation Fellow at the Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2007.[3] Dr. Sinnreich was a fellow at Yad Vashem in 2009.

Sinnreich received her Ph.D. in comparative history from Brandeis University in 2004.[1] Her areas of specialization are Holocaust history, Polish-Jewish history, and Nazi ghettoization policy. Her research focuses on the Łódź and Kraków ghettos. Sinnreich also researches rape and the Holocaust.[4]

Personal Life
Sinnreich is the daughter of Karen and Simon Sinnreich of Tampa, FL and was married on October 10, 2010 to Wesley Johnson Jr.[5] Dr. Sinnreich is mother to Nathan Maxwell Johnson born October 11, 2011.[6] Nathan was photographed in a widely distributed photograph with President Barack Obama on July 6, 2012.[7] The photograph has subsequently been made into a mural in Houston.


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