Herman Mashaba

Herman Mashaba
Born (1959-08-26) 26 August 1959
GaRamotse in Hammanskraal, Gauteng
Occupation entrepreneur
Political party Democratic Alliance

Herman Mashaba is a South African entrepreneur and founder of the company Black Like Me.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8] He is famous in South Africa for his life story.[9][10] Growing up and struggling against poverty and the Apartheid government to open his own hair business which became the biggest hair brand in South Africa making him a millionaire. His views are sought by journalists to gauge the response from the business community regarding South African government regulations.[11][12][13] He publicly backed Mmusi Maimane in the Democratic Alliance leadership race.[14][15] He also wrote the book Black Like You which is his autobiography.[16]

On the 10th of December 2015, Mashaba announced that he was making himself available as a Democratic Alliance candidate for Mayor of the City of Johannesburg.[17]He resigned his position as Chair of the Free Market Foundation before this announcement.

Early life and career

Mashaba was brought up in near-poverty in GaRamotse in Hammanskraal, Gauteng by his sisters while his absent domestic-worker mother worked long hours to provide what little she could.

His company, Black Like Me was launched on Valentine’s Day in 1985, with a R30 000 loan from Mashaba’s friend, businessman Walter Dube.[18]


In December 2015, Mashaba announced that he would accept a nomination to stand for Democratic Alliance candidate for Mayor of the City of Johannesburg.

Mashaba was interviewed by a Democratic Alliance panel on January 15, 2016, as one of two final candidates to stand as the party's City of Johannesburg Mayoral Candidate for the 2016 local government elections. South African Author, Associate Professor, Development Economist, and politician Rabelani Dagada was the other candidate interviewed by the panel. The party announced on January 16, 2016 that Mashaba had been selected by the panel as the preferred candidate to represent the party in the 2016 local government elections.[19]

See also


  1. ENCA News article about Herman Mashaba joining the Democratic Alliance. http://www.enca.com/south-africa/can-black-me-millionaire-mashaba-boost-da
  2. Economist article which mentions Herman Mashaba and his court case against the South African government wage law. http://www.economist.com/news/middle-east-and-africa/21601533-south-africa-better-place-1994-it-going-wrong
  3. Bloomberg description of CEO Herman Mashaba of Leswikeng Minerals & Energy Pty. Ltd with a 'Read Full Background' link for a complete history of him. http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/people/person.asp?personId=20592560&ticker=GRT:SJ
  4. BizNews article about Herman Mashaba's take on BEE, labour laws and education in South Africa. http://www.biznews.com/transformation/2015/05/26/herman-mashaba-on-bee-labour-laws-and-the-state-of-education/
  5. IOL.co.za Business Report artcile about Herman Mashaba's take on the South African governments job creation proposals. http://www.iol.co.za/business/companies/business-divided-over-industrialists-scheme-1.1841035#.VYsJKflViko
  6. Rand Daily Mail article mentioning Herman Mashaba. http://www.rdm.co.za/lifestyle/2015/05/27/to-which-side-do-you-part-your-hair
  7. Daily Maverick article criticizing Herman Mashaba's views. http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2015-06-01-unregulated-wages-the-curse-of-the-disposable-worker/#.VYsJH_lViko
  8. PoliticsWeb article about why Herman Mashaba is joining the DA. http://www.politicsweb.co.za/party/why-im-joining-the-da--herman-mashaba
  9. MWeb article about the top 10 South African entrepreneurs. Herman Mashaba is among them. http://www.mweb.co.za/Entrepreneur/ViewArticle/tabid/3162/Article/7017/Top-10-South-African-entrepreneurs.aspx
  10. Mail&Guardian article about Herman Mashaba and about his autobiography, Black Like You. http://mg.co.za/article/2012-08-17-00-capitalists-like-me-its-time-to-speak-truth-to-power
  11. Daily Maverick article about why Herman Mashaba opposes SA labor legislation. http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2013-04-22-herman-mashaba-scrap-the-licensing-of-businesses-bill-and-limit-bargaining-councils/#.VYsKkflViko
  12. MoneyWeb article about Herman Mashaba opposition to the labor broker ban law. http://www.moneyweb.co.za/archive/r-1307/
  13. Sowetan article about Herman Mashaba's take on South African labour law. http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/business-news/2012/06/04/labour-law-isn-t-right---herman-mashaba
  14. Daily Sun article about Herman Mashaba backing Mmusi Maimane for DA leader. http://www.dailysun.co.za/news/2015-05-01-herman-mashaba-backs-maimane
  15. Business Day magazine article about Herman Mashaba's support for the new DA leader Mmusi Maimane. http://www.bdlive.co.za/national/politics/2015/05/01/herman-mashaba-expresses-support-for-maimane
  16. Financial Times article about Mashaba and his autobiography. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/6a3ff646-10d3-11e3-b291-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3e0mX4D2j
  17. BusinessTech. "Black like Me founder Herman Mashaba to run for Joburg mayor in 2016". BusinessTech. Retrieved 10 December 2015.
  18. IOL.co.za The Star article about Mashaba's book Black Like You. http://www.iol.co.za/the-star/story-of-black-like-me-and-the-man-behind-it-1.1297341#.VYsMfflVikp
  19. http://www.news24.com/SouthAfrica/News/herman-mashaba-announced-as-das-joburg-mayoral-candidate-20160116

External links

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