Hilyat al-Muttaqin

Hilyat al-Muttaqin (Persian: حلیه المتقین)

Front cover of Hilyat al-Muttaqin
Author Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi
Language Persian
Media type Book

Hilyat al-Muttaqin (The adornment of the God-fearing, Arabic: حلیه المتقین) is a Hadith book of Muhammad Baqir al-Majlisi. This work is written in Persian about Islamic morality, instructions and traditions.[1][2][3]

The aim of writing

According to book's foreword, it was written because of a group of Muslims asked Majlisi to write a Persian book in the Islamic morality, instructions and traditions from the hadith of Ahl al-Bayt.[4][3]

Date of writing

According a manuscript, the date of writing of this work is 1671,[5] But in another book has been mentioned to 1668-9.[6]

Content and chapters

The book has 14 chapters about individual and collective morality and some Fiqh rulings, Duasand practices and had an extra chapter about some etiquette miscellaneous and their benefits. The titles of chapters are mentioned below:[3]

See also


  1. Josef W. Meri. Medieval Islamic Civilization: An Encyclopedia. Routledge. p. 460.
  2. The Cambridge History of Iran, Volume 6. Cambridge University Press. p. 694.
  3. 1 2 3 Abdul Karim Paknia Tabrizi. Introduction to reliable sources of Shia:Hilyat al-Muttaqin (PDF).
  4. Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir. Hilyat al-Muttaqin 1. p. 2.
  5. Agha Bozorg Tehrani. Al-Dhari'ah ila tasanif al-Shia 7. p. 83.
  6. Andrew J. Newman. Society and Culture in the Early Modern Middle East: Studies on Iran in the Safavid Period. Brill. p. 394.
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