Himansu Sekhar Fatesingh

Himansu Sekhar Fatesingh
Born (1972-02-20)20 February 1972
Khordha, Odisha
Language Odia
Nationality Indian
Ethnicity Odia
Citizenship Indian
Education MSc
Genre Popular Science
Notable awards Prakruti Bandhu Award
Spouse Milphar Jema

Himansu Sekhar Fatesingh is a freelance Science writer, coloumnist, book author, broadcaster, researcher from Odisha.He hasI have been contributing regularly to a variety of prominent Oriya news papers and magazines since 1993. Over the past one and half decade, he has written more than 700 stories on science and environment for various news papers and magazines. He has also contributed to several radio programmes. He is the author of 22 books on popular science . He is the life Member of 17 organizations including Indian Science Writers’ Association (ISWA), New Delhi and National Centre for Science Communicators (NCSC), Mumbai. As a researcher in science communication he has presented 16 research papers on science and environment communication in various national and international conferences. He has had privillege of participating the Media 21 workshop on climate Change-III held in Geneva followed by a fieldtrip to Songhai, Benin. He has been awarded with seven awards for his outstanding efforts towards science communication.

Early Life and Education

Fatesingh was born on February 1972 at Baligadia near Jankia in undivided Puri district of Odisha in India.Now this place belongs to Khordha district of Odisha. He was the elder son of Rama Chandra Fatesingh and Sakuntala Fatesingh. He had primary education at Khardoli LP school and Ghumar UP school in koraput district of Odisha where his father used to work as a teacher. Later he came back to his native village where he was brought up by his grand father Raghunath Fatesingh and Grand Mother Chandramani Fatesingh. He successfully completed matriculation from Bhagabata Dev Vidyapitha, Jankia in 1987. He completed +2 science from K.B.D.A.V College at Nirakarpur, which was around 6 kilometer from his native place. Later he acquired bachelor and master degree in science.

Literary Activities

Over 500 articles, stories, feature, interviews written in leading newspapers and magazines which include The Samaj, Prajatantra, Sambad, Dharitri, Khabar, Nandankanan, Sansar, Jhumuka, Utkal Prasanga, Bigyan Diganta, Bigyanaloka, Bigyan Madupa, Rastrdeep, Amari Saty, Yojana, Science Reporter, Reader’s Club Bulletin etc.


  1. Dwarf Planets, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2013)
  2. The Sun, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2013)
  3. Our Planet Earth, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2013)
  4. The story of Asteroids, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2013)
  5. The story of Comets, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2013)
  6. The story of Saturn, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2013)
  7. The story of Jupiter, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2012)
  8. Solar Energy, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2012)
  9. The story of Internet, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2012)
  10. The story of Venus, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2012)
  11. Robot, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2011)
  12. The Story of the Mars, Sunapila Publication, Odisha (2011)
  13. The Story of the Moon, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2011)
  14. Measuring Devices, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack, Odisha (2011)
  15. Astronomy Quiz Grantha Mandira, Cuttack (2011)
  16. Our Missiles, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack (2010)
  17. Artificial Materials, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack (2010)
  18. The story of Stars, Sunapila Publication, Cuttack (2010)
  19. Chemistry Quiz Grantha Mandira, Cuttack (2007)
  20. Disease Causing Insects, Deepack Publication, Cuttack (2006)
  21. Physics Quiz, Part1 & Part-2, Grantha Mandira, Cuttack (2005)
  22. Mathematics Quiz, Grantha Mandira, Cuttack, Odisha (2004)


42 radio programme broadcast from AIR Cuttack and Sambalpur

Research Activities

Mr. Fatesingh has presented research papers in several national and international conferences. The list has been given as below.

  1. 7th National Teachers’ Science Conference, Faridabad, Haryana Dec, 2013
  2. International Conference on Science Communication for scientific Temper, New Delhi Jan-2012
  3. 6th National Teacher’s Science Conference, Banaras, U.P. Nov-2011
  4. 4th Science Communicator’s Meet, Chennai Jan- 2011
  5. 11th Public Communication of Science & Technology, New Delhi Dec-2010
  6. 5th National Teachers’ Science Conference, Bhubaneswar,Odisha Oct. 2009
  7. 8th Indian Science Communication Congress, Chennai, India Dec-2008
  8. 4th National Teachers’ Science Conference, Dehradoon Sept-2007
  9. 6th National Science Communication Congress, Ahmedabad- Dec-2006
  10. National seminar on science Communication, Khajuraho Nov-2006
  11. National Seminar on Science Communication, Chitrakoot- Nov-2005
  12. National Teacher’s Science Conference, Mysore Jan-2005
  13. 2nd National Teacher’s Science Conference, Ujjaini Oct-2004
  14. 1st National Hindi Science Congress, New Delhi Feb-2004
  15. 1st National Teacher’s Science Conference, Bhopal Sept- 2003
  16. 3rd National Science Communication Congress, Vishakhapatnam- Aug-2003

Awards and Fellowships

Mr. Fatesingh has been awarded with a number of awards and fellowships for his outstanding efforts towards science popularization communication activities. The list of awards and fellowships has been given below.

  1. Shishu Sahitya Samman, Keonjhar, Odisha Oct. 2012
  2. Fellowship awarded to participate and cover Equinox Summit : Energy-2030 held by WSGI, Waterloo, Canada 2011
  3. Fellowship awarded to attend 98 th Indian Science Congress, Chennai Jan, 2011
  4. Prakriti Bandhu Award, Govt of Odisha, India 2010
  5. Prof. Gopinath Prasad Mohanty Award for Science Popularization, Bigyan Prachar Samiti, Cuttack, Odisha, India 2009
  6. Fellowship received to participate International Federation of Environment Journalist (IFEJ) Conference, New Delhi, Oct28-30, 2009
  7. Fellowship received to participate Media 21 Workshop on Climate change held in Geneva, Switzerland June–July,2008
  8. Fellowship awarded to present research paper in 10th Public Communication of Science & Technology, Copenhagen, Denmark June, 2008
  9. Awarded as Friend of The Earth by the Earth Matters Foundation, New Delhi (2008)
  10. Shiksha Pradeep Samman at Cuttack, Odisha 2007
  11. ISWA National Award for science popularization and communication at Ahmedabad Dec, 2006
  12. Shishu Sahitya Award, Shrikhetra Shishu Sahitya Sansad, Puri, Odisha Dec.2006
  13. Sukumar- Sunanda Science Popularization Award, Bigyan Prachar Samiti, Cuttack, Odisha, India 2005
  14. Membership to Research Board of Advisors of American Biographical Institute, USA 2001
  15. Fellowship received to participate 1st International Conference for Science Communicators,(ICSC) Mumbai Jan, 2000

Professional Memberships

  1. Internet Society (ISOC), Geneva (Switzerland), Reston(USA) ID80073
  2. Indian Science Writers’ Association, New Delhi
  3. National Centre for Science Communicators, Mumbai
  4. All India Juvenile Literary Conference, Kolkata
  5. Eco-Ethics International Union, Germany[1]
  6. Indian Science News Association, Kolkata
  7. Research and Media Network
  8. Saturn Observation Campaign, JPL, NASA, USA

And 14 State level organizations on science and literature


External links

  1. http://researchandmedia.ning.com/profile/HIMANSUSEKHARFATESINGH?xg_source=activity
  2. http://www.ifaj.org/freelancers/details/page/1/detail/207.html#http://biodiversitymedia.ning.com/profile/HimansuSekharFatesingh
  3. http://www.environmentaljournalists.org/images/Public%20Perception%20of%20Climate%20Change%20in%20India%20-%20presented%20by%20Himansu%20Sekhar%20%20Fatesingh.pdf
  4. http://wikimapia.org/19560266/Fatesingh-H-S
  5. http://www.scaaabbsr.com/members.html
  6. http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/education/scientistforaday12thedition/international/countries/
  7. http://ejs-in-india.wikidot.com/
  8. http://www.iscos.org/notices/hsci2009-programme.pdf
  9. http://www.pcst-jakarta2013.org/#!parallel/c1olh
  10. http://en.netlog.com/himansusekharfatesingh
  11. http://nopr.niscair.res.in/bitstream/123456789/7447/1/SR%2047%281%29%20%28Fun%20Quiz%29.pdf
  12. http://www.yasni.info/ext.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.environmentaljournalists.org%2FEJs_Congress2009_103.htm&name=Himansu+Sekhar+Fatesingh&showads=1&lc=en-us&lg=en&rg=us&rip=in
  13. https://twitter.com/himansu36
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