Hino Rio-Grandense

Hino Rio-Grandense
English: Anthem of Rio Grande do Sul

State anthem of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
Also known as Hino Farroupilha
English: Farroupilha anthem
Lyrics Francisco Pinto da Fontoura, 1966
Music Joaquim José Mendanha, Ragamuffin War[1]
Adopted January 5, 1966

Music sample
Hino Rio-Grandense

Hino Rio-Grandense is the official anthem of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Its melody was composed by Joaquim José Mendanha, with lyrics by Francisco Pinto da Fontoura and harmonization by Antonio Corte Real. The anthem's current lyrics were adopted on January 5, 1966.[2]


Portuguese lyricsEnglish translationEnglish version
First chorus

Como a aurora precursora
Do farol da divindade
Foi o vinte de setembro
O precursor da liberdade

Mostremos valor, constância
Nesta ímpia e injusta guerra
Sirvam nossas façanhas
De modelo a toda terra
De modelo a toda terra
Sirvam nossas façanhas
De modelo a toda terra

Like the precursory dawn
At the lighthouse of divinity
It was the twentieth of September
The precursor of liberty

Let us show value, constancy
In this impious, unfair war
Let our prowess serve
As a model to every land
As a model to every land
Let our prowess serve
As a model to every land

Like the shining pioneer dawn
From the beacon of divinity
Was September the twentieth
The herald of our Liberty

Let us show then valor, constancy
In this impious, injust war
May our prowess serve us
As a model for the world (for the world)
For the whole world may our prowess be a model
Be a model for the whole world
Second chorus

Mas não basta pra ser livre
Ser forte, aguerrido e bravo
Povo que não tem virtude
Acaba por ser escravo

Mostremos valor, constância
Nesta ímpia e injusta guerra
Sirvam nossas façanhas
De modelo a toda terra
De modelo a toda terra
Sirvam nossas façanhas
De modelo a toda terra

But, to be free, it is not enough
To be strong, fearless and brave
(For) People without virtue
Ends up being enslaved

Let us show value, constancy
In this impious, unfair war
Let our prowess serve
As a model to every land
As a model to every land
Let our prowess serve
As a model to every land

But it won't suffice to be free
Being strong, bold and brave
People lacking virtue
Is fated to be enslaved

Let us show then valor, constancy
In this impious, injust war
May our prowess serve
As a model for the world (for the world)
For the whole world may our prowess be a model
Be a model for the whole world


  1. MTG HISTÓRIA DO HINO RIO-GRANDENSE http://www.mtg.org.br/historiadors/257
  2. Rio Grande do Sul State Law n. 5213, of January 5, 1966. http://pt.wikisource.org/wiki/Lei_Estadual_do_Rio_Grande_do_Sul_5213_de_1966

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