Higher-dimensional gamma matrices

In mathematical physics, higher-dimensional gamma matrices generalize to arbitrary dimension the four-dimensional Gamma matrices of Dirac, which are a mainstay of relativistic quantum mechanics. They are utilized in relativistically invariant wave equations for fermions (such as spinors) in arbitrary space-time dimensions, notably in string theory and supergravity.

Consider a space-time of dimension d with the flat Minkowski metric,

 \eta = \parallel \eta_{a b} \parallel = \text{diag}(+1,-1, \dots, -1) ~,

where a,b = 0,1, ..., d−1. Set N= 2d/2⌋. The standard Dirac matrices correspond to taking d = N = 4.

The higher gamma matrices are a d-long sequence of complex N×N matrices \Gamma_i,\ i=0,\ldots,d-1 which satisfy the anticommutator relation from the Clifford algebra Cℓ1,d−1(R) (generating a representation for it),

 \{ \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_b \} = \Gamma_a\Gamma_b + \Gamma_b\Gamma_a = 2 \eta_{a b} I_N ~,

where IN is the identity matrix in N dimensions. (The spinors acted on by these matrices have N components in d dimensions.) Such a sequence exists for all values of d and can be constructed explicitly, as provided below.

The gamma matrices have the following property under hermitian conjugation,

 \Gamma_0^\dagger= +\Gamma_0 ~,~ \Gamma_i^\dagger= -\Gamma_i
~(i=1,\dots,d-1) ~.

Charge conjugation

Since the groups generated by Γa, −ΓaT, ΓaT are the same, we can look for a similarity transformation which connects them all. This transformation is generated by a respective charge conjugation matrix.

Explicitly, we can introduce the following matrices

 C_{(+)} \Gamma_a  C_{(+)}^{-1} = + \Gamma_a^T
 C_{(-)} \Gamma_a  C_{(-)}^{-1} = - \Gamma_a^T ~.

They can be constructed as real matrices in various dimensions, as the following table shows. In even dimension both C_\pm exist, in odd dimension just one.

d  C^*_{(+)}= C_{(+)}  C^*_{(-)}= C_{(-)}
 2  C^T_{(+)}=C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=1  C^T_{(-)}=-C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=-1
 3  C^T_{(-)}=-C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=-1
 4  C^T_{(+)}=-C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=-1  C^T_{(-)}=-C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=-1
 5  C^T_{(+)}=-C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=-1
 6  C^T_{(+)}=-C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=-1  C^T_{(-)}=C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=1
 7  C^T_{(-)}=C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=1
 8  C^T_{(+)}=C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=1  C^T_{(-)}=C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=1
 9  C^T_{(+)}=C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=1
 10  C^T_{(+)}=C_{(+)};~~~C^2_{(+)}=1  C^T_{(-)}=-C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=-1
 11  C^T_{(-)}=-C_{(-)};~~~C^2_{(-)}=-1

Symmetry properties

We denote a product of gamma matrices by

\Gamma_{abc \ldots} = \Gamma_a \cdot \Gamma_b \cdot \Gamma_c \cdots \

and note that the anti-commutation property allows us to simplify any such sequence to one in which the indices are distinct and increasing. Since distinct \Gamma_a anti-commute this motivates the introduction of an anti-symmetric "average". We introduce the anti-symmetrised products of distinct n-tuples from 0,...,d−1:

\Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_n} = \frac{1}{n!} \sum_{\pi \in S_n} \epsilon(\pi) \Gamma_{a_{\pi(1)}} \cdots \Gamma_{a_{\pi(n)}} ~,

where π runs over all the permutations of n symbols, and ϵ is the alternating character. There are 2d such products, but only N2 are independent, spanning the space of N×N matrices.

Typically, Γab provide the (bi)spinor representation of the d(d−1)/2 generators of the higher-dimensional Lorentz group, SO+(1,d−1), generalizing the 6 matrices σμν of the spin representation of the Lorentz group in four dimensions.

For even d, one may further define the hermitian chiral matrix

 \Gamma_\text{chir}=  i^{d/2-1}    \Gamma_0 \Gamma_1 \dots \Gamma_{d-1} ~,

such that {Γchir , Γa} = 0 and Γchir2=1. (In odd dimensions, such a matrix would commute with all Γas and would thus be proportional to the identity, so it is not considered.)

A Γ matrix is called symmetric if

 ( C \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_n} )^T = +  ( C \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_n} ) ~;

otherwise, for a − sign, it is called antisymmetric. In the previous expression, C can be either  C_{(+)} or  C_{(-)} . In odd dimension, there is no ambiguity, but in even dimension it is better to choose whichever one of  C_{(+)} or  C_{(-)} allows for Majorana spinors. In d=6, there is no such criterion and therefore we consider both.

d C Symmetric Antisymmetric
 3  C_{(-)}  \gamma_{a}  I_2
 4  C_{(-)}  \gamma_{a} ~,~ \gamma_{a_1 a_2}  I_4 ~,~  \gamma_\text{chir} ~,~ \gamma_\text{chir} \gamma_a
 5  C_{(+)}  \Gamma_{a_1 a_2}  I_4 ~,~  \Gamma_a
 6  C_{(-)}  I_8 ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_{a_1 a_2} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3}  \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir}~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2}
 7  C_{(-)}  I_8 ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3}  \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2}
 8  C_{(+)}  I_{16} ~,~ \Gamma_{a} ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir}\Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_4}  \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2} ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_{a_1 a_2} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3}
 9  C_{(+)}  I_{16} ~,~ \Gamma_{a} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_4} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_5}  \Gamma_{a_1 a_2} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3}
 10  C_{(-)}  \Gamma_{a} ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2}
~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_4}  ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_5}  I_{32} ~,~ \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_{a_1 a_2} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3}
~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_4}  ~,~  \Gamma_\text{chir} \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3}
 11  C_{(-)}  \Gamma_a ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_5}  I_{32} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 a_2 a_3} ~,~ \Gamma_{a_1 \dots a_4}

Example of an explicit construction in the chiral basis

The Γ matrices can be constructed recursively, first in all even dimensions, d= 2k, and thence in odd ones, 2k+1.

d = 2

Using the Pauli matrices, take

 \gamma_0= \sigma_1 ~,~ \gamma_1= -i \sigma_2

and one may easily check that the charge conjugation matrices are

 C_{(+)}= \sigma_1 = C_{(+)}^* = s_{(2,+)} C_{(+)}^T = s_{(2,+)} C_{(+)}^{-1}  \qquad  s_{(2,+)}=+1
 C_{(-)}= i \sigma_2 = C_{(-)}^* = s_{(2,-)} C_{(-)}^T = s_{(2,-)} C_{(-)}^{-1}  \qquad  s_{(2,-)}=-1 ~.

One may finally define the hermitian chiral γchir to be

 \gamma_\text{chir}= \gamma_0 \gamma_1 = \sigma_3 = \gamma_\text{chir}^\dagger ~.

Generic even d = 2k

One may now construct the Γa , (a=0, ... , d+1), matrices and the charge conjugations C(±) in d+2 dimensions, starting from the γa' , ( a' =0, ... , d−1), and c(±) matrices in d dimensions.


 \Gamma_{a'} = \gamma_{a'} \otimes \sigma_3  ~~~(a'=0, \dots, d-1)~,~~~ \Gamma_{d} = I \otimes (i \sigma_1)~,~~~ \Gamma_{d+1}= I \otimes (i \sigma_2) ~.

One may then construct the charge conjugation matrices,

 C_{(+)} = c_{(-)} \otimes \sigma_1 ~, \qquad  C_{(-)} = c_{(+)} \otimes (i \sigma_2) ~,

with the following properties,

 C_{(+)}= C_{(+)}^* = s_{(d+2,+)} C_{(+)}^T = s_{(d+2,+)} C_{(+)}^{-1}  \qquad  s_{(d+2,+)}= s_{(d,-)}
 C_{(-)}= C_{(-)}^* = s_{(d+2,-)} C_{(-)}^T = s_{(d+2,-)} C_{(-)}^{-1}  \qquad  s_{(d+2,-)}=-s_{(d,+)}  ~.

Starting from the sign values for d=2, s(2,+)=+1 and s(2,−)=−1, one may fix all subsequent signs s(d,±) which have periodicity 8; explicitly, one finds

 d=8 k  d=8 k+2  d=8 k+4  d=8 k+6
 s_{(d,+)} +1 +1 1 1
 s_{(d,-)} +1 1 1 +1

Again, one may define the hermitian chiral matrix in d+2 dimensions as

 \Gamma_\text{chir}=  \alpha_{d+2} \Gamma_0 \Gamma_1 \dots \Gamma_{d+1} =  \gamma_\text{chir} \otimes \sigma_3
~,~~~~~~ \alpha_d= i^{d/2-1} ~,

which is diagonal by construction and transforms under charge conjugation as

 C_{(\pm)} \Gamma_\text{chir} C_{(\pm)}^{-1} = \beta_{d+2} \Gamma_\text{chir}^T
~~~~~~~~ \beta_d= (-)^{d(d-1)/2} ~.

It is thus evident that {Γchir , Γa} = 0.

Generic odd d = 2k + 1

Consider the previous construction for d−1 (which is even) and simply take all Γa (a=0, ..., d−2) matrices, to which append its chirΓd−1. (The i is required in order to yield an antihermitian matrix, and extend into the spacelike metric).

Finally, compute the charge conjugation matrix: choose between  C_{(+)} and  C_{(-)} , in such a way that Γd−1 transforms as all the other Γ matrices. Explicitly, require

 C_{(s)} \Gamma_\text{chir} C_{(s)}^{-1} = \beta_{d} \Gamma_\text{chir}^T = s \Gamma_\text{chir}^T ~.

As the dimension d ranges, patterns typically repeat themselves with period 8. (cf. the Clifford algebra clock.)

See also


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