Hidayatullah (Islamic organization)

Hidayatullah is an Islamic organization in Indonesia.


Hidayatullah was founded on 7 January 1973 (2 Dzulhijjah 1392 Hijriah), by Ustadz Abdullah Said in Balikpapan as a form of pesantren (Islamic school, most of whom are boarders). From a pesantren, Hidayatullah was developed further with many activities such as social, mission, education and economy programs and spread to many regions. As of 2003, this institution had networks in 200 cities, in every province in Indonesia. By the first national meeting on July 9–13, 2000 in Balikpapan, Hidayatullah changed its form to a mass organization and declared itself as an Islamic Struggle Movement.


Hidayatullah was born when Muslims were awaiting the coming of a XV Hijriah century, believed to be the era of Islam resurrection. The main theme at that time was “Back to Qur'an and Sunnah.” Hidayatullah is a thought movement that tries to interpret “Back to Qur’an and Sunnah” more concretely, so, Al-Qur'an and Sunnah became a blueprint for Islam civilization development.

Hidayatullah believes that the setback of Muslems is mostly caused by a partial understanding of the universality of Islam. Each group takes the theme and program focus according to their partial view, and then even theme and program focus become a kind of group ideology. As an Islam mass organization that is based on cadre, Hidayatullah claims themselves to be an Islamic Struggle Movement (Al-Harakah Al-Jihadiyah Al-Islamiyah) with dakwah (mission) and tarbiyah (education) as main programs.


As a mass organization, membership of Hidayatullah is inclusive, and so its mission, vision, and movement basic concept. Hidayatullah makes its affiliates and related institutions autonomous and function as educational basic and member recruitment.

Hidayatullah is an institution for Moslems that want to realize their idealism to build Islamic society, refer to prophet method (manhaj nubuwwah). Hidayatullah is steadfast in its adherence to the Al Quran and Sunnah. Its obedience toward Allah and Muhammad is absolute; therefore all matters must be returned to Allah and Muhammad.

Hidayatullah leadership is built based on a prophet method that follows priority scale from the most principle (ushul) until the non-principle (furu’iyyah). While the main agenda that becomes focus work is: streamlining of aqidah, leadership and organization matters (tajdid); awareness brighten (tilawatu ayatillah); soul purify (tazkiyatun-nufus); instruction and education (ta’limatul-kitab wal-hikmah) going to the birth of leadership and best ummah.


Its mission is to realize society based on Al-Qur'an that free from thoughts, ism and attitude that allying Allah (syirik). The strengthen of sentence of tauhid “Laa ilaaha illallah” on earth · The executing of Syari’ah Islam by whole Muslims · Realization of the strength of Islam people in many life area · The birth of combatant cadre · Increase of standing, degree and prestige of the weak and oppressed onesTake role effectively in doing reform process (tajdid) in philosophy of Islam thought as basic for development of Islam civilization in the future · Prepare concept and strategy of struggle accurately · Prepare and build organizations of dakwah, education, social, politic, youth, female matters, and others that are strong, solid, modern and professional · Labouring and pushing the efforts on enhancing the quality of human resources.

Organization structure

Central Official Members consist of the Council of Sharia, the Council of Representatives (Syura) and the Central Executive Board. Sharia Council is the highest institute of organization, led by a chairman that also represents “imam” (leader) of Hidayatullah, called as General Leader. Council of Representatives represents observation institute for executive, this council consist of 25 members that are elected through national deliberation. General Leader ratifies Central Executive Board in national deliberation for 5 years duration.

Structures under Central Executive Board consist of Regional Executive Boards, Area Executive Boards (sub-province), Branch Executive Boards (district), and Subsection Executive Boards (sub-district). The chief of regional Executive Board downwards selected by deliberation in each level and have responsibility upwards and also to constituents.

Hidayatullah networks are supported by existence of 21 Regional Executive Boards and 194 Area Executive Boards. Of these, 51 are located in Java and 143 in outside of Java.

Its Chairman of Sharia Council is Abdurrahman Muhammad, while its Chairman of Syura is Abdul Qadir Jailani.

Hidayatullah Dakwah

Hidayatullah main program is dakwah (mission) and tarbiyah (education). Since its first step, Hidayatullah have sent students to do dakwah as part of education process. Existence of Hidayatullah in various places is an effort to build wide dakwah network and can reach and serve all levels of ummah. Hidayatullah tries to put da’i as “missionaries of Islam” so that the profile of da’i is ones who have excellent and militant characteristic and also have potency to build a balance civilization between earthly and eternity.

Since 1978 Hidayatullah have sent da’i around the country. Hidayatullah tries to enhance the quality of da’i by founding Religion College of Islam Lukman Al Hakim (STAIL) in Surabaya and Moslem Law Science College of Hidayatullah (STIS) in Balikpapan as education institutes for cadre of da’i. Because of profession of da’i more tend to dedication therefore Hidayatullah give full scholarship (expense of living cost and education) for students of STAIL and STIS with tenure pattern. In this way expected can be yielded da’i with stratum one qualification in education, dakwah and syariah who have militant soul, ready to be assigned entire Indonesia, expected can stay permanently, given subsidy for maximal 3 years or till they able to be economic performer where they are assigned.

Since year 1998 this cadre of da’i education institute have yielded and sent its grads to various area especially east and middle Indonesia. Every year Hidayatullah sends at least 150 da’i to many regions in Indonesia with 50 among them are stratum one grads from cadre of da’i education institute.

Hidayatullah education

In second 25 years step of Hidayatullah, education has a central and strategic role, especially when it is connected with effort to enhance human resources quality. It is caused by the realization for human standing and prestige increase and socialization of Islam values can be done only by high quality human resource.

According to Islam terminology, high quality human resource is human being capable to use all thinking and recitation potency inside himself or herself well balanced so that all domination of science, domination of technology and his/her skill give benefit to himself/herself, his/her environmental and world generally. Therefore, the development of human resource must be focused on the principles of tauhid and good behaviour without ignoring standing of intellectuality.

Hidayatullah introduces concept of integral Islam education and implement it in management of Hidayatullah schools from kindergarten until college level. The "integral" term shows a unity of all existing element, either faith and godly and science and technology, school and society, formal and non-formal, etc.

Hidayatullah education institute covers Kindergarten and Play Group, Elementary School or Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in almost all areas, Junior High School/Madrasah Tsanawiyah and Senior High School/Madrasah Aliyah at least in each region and 3 colleges in Surabaya, Balikpapan and Depok.

Beside Religion College of Islam Lukman Al Hakim (STAIL) in Surabaya and Moslem Law Science College of Hidayatullah (STIS) in Balikpapan as education institute for da'i cadre, Hidayatullah is starting Management Science College in Depok that is expected can yield grads that able to manage the Hidayatullah charitable efforts including economic efforts.


Hidayatullah pesantrens as does pesantrens in other places, have function as place to deepen science of religion. Pesantren with width of campus it had also have function as miniature or sample project to leadership and organized life in Islam. Besides dwelt by students who live in hostel, pesantren is also dwelt by teachers, nursemaid, organizer and jamaah of Hidayatullah that willing to live in pesantren in order to learn how to live in leadership and be organized.

With all limitation but with full seriousness, we try to strengthen syariah. Leadership is obeyed; obligation to do shalat, fast and tithe, charity and alms is intensified.

Hidayatullah and the weak people

Centre Education of Pious Child (Pusat Pendidikan Anak Shaleh - PPAS) is institution in the form of pesantren for orphans and poor children that place priority on growth of religious values through the reading of the Qur'an (tilawah), sanctifying of soul (tazkiyah), and studying (ta’limah). PPAS with its management have a multi-dimension characteristic for children; as substitute of parents, mini laboratory of life, and place to strengthen faith and enhance knowledge.

Aside from expectation to minimize economic inabilities, PPAS are expected to be able to produce cadres of combatant (mujahid) that will be ahead in the front line to straighten up the pennant of Islam.

The existence of more than 200 PPAS with averagely 150 orphans and poor children per PPAS is prove of the siding of Hidayatullah’s to the weak (dhu’afa) and the oppressed ones (mustadh’afin), the orphans and poor children. This is one of commitments that get primary attention since the beginning of Hidayatullah’s steps.

Baitul Maal Hidayatullah

Baitul Maal Hidayatullah (BMH) is an institute under Hidayatullah that have functions to manage funds of ummah’s zakat, infaq, shadaqah and waqaf. As embodiment from society and government to Hidayatullah, Baitul Maal Hidayatullah (BMH) have achieved confirmation as a national institute organizer of religious obligatory through decree of Republic Indonesia Religion Minister No. 538 year 2001.

BMH organizes fund property of ummah that entrusted to Hidayatullah to be channelled to empowerment of ummah, moving forward education institute and also social, moving forward mission of Islam, lessening the oppressed and weak. Now BMH have owned 30 representative offices and 144 partner networks.

Voice of Hidayatullah Magazine

Voice of Hidayatulah is one of business entity in Hidayatullah that is concentration in press. Initially, the magazine is only in the form of bulletin, masterpiece result of some student in pesantren Hidayatullah in Balikpapan. Considering what a strategic is dakwah through mass media, the bulletin continues to be developed.

Voice of Hidayatullah contains about dakwah dynamics and problems, either in Indonesia and also world. In it there is rubric interview popular figure, study of Al-Qur'an and Hadits, heroic story of struggle of da’i in various area all over the country, till the problem of family.

The magazine now reaches 60.000 exemplar. Its main office is in Surabaya.

Muslimat Hidayatullah (Mushida)

Representing Hidayatullah’s autonomous organization that has owned 15 official members of region in all over Indonesia. Mushida move in dakwah area, education and social focus on women, family and children empowerment.

Mushida’s vision is “Developing Qur’ani Families as Especial Bollard for Formed Tauhid Society”. To reach the vision, every program of Mushida flange to the forming of muslimah personal that is rahmatan lil ‘alamin, and build buttonhole of muslimah which have quality in supporting its role as personal, wife, mother and member of society.

Construction of members program in the form of activity of ceremony of ta’lim which executed routinely. More intensive construction executed through halaqah tarbiyah, leaning group that have member’s maximum 10 persons with determined curriculum.

Mushida Da’iyah Corps (KDM) is a division of Mushida that has duty to prepare da’iyah that will be bailed out straight in the society, and ever enhance quantity and quality of da’iyah through various activities of cadre and routine training.

In education, Mushida carry duty to develop Hidayatullah education institute in the level kindergarten, play group, Al-Qur’an education centre. Hidayatullah kindergarten, which has well management, trusted by society, become excellent, model to the other kindergartens in enhancement of teachers’ quality through routine training, management construction, publication of bulletin till providing teachers.

Cooperative of Hidayatullah

Inkophida is secondary cooperative that is becoming place of whole Hidayatullah cooperative network spread over Indonesia. Inkophida is founded in 1999 at Jakarta, and has achieve authentication from Minister of Cooperation and Empowerment of Small and Medium Industry dated 9 April 1999. Inkophida owns 9 co-operation centres in level of province and 142 primary co-operations in level of sub-province. Inkophida’s vision is to build ummah economy network with justice and profiting each other.

With provisions of experience and strength of network, Inkophida build various kinds of efforts both of being based on nature by exploiting local resource and potency, and also base on technology exploiting human resource had. Altogether in order to yielding and developing innovative products and services with high quality and also valuable in order to developing strong and self-supporting ummah economy.

Hidayatullah and empowerment of the rural people

Having been founded in East Kalimantan, Hidayatullah naturally has a great concern for the development of the remove areas of the province. This concern was behind the sending, since early 1980s, of da’i (religious teachers or preachers) to the hinterland. Most of the da’i have since built their own pesantren in areas where they were posted –this in addition to the continued effort of the Hidayatullah to develop boarding schools in whatever regions where there are none.

The province of Papua is another focus of attention of the Hidayatullah. Its da’is can be found in almost all cities and towns of the province, whose main activity is building the Islamic Boarding Schools for local children . The same drive of the Hidayatullah preachers could be said for those posted in East Timor before the territory’s independence from Indonesia.


Hidayatullah opened its membership on January 2001 for all adult Muslim, Becoming a member of Hidayatullah means taking part in a new wave of campaign to uphold the faith : Laa Ilaaha illallah – Muhammad.

Members are entitled to training and education that will result in the establishment of Hidayatullah cadres. They, in turn, are expected to give back to the society by bringing to it Islamic solutions to various problems.

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