
Heterographs are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently and have different meanings. They are also known as homophonic heterographs. English example sets are "there, their, and they're"; "your, you're, and yore", "its and it's"; and "here and hear".

For a full discussion of similar sets of words and their relationships, see homophone and heterography and homography.

Heterographs are an especially problematic case, in that spelling errors (in a word-processed or emailed document) due to the typist choosing the wrong member of a heterograph set will persist into the final document, even after spell-checking. This is because heterographs cannot be caught by a simple spell checker, which only inspects the word itself (i.e., which is correct in some contexts) and not the context it is in (which may indicate the need for a different spelling).


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