List of historical classifications

Historical classification groups the various history topics into different categories according to subject matter as shown below.


By geographic region

By geographic subregion

By date

By time period

See also Periodization.

By religion

By nation

By field

Mathematics and the Hard sciences

Social sciences

By ideological classification (historiography)

Although there is arguably some intrinsic bias in history studies (with national bias perhaps being the most significant), history can also be studied from ideological perspectives, which practitioners feel are often ignored, such as:

A form of historical speculation known commonly as counterfactual history has also been adopted by some historians as a means of assessing and exploring the possible outcomes if certain events had not occurred or had occurred in a different way. This is somewhat similar to the alternate history genre in fiction.

Lists of false or dubious historical resources and historical myths that were once popular and widespread, or have becomes so, have also been prepared.

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